Chapter 7

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Dean was so upset last night he didn't see the note taped to his car, but he panicked and ripped off the tape, making sure none of the adhesive from the tape stuck to his baby, his 67 Chevy Impala. "Phew.." he mumbled as he looked at the note. It was from Castiel.
I'm sorry for acting like a jerk, I'm just a quiet person and people don't like me, so when you talked to me, I started panicking and I just went with what i felt first before I actually considered how I'd affect you. So, I'm sorry."
Dean stared at the note, a smile pulled at the corners of his mouth as he looked at Castiels neat clean hand writing. "Alright, well." Dean smiled and folded up the note and put it in his back pocket and headed to work.
When he got there the first thing he saw was a line out the door. "Oh please no." Dean whined and squeezed pass everyone and ran to the kitchen. This was going to be a long day.
It was half past two and the coffee shop was still buzzing, which meant he was constantly working with Castiel to get orders was a bit awkward.
:timeskip 2 hours:
"PHEW!" Sam said as he looked around, it was calm and quiet now."
His gaze im Immediately went to the small space between Castiel and Dean. He furrowed his eye brows then turned on his heels and giggled before pushing the back door open and walking out.
"D-did you uh.." Castiel stuttered, "see the note..?" It took Dean a moment to understand what Castiel meant, but he figured it out. "Oh, yeah I saw it.." Dean jumped up onto the counter and sat on it. " I was being a jerk too.." He rubbed his neck in slight embarrassment. Castiel coughed awkwardly and nodded, as he turned, Dean jumped down from the counter and slid past Castiel, making them both stop as their fingers incidentally brushed against each other. Deans face had flushed a deep red, and Castiel was holding in a hiss of confusion and embarrassment as he thought of what had just happened.
Dean kept walking, did he like how that felt..? Dean cleared his mind by waking stoke the block to a small dinner and ate there. Alone, until he heard the familiar annoying voice of a certain sugar addict.. Gabriel.. "hiya Dean!" He slid over to Deans booth and sat on the opposite side of him, ordering food and talking non-stop, he was like a constant
little dog that won't leave you alone.
"Dean?" Sam called from the kitchen barely loud enough for him to hear. "Yeah Sammy?" Dean called, "first of all its SAM. And second, I need to talk to you." He waited for Dean and glanced at Gabriel, obviously acknowledging was what about to happen, Gabriel panicked and "accident like" spilled his water all over Dean in attempt to stop him. "Oh no!" Gabriel gasped, "sorry!" He shuffled his feet before scrambling into the kitchen to grab a towel, Sam stomping after him. "Gabe! What the hell?! Why did you do that?" Sam crossed his arms
In hope for an actual explanation. "Don't tell Dean about us yet!" He whimpered, "Dean hates me already.. I don't think he'll like that we're uh.. together.." Gabriel trailed off, his face was turning a dark red and he was staring at the ground, squeezing the towel tightly as he glanced up at Sam. "I don't think he hates you.." Sam stepped closer and looked down at Gabriel, "we don't have to tell him yet if you don't want to." Sam kissed him on the forehead before turning around, "no spilling stuff on him! He'll hate you more!" Sam walked out of the kitchen and went back to work.
"Castiel." Dean waved him over. "What?" He mumbled flatly. "Oh ok yeah thanks for being friendly." Dean retorted. Castiels face flushed red with embarrassment, obviously Dean had succeeded with making him uncomfortable, "anyways, not to be rude, but do you have any friends??" Castiel looked up, and grabbed Deans wrist, his hands were like steel traps, it was crushing Deans wrist, before they walked out of the shop, and to Castiels car."whoa are you Kidnapping me? Whats going on?" Dean half joked, but he didn't know Castiel that well so he was confused as to what was going on.
"I don't.. I uh.. I don't have friends no.." Castiel mumbled, "I took you out here because I didn't want anyone to hear me." He sighed and looked up at Dean, "we could be friends, but I'm new with friends, I moved around a lot when I was little, I wasn't ever able to make friends." Dean felt bad for him, he didn't have friends, or at least one?
"Today's your lucky day Cas, I'll totally hang out with you anytime, or talk, whatever you want, you have your first friend right in front of you." Dean smiled and patted him on the shoulder, suddenly Castiel slammed into Dean and hugged him, "thank you." Castiel mumbled through Deans shirt as he squeezed him tighter, obviously taken back by getting the wind knocked out of him, Dean took a moment to register everything before hugging back, this all felt so right to Dean, but the hug didn't last long before Castiel pulled away and turned back towards the shop. Dean just stood next to Castiels car, watching him go back inside, a sudden feeling of loneliness struck him when he stood by himself, what just happened? Why did he feel empty? What was going on??

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