Chapter 39

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I took the bus the next morning with Mary and was nervous about how to break up with Mary. I knew I should've been nervous about the tests but I couldn't stop thinking about Truc. I wanted to break up with Mary the quickest and nicest way possible. I didn't know when the right moment was but I knew that wasn't going to happen. I just have to do it soon before I lead her on any longer.

Mary was studying on the bus, all the way to school and was quiet throughout the whole bus ride which made it easier to think of a plan. I felt bad that I was thinking of ways to break up with her when she's right next to me. She tried to hold my hand at the bus stop but I pretended I didn't notice and put my hand into my pocket. I couldn't lead her on any longer like this so I had to leave some hints but I don't think it's obvious enough.

Once we got to school we went to our classes and did ours exams. For the past few days, I didn't study as hard as I usually did and if I did I'm pretty sure I would get a better score than what I'm going to get. I couldn't concentrate well either because I was thinking about how to break up with Mary.

I guess this is the only way for things to go back to normal. This is it. I'm sorry Mary.


The bell finally rang and everyone screamed in happiness. We finally finished the year and did our exams. Our class was dismissed and we left the school. I waited for Mary in front of her class and I began to feel nervous. This is it Xiumin. You can finally end this. You can do this. My stomach was churning and my hands were sweaty.

Mary came out the class and saw me. She ran to me and smiled.

"Finally over!" She says happily and I give her a small smile.

We start walking out of the school and I suddenly stop so we could talk. Mary turns to me and gives me a weird look.

"Xiumin are you coming?" Mary says and I just stay still whilst looking at the ground. I grab her wrist and pull her to the side of the school so we wouldn't have an audience.

"Mary, we need to break up," I say and Mary looks at me funny. Did she hear me?

"W-W-What?" She says with a bit of tears in her eyes.

"Mary, we need to break up," I say again and I see tears roll down her cheeks.

"Why though? I thought everything was going fine," she says and wipes her face.

"Everything is fine. It's not you, it's me," I say and I sigh. The next part isn't going to be so easy.

"Mary, I'm so sorry but I never liked you in the beginning. I only ever liked you as a friend nothing more, I'm sorry," I say and tears keep spilling out of her eyes.

"Then why did you date me in the first place? Why did you lead me on? Was it because I forced you?" She says between sobs. I just shake my head and look at the floor. I couldn't face her.

"I love Truc," I say quietly and Mary's sob stop.

"I knew it," she says softly and looks up at me.

"I really thought there was hope for me but if you liked her, why did you go out with me? Did you feel sorry for me? Did you want to play with my feelings?" She says and more tears come and she wipes them away.

"I was jealous and jealously took over me. I thought if I dated you, I could get over her and move on," I say and she stops crying.

"So you used me?" She says and I look up at her and nod. I avoid her eyes but I know she's angry. The next thing she did didn't surprise me at all, I deserved it anyways. She had slapped right across the face and the pain in my cheek would not be compared to what she was feeling right now. She was devastated and tears were all over her face.

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