Chapter 4

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Dean was finishing up his shift when he heard a loud 'CRASH' from the back room, he dropped what he was doing and made his way to the back in fear one of his fellow employees had made a mess of something or broken a machine.

When he opened the door he saw Castiel sitting on the floor covered in coffee grounds and coffee filters. He looked up at Dean with embarrassment and his face began turning into a light red as he attempted to sit up to look less pathetic and weak, but only trip again on the mess underneath him.

Dean stood there, his hands clasped together as he watched Castiel, what was he supposed to do? He was supposed to be mad at him right? For their little snarky conversation earlier... So he just silently stood there-- every growing silent yet knowing moment between the two heating Castiel's already reddened face more.

Suddenly Castiel shouted, "Don't just stand there! Help me clean this shit up!" He obviously didn't like Dean in any shape or form.. somewhat, but he was embarrassed more than anything and this made it even more difficult to be intrigued by Dean's presence.

"... Assbutt." He mumbled under his breath, Castiel's glare snapping upwards to stare challengingly over Dean.

"Repeat that, and say it to my face." He daringly whispered, Dean's expression darkening further while he fell silent and continued to help clean up, he didn't want to try and win a fight-- Castiel's glare was intimidating and frankly too much to not get lost in.

After they cleaned up the mess Castiel packed up and got ready to go, he headed towards the door, but Sam's voice stopped him. 

"Hey, Cas can you come into work tomorrow? I know it's supposed to be your day off, but there's a new store down the road and tomorrow is going to be super busy." Sam eagerly waited for an answer.

 Castiel rubbed his eyes of the sleepiness as he sighed. "Sure... I don't have anything to do anyway." He turned and continued to walk out the door to his car, he got in and drove home without another sparing glance towards the coffee house.

Castiel got home and swung open his apartment door, flinging his keys somewhere on his table across the small living room. "God I hate this place" Castiel mumbled as he closed the door, everything about his small apartment irking him at the moment. The walls were too thin, the air conditioner didn't work.. everything was frustrating him at the moment. Walking to his room, Castiel stripped down from his clothes and hopped into the shower, the hot water made him feel relieved of stress and his thoughts melted away. After he finished his shower he threw on a pair of sweatpants and a baggy shirt then walked to his futon in his front room and turned on the TV. He quickly dozed off, curling up in the center, the heater flicked on of all things-- the heater. Castiel knew it was over for his motivation as soon as he felt the warmth of the heater heat his living room and coax him into a comforting rest, however it ended up being more of a deep sleep through the entire night.

He woke up with his phone going off, but as he got up, his leg cramped, probably caused from falling asleep in the futon. He cursed under his breath. He sleepily looked for his phone and found it on the floor in his room, he picked it up, and answered it, "CASTIEL it is 11:00 WHERE ARE YOU?!" Sam yelled into the phone, Castiel could tell he was flustered and slightly upset. "Oh, my heavens... I slept in! I'll be there in 10 minutes!"

 He ran into his closet and grabbed his Trenchcoat and some khakis and a plain black collar shirt. "Crap!" He had five minutes to get to work.. he quickly put on his shoes and ran out the door, almost forgetting his keys and phone. He finally got to work and threw off his Trenchcoat and put his name tag and apron on and began taking and making orders. "Castiel we need-" Castiel kind of ignored the voices and Just looked at the receipt and made whatever he saw on it, no complaints yet so he obviously was doing a good job. "Hey Sassy Cassie." Gabriel threw a lollipop at Castiel's head, landing in the drink Castiel was currently making. "Go away Gabe!" Castiel shouted over all the voices.
After about two hours of nothing but running around and pressure it slowed down a bit after he'd gotten through the line and handed out the drinks he sighed, the pressure of the customers lifted off of him. Something hit the top of his head, he slowly turned, his fingers curling into fists as he faced Gabe. 

"Knock it off! I don't want candy or sugar thrown at me!" He said, trying his hardest to keep his voice down. 

"Don't get so worked up Cassie, you're like this little skinny rubber band that's about to snap, why don't you make a couple of friends and relax.." Gabe popped a cherry lollipop back into his mouth and went off to bother Sam.

Castiel considered making friends, but the last friend/relationship he had ended in tears, he was afraid he'd be hurt again, but Dean wasn't going to hurt him.. right?

Oops, I fell in love (coffee shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now