Chapter 18(Destiel Smut)

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By the time they were up, it was 1:45 in the afternoon, good thing there was no work today.
"Dean I gotta use the restroom." Castiel whined as Dean kept his hold
on Castiel. "No." Dean mumbled through Castiels shirt as he nuzzled his head into Castiels shoulder. "Yes!" Castiel whined again, then twisted around, and licked Deans cheek, "EW!" Dean screamed, horrified and literally jumped off the couch. "YOU LICKED ME!" Castiel smiled and got up to go to the bathroom. "I do what I have to." He yelled through the door.

They both finally got ready for the day, Dean looked at the time, dang it got late fast.

"Dean, where are we going?" Castiel asked as they got into the Impala, "it's a secret." Dean smiled, they started the Impala and drove to their destination. Dean got out, and soon so did a very cautious Castiel. "Dean? Where are we?" Castiel asked, but soon saw a reflection of millions of stars, "We're at a lake.. my parents used to take me here." Dean muttered, "and I thought I should bring you here 'cause... Iloveyou.." Dean rubbed the back of his neck, not one for sappy chick-flick moments. "Hm what was that, Dean?" Castiel looked at him, obviously he just wanted the satisfaction of hearing Dean say it loud and clear.
"Casssss, don't make me say it." Dean whined, "oh so you don't love me?" Castiel pretended to be offended, "wait no! That's not what I meant.." Dean shuffled his feet in the dirt and grass awkwardly. "I thought you loved me." Castiel frowned, still pouting trying to get him to say it.
"Come here." Dean pulled Castiel by the wrist and climbed onto the front of the Impala with him. "I love you." Dean said clearly.
Castiel smiled at him, "I love you too." He reached up to Deans face and kissed him softly on the lips and laid down, staring up at the stars. Dean let out a happy quiet sigh.
Dean spent about thirty minutes pointing out constellations and talking about the stories behind him, Castiel didn't really listen, he just stared at the reflected stars in Deans eyes, candy apple green eyes sparkling with pride as he went on about the stars and the lake.
"Which star is your favorite Cas?" Dean looked at him, "The Little Dipper!" He squeaked as pointed at it, "y'know which one is my favorite?" Dean scooted closer to Castiel, so that Castiels legs were under Deans, "this one." He pointed at Castiel and smiled, not a smile of anger or sarcasm which was what it was with everyone else, but rather a smile of pure joy, a thousand stars dancing around his pupils the beautiful mixture of greens swirled around each other. Dean pulled Castiels face to his and kiss him gently, and immediately Deans thoughts got a little extreme, all he wanted to do was strip down Castiel and himself and push his boyfriend against his Impala and make him say his name so loud heaven would be able to hear.
"Ccaaaass.." Dean mumbled as Castiel deepened the kiss to a more passionate long kiss. "Dean?" Castiel pulled away and held both of Deans hands. "You'll love me forever right?" Castiel gazed into his eyes.
"No." Dean replied and Castiels heart sunk to the depths of the ocean. Dean said more, "I'll love you longer than forever, for eternity and beyond this life." Dean smiled, as he saw Castiels face brighten up once again.
"DEAN!" He whined, "DONT DO THATTT!" He threw himself down and whimpered, "I thought you were gonna say NO!" He wiggled around.
Dean chuckled, an tried to hug Castiel, but he wouldn't stop squirming.
"Cassss stop moving!" He tried to make him stay still.
"Make me." Castiel looked at him, his voice suddenly became a lot deeper and huskier.
"You asked for it." Dean pinned Castiels hands above his head to the windshield, and drew closer to Castiels lips, his warm breath ghosting over Castiels face, finally after teasing him he kissed him deeply, his legs falling between Castiels. Dean bit Castiels lip, earning a moan of pleasure from him, who had wrapped his legs around Deans waist and had gotten one of his hands lose and under Deans shirt. Dean covered Castiels jaw with kisses then went down to his neck, striking a sweet spot, a long lustful moan escaping Castiels throat, which hummed in his chest. Dean let go of Castiel and straddled him, pulling Castiel onto his lap, Deans hands made their way down to Castiels waist, their chests were pushed together and their hands explored each other, moans and hums of excitement filling the air around them.
Castiel broke a long kiss, gasping slightly as Deans hand brushed his growing erection. Dean took notice of it very quickly and did it couple more times, before slowly pulling Castiels long too-big-for-him trench coat off of him and then began to fumble with his shirt. Castiel had already managed to pull off Deans shirt, soon, Castiel had  somehow flipped their positions, now having Dean pushed to the wind shield, purple bruises covering his neck and collarbone, Dean growled through another passionate kiss, trying  to unbutton his and Castiels pants.
"C-casss.." Dean breathed out, unintentionally bucking his hips as Castiel rubbed against Deans erection, leaving him in a fit of moans and pleads for Castiel to dominate him. "Mmm.." Castiel smirked, "why don't we take this inside?" Castiel pulled Dean by his arm into the back of the Impala.
Dean been able to keep himself
on top of Castiel. Castiels wings were curled around Deans back, brushing against him and shaking slightly, Dean had figured out quite a while ago that new-born feathers on angels wings were sensitive. He stroked Castiels right wing, his tongue running through the smooth feathers, Castiel groaned, rolling his hips against Deans, whimpering when Dean gently bit his wing, pulling on the feathers. Soon after only a thin layer of clothes separated them. Castiel was whimpering and squirming under him, becoming impatient. "Be patient angel.." Dean teased, his lips pressed against Castiels ear, biting it gently, a breath of bliss escaping Castiel.
"dean.." Castiel looked almost incoherent, his pupils dilated with pleasure as Dean continued to stroke his wings. Finally after minutes of teasing, Dean slid off his and Castiels underwear, Castiels nails dug into the seat of the Impala as Dean inserted a finger, then two, earning a surprised gasp from Castiel. Dean stopped for a good 30 seconds grabbing something out of the front seat, he slicked himself with it before pushing into Castiel, his knees nearly gave out, all Dean heard was the sound of Castiel moaning/screaming his name beneath him as Dean continued to strike Castiels prostrate. His lips covering Castiels neck, branding every part of skin he could reach. He ran his fingers down Castiels chest, resting them on his hips, thrusting deeper and deeper.
"Ah-oh..-Dean.." Castiel breathed out, his hips rolling against Deans, he whimpered, and with that barely formed sentence it drove Dean over the edge, reaching his climax, coming into Castiel, with a moan of pain and lust. Dean pulled out of Castiel, collapsing on top of Castiel, before he knew it they were in their shirts and underwear and at home in bed. "Good luck walking tomorrow at work Cas." Dean laughed quietly, sliding one arm under Castiels waist and draping the other over him, Castiel pressed against Dean, his wings hanging over both of them as they drifted off to sleep.

So I'm getting help from a close friend, please go follow them pleaaaase! Aightdestiel !!! They helped me a lot with this :)

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