Chapter 8

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Dean woke up the next morning to an alarm blaring in his ear, he was so tired and sore from yesterday, he wasn't even sure why, but he managed to pull himself up and walk to the kitchen without tripping over anything. 'Knock knock' Dean turned to the door, who was at his apartment at 7:45 in the morning? He walked to the door and opened it, but no one was there, a vibrant red bow managed to catch his eye, he looked down to see a small box with lace on it, he bent down and picked it up, and closed the door behind him. "Who..?" He couldn't figure out who sent this to him, was it Bobby? No, the hand writing looked familiar, Dean got up and went to him room, he opened his top drawer and pulled out the note from Castiel and walked back to his couch where the little box was, he compared the hand writing, almost exactly the same, had Castiel bought him something? He cautiously opened it and looked down to the small little necklace that rested in the bottom of the box, Dean lifted it out, but was mistaken, it wasn't a necklace, it was a leather bracelet with the words 'date?' Printed onto them, Dean put it on, and stared at it for a good ten minutes, it was really beautiful. He heard his phone go off, he quickly picked it up and answered, "hello?" Dean sighed, "yes I know I'm gonna be late Sam cut me some slack," he hung up before Sam finished scolding him, he got ready and headed to work.
When he got there, Castiel was waiting by the door with his eyes locked on the ground beneath him, Dean decided to be a little sneaky today and ran and hid behind a car, before sneaking up behind Castiel and grabbing him by the waist, making him practically jump out of his skin as he stumbled back then fell, his face as white as snow from fear."DEAN!" He whined, sitting on the ground, "don't do that!" He sniffled, tears threatened to spill down his cheeks, why was he crying? "Whoa-, hey Cas I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." Dean kneeled down next to him and rubbed his back, "on a different note, I have this," Dean outstretched his arm in front of Cas, showing him the bracelet, his face brightened up suddenly, "oh, yeah.." Castiel laughed nervously, " uh.. so?" Cas turned to looked at Dean and waited for an answer, his eyes wide with hope, "sure why not?" Dean smiled and helped Castiel up, "when?" Castiel shrugged, "how about tonight?" He looked at Dean, "sure." He smiled, "I know where we can go to eat, it's really good, but it's a surprise so I have to pick you up." Dean looked at Cas, and Castiel nodded, you have my number right?" Dean nodded, "Sam gave it to me." "Alright I'll text you my address then." Dean watched Castiel turn to leave, "wait what time Cas?" He turned to Dean, "7:00." Without anymore hesitation, Dean grabbed Castiels wrist and kissed him, his lips were so warm, but he suddenly broke it apart and looked at Castiel before darting inside, his heart was racing, what the hell did he just do?

He sat inside the kitchen, his head in his hands as he groaned, what had just happened? He may of ruined a perfect friendship between him and Cas.. oh no, tonight is going to be awkward..

   Dean avoided talking to Castiel for about two hours until Castiel grabbed Dean and pulled him into the kitchen, his eyes narrowed with confusion and amusement.
  "Why are you ignoring me?" Castiel looked at him.

  "You aren't bothered that I kissed you?" Dean looked at him.

  "Not in the slightest," Cas smiled, his grip still on Deans sleeve. "Lets not get too feisty back here." Dean laughed nervously. "Deeeean.." Castiel frowned, his eyes filling with tears. "Are you okay Cas? What's going on?" Dean lifted Castiels face to his own a played smile of trickery on Castiels face, and in that moment, Cas smashed his lips into Deans.
  "Wh-.." Dean managed to say, at first he wanted to push away, but Castiel was slipping his hands to the hems of Deans shirt and his warm touch made Dean melt. "Caaa-" Dean mumbled as Cas passionately kissed him, his hands caught in Deans shirt.

  Dean looped his fingers around the denim loops on Castiels pants, bringing him closer to him so their chests were breathing in sync as they kissed each other.
  "Mmm.." Castiel broke the long kiss, laughing quietly, "What?" Dean looked at him. "There's a camera in here." Castiel burst out laughing, clearly not concerned with it. "WHAT?!" Dean started to panic. "Mhmm, so now Sam is gonna find out about Us." Castiel brushed his lips against Deans bottom lip teasingly, bitting his own bottom lip and looking into Deans green emerald eyes. "Cas, you're such a tease!" Dean pushed him away playfully and looked at him before leaving the kitchen.

  "Hey Sam!" Castiel called happily, "can you check the cameras in the kitchen, I think it's broken." Castiel giggled. Sam suspiciously looked at him, "sure..?" Dean looked at Castiel, then suddenly waved his arms and ran after Sam. "I can do it Sam!" He pushed him out of the way, his heart thumping loudly in his chest. Sam shrugged, "okay..don't break anything.." he walked away, casting a curious glance at Cas. "CAS!" Dean yelled at him, "DONT DO THAT!" He whined.

  "Cas! Here now!" Dean called from the small office where the cameras were managed. "Coming!" He walked into the small office and crossed his arms, "still don't know how to delete footage?" Cas laughed. Dean shook his head, "I don't want Sam to know yet.." Dean frowned at Castiel, he could tell Dean was being serious.
  "Finnneee." He walked over to the computer, leaning over Dean, purposely letting his arms brush against Dean.
"Alright it's all deleted." He began to move, but Dean caught him by the forearm and kissed his jaw, "ah. No no Dean, I'm gonna save my surprises for tonight." He smirked at him, before walking out of the room leaving a rather surprised Dean to think of something to do.

Oops, I fell in love (coffee shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now