Chapter 12

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"I couldn't help but feel like I didn't deserve you."

My heart started beating faster at those words and I can feel more tears coming down my cheeks. I turn to leave but suddenly stop.

"I still love you but sorry isn't going to be enough," I say in a whisper. I leave the room and hear her sobs go quieter and quieter.

I walk out and see Truc on the couch staring at the fried chicken.

"You know you could have started eating," I say to her.

"What are you to my sister?" She says in a quiet whisper. I slightly smile and walk towards the couch and sit down next to her.

"She's my ex as you can tell. She's my first love," I say. She nods and looks at me with worried eyes.

"What did she do?"

"You can ask her yourself," I say knowing that if I did tell her, I would never get to the end of the story.

"I think we should go. You can keep the chicken, I'm not that hungry anymore," she says as she starts to get up and grab her things.

"We can still be friends right?" I say to her, worried that our friendship will awkward because of this.

"Why wouldn't we? I mean, this is just between my sister and you. You can still talk to me," she says with a smile.

She walks to the study room and says something to her sister about going home. Her sister walks out and avoids my eyes. She slightly bows and leaves the house immediately.

"Well, thanks for having me over Hoseok," she says with a small smile. I smile back at her and look over at Lynh, who's already in the car. I sigh and look back at Truc's worried eyes.

"I don't know what's happened between the two of you but sort things out before you regret it. It's never too late," she says as she starts walking to the car.

I watch as the two drive away and slightly regret not asking Lynh more questions but knew I should wait until we're both ready. I walk back into the house and reflect on what had just happened.

I didn't expect to see her again. I didn't expect to still love her.

I've decided to go back to Xiumin and Truc's story but I will return to Lynh and Hoseok later on :)

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