Chapter 9

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   It was 6:00, Dean hadn't the slightest idea what to wear, so he threw on a blue and grey flannel and a pair of nice jeans.

   "6:30.." dean thought, was Castiel going to like the place they were going?
He shook off the thought and finished getting ready before grabbing his stuff and walked out to his car. "Hey Dean!" Someone called, looking over Dean saw his neighbor, Lisa, they actually went to high school together. "Hey Lisa." Dean merely waved, she'd asked him on dates before and stuff, but he always said no, he wasn't really into anything serious.. besides Cas.. Dean got in his baby 67' impala before and drove to Castiel's apartment, he texted Cas to let him know he was there then waited.

   "Hey Dean." Castiel greeted Dean as he entered the car, holding his phone in one hand and his jacket in the other.
"Is it still a surprise?" Castiel looked at him.
    "Yep." Dean smiled, "I promise you'll love it, it's quiet and they have great food." Castiel still had his suspicions, but nodded anyways.
"Do you listen to music Cas?" Dean awkwardly tried to start a conversation in the midst of the quiet. "Mhmm.." Castiel responded. "Wanna listen to some?" Castiel nodded/shrugged in response. "Okay." Dean turned on the radio and switched through the stations. They listened to AC/DC until they got there.
"" Castiel looked at where they were. "Oh.. is it bad I brought you here?" Dean started to regret his choice. "No I love this place! I came here a lot when I first moved here!" Castiel squeaked and quickly jumped out of the car and pushed through the doorway into the small diner.
"Hey Cassie!" A girl behind the counter called, "hey Charlie!" Cas went behind the counter and hugged Charlie for a good three minutes which made Dean jealous. "Whose your friend Cassie?" Charlie giggled, "this is Dean.." Castiel hesitated, "my date." Charlie's jaw practically dropped to the floor. "I KNEW IT, YOU'RE GAY CAS I CALLED IT!" She roared with pleased laughter. "Anyhoo, lets find you a nice comfy booth where you can sit!" Charlie led them to a corner booth. "Jo will be out to get your orders soon." Cas happily nodded and tapped his fingers on the table. "So how do you know about this place Dean?" Dean looked up from fidgeting with his flannel, "oh my father figure, his really close friend works here." He smiled.
"Oh that's cool.." Castiel got quiet because he ran out of things to talk about to he just stared into Deans eyes, of course his eyes were on the menu,
so he didn't see Castiel staring.
"You boys ready?" Jo walked back up to them and smiled. "Sure I'll have the hamburger with a side of fries and water please." Dean smiled at her, then looked at Castiel, "I'll have the same please." He mumbled before continuing to stare at the table. "So...." Dean started, "why did you kiss me today? We've only started talking recently., you sped things up a lot, I mean not that it's bad, I just.. I'm curious why you suddenly took action." Dean looked at him outlandishly, Castiel replied simply, "You kissed me first. Then you started avoiding me. So I did what I had to, to be noticed by you." He said.

     "Oh..okay, so Uh, weird question, but have you always been gay?" Dean looked at him,  "yes, when I was younger though my father, Chuck didn't mind as long as I didn't do anything dangerous. My oldest brother Lucifer hated it, my cousin..Gabriel is gay too, then Micheal just thought it was weird and he teased me a lot." Castiel shrugged, "I didn't know my mother, but Dad still talks about her, of course we always hang out with our aunt, Amara, she was my mother-figure through my life really." He stopped talking when he looked at Dean, whose face was wide with wonder. "Here you go Cas, and Dean." Jo came by and set the food down, then walked back to the kitchen. "Thank you!" Castiel called. "So what about you Dean?" Dean looked up from eating. "Oh uh, I had a boyfriend back in high school, his name was Alan. We broke up after six months, then I just.. I didn't really date anyone else." Castiel nodded slowly, he didn't want to make Dean upset by saying something wrong, "what about family?" Dean suddenly brightened up. "Oh well I have a mother, her name is Mary, she's the best mom ever, and my dad's name is John, he's a mechanic, him and Bobby work together now since Bobbys shop closed down. Then there's Sam, he's awesome, he went to Stanford and he's smart, I raised him as a kid because my mom got into a bad car accident, and my dad started drinking, but my family isn't that bad now, I'm so proud of Sam though he's such a great kid." Dean beamed on about what Sam had accomplished over the years. After the finished, they paid for their food, Castiel hugged Charlie and they both thanked Jo and left.
  "Do you want me to drop you off.. or..?" Dean tapped his fingers on the leather steering wheel while he waited for an answer from Castiel. "Please, it's a Wednesday night and neither of us work tomorrow." A wolffish grin played on Deans lips as they left the parking lot and headed to Deans apartment.
  When they got there, Dean grabbed Castiels hand and led him to his apartment and opened the door quietly, then ran into the pitch black room, leaving Castiel in the dark hallway. "D-dean..?" Castiel was scared
Of being alone and the dark, so he ran inside Deans apartment and used his flashlight on his phone to look around for a place to sit and wait for Dean, but someone grabbed him and swung him onto the couch, "GOTCHA!" Dean laughed, Castiel sat in the black still, his heart pounded loudly as he started to hyperventilate from the scare. "Whoa calm down scaredy-cat." Dean walked over to the light switched and turned it on and sat back on the couch, doing his best to calm Castiel down. "Dean! Don't do that!" Castiel whined, "I didn't like it." He looked at him with the most innocent wide eyes ever, which made Dean fall apart, Castiels blue eyes again, they were just like the ocean, a different pattern.. they were the most beautiful thing Dean had ever seen. "Hey Dean?" Castiel waved his hand in front of Deans face. "Oh sorry." Dean shook his head, casting his gaze to the TV in front of him, before grabbing the remote and turning it on, he began flipping through the channels until they stumbled across the discovery channel and Castiel begged him to watch it, so they did, and Castiel glued his eyes to the TV like a five-year old who was watching cartoons on a Saturday morning, Dean thought it was adorable.

    Everything was quiet, except for the TV, so Dean made his move and quietly scooted closer to Cas, one arm slid around his waist while the other rested on Castiels hand, which earned enough attention from Castiel to where he looked down at Deans hand, then at Dean, it looked as if he was disgusted, but he then smiled softly to reassure Dean. "Dean?" Deans eyes remained locked on Castiels, "yeah?" Castiel stuttered then finally spit out the words. "I enjoyed our date tonight." He smiled, his eyes flickering down to Deans lips then back up to his eyes. Deans stomach flipped as Castiel shifted so that he was leaning over Dean on the couch, his lips inches from Deans, Dean was getting squirmy and needy under him. "Stop teasing me Cas." Dean frowned and tried to kiss him, but Castiel pulled up so that Dean missed. "So unfair." Dean whined again, "Please Cas. I want to kiss you so bad." Dean whined again.
  "You asked so nicely," Castiel smirked before letting Dean kiss him, Deans lips were so soft, they were so in sync too, Dean bit down on Castiels bottom lip
gently, earning a soft moan of absolute pleasure from Cas.

Oops, I fell in love (coffee shop AU)Where stories live. Discover now