Chapter 21 Destiel Fluff/almost smut

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Dean drove to Castiels apartment, then quietly walked up the stairs to his door, knocking softly. Then waited.

5 minutes. Nothing.

Dean knocked again.

10 minutes. Nothing.
15 minutes. Nothing.
20 minutes. Nothing.
An hour had gone by and Dean was still standing at the door. He knocked again, then looked to see the door was opened barely. He cautiously opened the door, "Cas? Babe?" He shouted/whispered.

"D-dean.." Castiel was sitting on the couch, his eyes were puffy and red, and his face was pale.

"Cas.." Dean started to walk over and Castiel bolted off the couch, and onto the floor grabbing a pillow and hiding his face.

"Please don't hurt me Dean. I'm sorry." Cas mumbled through the pillow, quivering in anxiousness.

"Cas.. Your cousins told me what you'd been through.. I-uhm.. I didn't know that had happened to you. I'm sorry." Dean walked over to Castiel, and slowly sat beside him. "I'm sorry for upsetting
you. I wasn't being very caring of your feelings or thoughts." He pulled the pillow from Castiels face and looked at him.

"But you were angry.. why aren't you angry now?" Castiel looked at him.

"Because I love you. And I'm not leaving you because your family is different and Uh.. "unique." Dean pulled Castiel into a sideways hug.
Eventually they adjusted themselves so they were cuddling on the floor, Castiel now quietly crying into Deans shoulder.

"I don't want you to leave. I didn't like anyone else, before you I wanted to die, I was ready for someone to kill me. But now I can't even think of dying because it means I'd be away from you. I couldn't comprehend the loneliness I felt when I was sitting here alone."
Castiel pushed away from Dean, wiping off the rest of the tears on his face.

"I'm never leaving you. Understand?"
Deans voice was stern, but his eyes flowed with protectiveness and love beyond explaining, this left Castiel speechless as he became lost in the trance of those candy apple eyes. So he just nodded.

"Good." Dean hauled himself and Castiel onto the couch and yawned, running his fingers through Castiels hair and humming 'hey jude' to Castiel soothingly.

They both fell asleep like that.
snuggled against each other and exhausted from the eventful day.

Dean woke up the next morning, now realizing he was cuddled against Castiel on the floor. He groaned quietly, the hard floor making his muscles freeze from the shockingly coldness of it.

"Deeeeeeeeaaaaaaannnnnnn." Castiel let out a long sigh, his name being drawn out as Castiel yawned.

"Good morning Sunshine." Dean buried his face into Castiels shoulder and sighed, his hands running through his hair.  

"Dean it's raining you can't say hello to something that's not there." Cas replied as-a-matter-of-factly.

"Oh Cas, sometimes your cluelessness is so funny." Dean chuckled, muffled by still having his face buried in Castiel's shoulder.

"I'm not sure what I'm suppose to say to that." Castiel stated.

"Don't say anything. Just kiss me." Dean shifted up, letting his hands move to Castiels thighs, their lips connected innocently, only for that "innocent" kiss to turn into Castiel moaning as Dean nibbled at his bottom lip. A quiet laugh escaped Dean, and with that quiet small laugh, The opportunity to kiss Dean deeper happened, Castiel pushed his tongue into Deans mouth and explored every crease.

"Mmm..-" Dean was pulled onto the couch and pushed down, his hands slid under Castiels shirt, whimpering and pulling at it helplessly as Castiel sucked on Deans neck, a purple bruise forming, his teeth raked across Deans collarbone, a shocked and pleasured moan escaping him. "Casssss.." he breathed out, still pulling at his shirt.

"Oh no baby." Castiel smirked, his lips inches from Deans, "I'm the dominator now." He pulled Dean up by his shirt and pulled it over his head, hands exploring Deans toned figure, teasing him as his fingers slid and slipped into the top of deans pants.

"Please Cas oh my gosh. I can't control myself around you. I NEED you." Dean said quickly, one of his hands sliding to Castiels shoulder blades, putting pressure on the scarred skin, he continued to until two massive Raven-black wings expanded brushing against Deans chest and inner thigh.

"Going a little quick are we?" Castiel moved one of his legs between Deans as he started to grind against him.

"I thought I told you I was in control."
Castiel growled into Deans ear, biting it gently, earning a pleasures gasp from Dean.

'Knock knock'

Dean and Castiel look up, then looked at each other, both of their hair was a mess and Dean had hickeys covering his neck. Their eyes were wide with the possible lust burning bright

"Crap." Dean got up slowly, glancing at Castiel, before walking over to the door and opening it up.

"Hiya Dean-o!" Gabriel pushed into the room, then looked at Castiel, bursting into laughter.

"DID I INTERRUPT SEX?!" Gabriel laughed.

"W-what?!" Castiel turned red. "N-no!" His eyes were still glazed over with his pleasure high.

"Cassie, look at your wings and your neck. Your wings are fluffed up and quivering, and your neck is red from Dean grabbing it. Oh also your lips are swollen." Gabriel stated.

"S-shut up Gabe!" Castiel wailed,
Throwing himself onto the couch and buried his face in a pillow.

"Anyways I have your medication for your wings, I usually do it for you, but since Dean is here, and I'm sure you made up.. literally, he can do it." Gabriel shoved the bag into Deans hands.

"You take care of Cassie or I'll sic Luci and Ruby on you." Gabriel stated at Dean with a stern serious gaze before walking out.

"It's alright Cas,.. I'm sure he won't tell anyone." Dean walked over to Castiel and sat beside him, going through the bag and started helping Castiel with his wing treatment.

Oops, I fell in love (coffee shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now