Chapter 15

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Dean was done with Meg, she'd asked out Cas a couple times over the past week, and since Castiel didn't want to be mean, he said sure, but Castiel didn't want to hurt her feelings, so he didn't say anything. "Hey Cassie boo." Meg smirked and walked in, Dean glanced at Castiel, who just stood there, he didn't say anything except repeating her order back to her, and telling her he'd give it to her when it was ready, when it was done, Castiel slipped out from behind the counter and sheepishly gave it to her, as he tried to leave, Meg grabbed his hand, and started basically telling him she was going to seduce him.
Dean was done, he got out of behind the counter and walked over to Castiel, jerking him towards him, he smashed his lips into Castiels, and grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers, at first, Castiel didn't kiss
back, and Dean was starting to doubt Castiel actually liked him, but Castiel kissed back after a few seconds,Dean pulled back and smiled, "WHAT THE HELL?!" Meg shouted, "Sorry, but I don't like people flirting with my boyfriend, much less take him out on dates." Dean snapped at her, Castiel clung to Deans hand, "Sorry Meg, but I'd rather not date a cheater." Castiel replied cooly, "I called your number and your boyfriend picked up, so I told him what happened,  always be cautious when trying to be sneaky." Castiel told her, leaving a stunned Meg, they both walked back to the kitchen together.
"Dean I'm openly gay, but you realize EVERYONE saw us kiss.. not just Meg.." Dean nodded, "she was flirting with you, I got jealous." Dean looked at him. "Are you saying you like me?" A pleased faint smile set on Castiels face, "I-uh..haha..err.." Dean was terrible at confessing his feelings to people. "I'll answer that for you." Dean smiled as Castiel pulled him in for another kiss, Deans heart pounded in his chest, and his eyes fluttered closed. Castiel looked at him, putting a lot of thought into his next question, afraid he'd now have to tell Dean he was an angel, but he liked Dean so he went for it. "Dean Winchester, will you be my boyfriend?" Castiel looked at him, smiling happily and playing with Deans flannel. "I-Y-yeah." Dean managed to say, hypnotized by Castiels sweet voice and his eyes as Castiel looked into his. "Good." He quoted Dean and walked out. Dean was still stunned from Castiels mood, he was so light and happy, he was so perfect.. Dean was so lucky, but he still felt like Cas was hiding something from him.. what was it?

Oops, I fell in love (coffee shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now