Chapter Thirty Two

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Dedicated to elevators when picking me up when I'm feeling down.


*Charlotte's POV*

"God, why aren't there elevators to this?" Jordan moaned.

"I'm pretty sure there are," Zayn said. Jordan gasped dramatically.

"Why aren't we taking them?" she demanded. Niall shrugged.

"I couldn't find them," he said. I smiled as we climbed the Statue of Liberty. The staircase was narrow, only wide enough for us in a single file line. We had only been climbing for around ten minutes.

"This blows," Louis says.

"Lou, will you carry me?" Elaine asked. He scoffed.

"No, I can barely walk up these stairs."

Harry chuckled and I smiled. I felt a sharp slap on my ass and I gasped turning and glaring at Meagan who was behind me. She smirked.

"Liam, control your girlfriend," I said.

"Girlfriend, control yourself," Liam said in a monotone. Meagan laughed and stuck her tongue out at me. I stuck mine back out at her and she laughed again. I smiled and turned back to look at Harry's back.

"I'm thirsty," Jordan wined.

"Niall, I believe that's your job," Louis said. Jordan blushed and I laughed.

"Shut up Lou," Niall huffed.

"You guys are breathing my air," Elaine whined.

"How about we all climb in silence?" Louis asked. Harry laughed.

We finally made it to the top and we ran out onto the balcony.

I ran to the railing and grabbed it, leaning out over the city. I felt someone's hands on my hips and pulling me backwards.

"You're making me nervous," Harry mumbled in my ear. I laughed and stepped up so that I was standing on the bottom of the rail and balanced. I lifted my hands so that I was leaning completely on the railing.

"Am I making you nervous?" I asked, laughing.

"Char..." Harry warned.

"Hey! Get down from there!" someone who worked there snapped. I laughed and jumped backwards into Harry. He let out a breath of relief and I smiled, putting my hand on the side of his face, kissing him slowly. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned.

"Take a picture of us," Jordan said. I smiled and took her phone, walking so that they were in front of the railing. Jordan put her hands on Niall's shoulders and he puts his on her waist. He kissed her softly and I took the picture, smiling.

"You should post that on Twitter," I said, handing her phone back.

"I don't feel like getting death threats, thanks," she mumbled, setting the picture as her background and stuffing it in her back pocket. I laughed, linking arms with hers.

"The most creative I've got is, 'I'll slit your throat in your sleep and pour tea down it,'" I said. Jordan snorted. "Oh, that's lady like," I said. She laughed and shrugged.

"I don't get nearly as creative as that. I get the usual," she said. I hummed. We took a few more pictures and then decided to leave.

This time we found the elevator.

*Harry's POV*

"Char?" I called through the hotel room. The boys and I had gone down to the lobby to sign some things and take pictures with the fans.

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