Chapter 5

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Castiel had been so caught up in rush hour he hadn't noticed his shift was over an hour ago. He quickly would spin around and throw the receipt as Dean carelessly and continue working, he was in his own world, no one could bother him.

"Castiel?" Dean poked him between the shoulder blades, making Castiel jump in surprise.
"I'm busy." Castiel uttered,
sharply turning away and finishing up the order and handing it to the customer.

"Come here." Dean grabbed Castiels shirt by the collar and walked to the back room.

"There's customers out there!" Castiel glared at Dean, "this better be important."

"Yeah. It is. You've been rude and snotty ever since I started working here, maybe I did something, but you're being a jerk! So fine, you want to play dirty? It's on." Dean let go of his shirt and stormed out of the back room, fuming with anger and frustration. He just wanted to be some kind of friends with the employee, but it was obviously bullshit to Castiel.

"Oh heavens.." Castiel rested his forehead in the palm of his hand. "I've messed up again." He walked out shortly after Dean, but he could feel Deans angry glare locked on him.
A few hours passed, Castiel's cheeks hot with embarrassment and nervousness; Dean's glare locked on him in the most confusing way.

"Thanks for the extra help Castiel, the shop was super busy today." Sam smiled at Castiel as he waved goodbye and exited the building. Now it was just Sam, Dean.. and.. Gabriel..

"Saaaaaam!" Gabriel whined playfully," When are you donnnnnnnneee?" He threw himself back into the floor and pouted. Sam rolled his eyes, laughing quietly before ducking behind the counter then coming back up and throwing a cherry sucker at Gabe. "Eat that and be quiet." Sam went back to shutting everything off and cleaning the coffee machines. Gabriel happily popped the sucker into his mouth and getting up and sitting on the counter that Sam was cleaning. "I'm bored." Sam stalked over to the younger male and pushed Gabriel by his legs , "go play with Dean then." He said as he turned around and cleaned the back counter.

"How about.. you stay where you are and don't move because your jeans are looking nice on you in this lighting." Gabriel giggled and popped the sucker back in his mouth.

"Gabe.. can't your weird flirtation fetish wait until we're home? Deans here." Sam's cheeks were bright red now, "we're not.. together Gabe... or like.... a couple."
Sam turned around and glared at Gabriel, who shrunk back and got off the counter, he rubbed the back of his neck as he took the sucker out of his mouth and threw it away.

"Yeah, I know, you tell me all the time.. rub it in my face. Im walking home.." Gabriel turned and walked out without saying another word.

"Screwed that up." Dean laughed at Sam. "It's not funny Dean I live with him! He's my freaking roommate! I just emotionally punched him in the face!" Sam groaned and shook his head, "here's the spare key to the shop, lock up, all the machines and doors besides the front one is locked." Sam took off his apron and name tag and picked up his bag and computer and left in a hurry.

"He's so going to be calling me later about Gabriel." Dean mumbled as he too, locked up the shop and left to his apartment, leaving the coffee house with a low huff.

Oops, I fell in love (coffee shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now