Chapter 24

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The next day Castiel came into work, looking for Dean, confused as why he was missing from the bed this morning when he woke up and why the impala was also gone.

"Dean?" Castiel frowned, looking around the shop and into the office, where Dean was sitting on the desk with flowers. A bright rather exaggerated smile plastered on his face. 

"Hey baby." Dean smiled and beckoned him over, "I wanted to surprise you!" Dean got up and gave Castiel the bright blue vibrant flowers, pulling him into a long loving kiss. A quiet confused hum slipping from Castiel's lips.

"Mmmm.. surprise me for?" Castiel pushed, still a little suspicious about why Dean had become so affectionate suddenly. "You've told me no chick-fic moments,.. what happened to that babe?" 

"WELL!" Dean grabbed Castiel's hand and led him to the impala, driving to the lake he'd taken Castiel to for their first 'official official' date. 


They got out and Dean ran over to the shoreline of the lake, unbuttoning his flannel and tossing it aside then pulling his white t-shirt over his head, kicking off his socks and shoes and waded into the water, turning around to look at a now VERY confused Castiel.

"Babe the water is fine, just like you, I promise I'm not gonna try and drown you." Dean waved him over, and watched as Castiel slowly and hesitantly took off his trench coat and shoes, unbuttoning his shirt as piercing frosted ocean eyes blazed through squinted eye lids, it seemed almost impossible, but it was like someone took the ocean and put it in Castiel's eyes, the unique bends of colors swirling and curling around the black pupils.

Eventually Castiel waded in after Dean, his hands reached for Deans waist as he looked into the dark water, "Dean I swear if something drags me under Im gonna give you a cold mean slap to the face with my wing after I get out." Castiel pulled Dean closer, and Dean pulled Castiel up so his legs were wrapped around Dean's waist and his hands were behind his neck.

"Castiel Novak.." Dean started, "You're so..-" Dean was cut off by Castiel shushing him.

"You never use my full name, Dean." Castiel inquired, now slightly worried.

"Let me finish," Castiel simply gave a brief nod squeezing Deans waist with his legs tightly, urging him to tell him, "Castiel Novak, you've made my life hell at some points,.. in a good way, I know it sounds weird,- I mean,.." Dean stuttered, trying to find the right words. "You're mine, I was never one for long lasting relationships, it seemed pointless, I thought I'd never settle down with someone, I was really just bent on being alone and filling my loneliness with sex and alcohol, whether it was fate or an accident that we ended up working together,.. I can't thank god enough for my little angel, my favorite star, and my fiance." Dean finished the last part slowly, nervously waiting for Castiel to register his words.

"Dean we're not- WAIT!" Castiel unlinked his fingers from the back of Deans neck and covered his eyes because he was now in tears, good tears of course. 

Dean pulled out a velvet box from his pocket, a ring with a small candy green apple diamond planted in the middle, "Cas baby, will you mar-"

"YES YES!" Castiel hugged Dean, carefully, not wanting him to drop the ring. 

Dean slipped on the ring and smiled putting the box back in his pocket and pulled Castiel in for a joyful passionate kiss.

"Dean wait.." Castiel pulled himself away, "I'm an angel, I'm not like actual humans..what if I'm called away by God, or killed by a demon? Or you die? What if I can't save you?" Castiel frowned.

"Cas, If you die, I will die too, if you're called away, I will wait forever, if a demon takes you, I will hunt them down and reclaim you, if you can't save me, then God can't either, Castiel you will NEVER lose me, because I won't let that happen, I don't love you, because love isn't strong enough to explain how much I care for you, I cherish every small moment of laughter, happiness and more. Castiel Novak, you make my heart soar." Dean pulled a now reassured Castiel to another kiss, this one twisted emotions for both of them, all good, everything was perfect, now what else could make them happier? Absolutely nothing. This was what Dean longed for, this is what Castiel prayed for, this is what God created for. 

Oops, I fell in love (coffee shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now