Chapter Eighteen

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*Meagan's POV*

Liam's lips moved smoothly against mine. We were curled up on the couch in Niall's house, and no one was home. Jordan and Niall were out paint balling, and Charlotte and Harry were missing too, as always. Zayn was out with Perrie, who would be in LA for a few days, and Louis was out doing God knows what. I pulled back and his eyes fluttered open.

"Liam what are we?" I asked for the millionth time since the interview.

"Whatever you want Babe," he dodged the question. Again.

He leaned down to kiss me again but I stood up. He frowned up at me, then made a puppy dog face.

"Babe, come back. I'm cold," he complained and I scoffed. I walked into the kitchen and I heard him get up, following me. "What's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, just that I'm basically a heater," I snapped and he frowned. I sighed. "Liam, I like you. A lot. But I need to know that this isn't some fling that'll disappear as soon as you leave and I'll just be 'that girl you met at Disneyland and hung out with for a few days.'"

"Charlotte and Harry aren't an official couple yet," he said and I sighed.

"Yeah, but they actually do stuff. They talk and go on dates and be cute. We just kiss and have sex, that's hardly a relationship."

"Well, what do you want me to do?" he snapped. He was getting annoyed. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair before putting it on the counter.

"I don't know Liam, maybe actually show that you like me for me and not just for me," I motioned to my body. He rolled his eyes.

"Don't be stupid," he said and I frowned.

"Stupid? I'm not being stupid!" I was yelling now. He looked slightly surprised, but then it turned to anger.

"You are! Things were going fine until you had to force the idea of a relationship on me!" he was yelling too. The only thing between us was a granite counter top.

"What's so bad about a relationship?" I yelled.

"Maybe I just don't want one right now!"

I froze and he looked like that wasn't supposed to come out.

"That's not what I meant," he said quietly. I shook my head and turned, grabbing my coat and keys.

"You know what Liam? I'm leaving. I'm done with you. I don't know why I even tried to convince myself that this was something," I said and I squeaked as he pushed me against the front door before I could open it. My coat and keys fell to the floor and he turned me around so that I was facing him. His lips collided with mine and it was different then the others somehow. There was something behind it.

I put my hands on his shoulders and he pulled back, pressing his forehead on mine.

"Don't...Don't leave," he whispered and I shook my head.

"I'm not, I'm right here," I whispered back.

He pulled me towards him and instead of kissing me like I was expecting, he wrapped his arms around my back and buried his face in my neck. I hugged him back and he suddenly turned, pushing me against the wall by the door.

"I'll show you what I want," he mumbled lowly and nipped at my neck. I shovered and he stepped back leaving me cold. "Answer one question first."

"What?" I said a bit too quickly. He smirked and I smiled sheepishly.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" he whispered and I rolled my eyes.

"No, Liam, I just got in a whole fight about it with you," I said sarcastically and he was pressing me back into the wall before I could even blink.

"Don't use that tone with me," he whispered huskily in my ear and I shivered. "I'll teach you to never disrespect me."

He grabbed my hips roughly and lifted me, tossing me over his shoulder. I tried to keep the smile off my lips. I always had sweet, innocent Liam. I've never had rough, hard Liam.

He dropped me onto his bed and closed the door, locking it. He went around to all the blinds and closed them, then pushed me back so that I was lying on my back.

"I'll teach you,"

*Jordan's POV*

Niall and I walked up to the door hand in hand, and we entered the house. I laughed as he lifted me up, running up the stairs with me bridal style. He started towards the game room when we heard some pretty mature noises coming from Liam's room. He slowed to a stop and set me down. We pressed our ears against the door and our jaw dropped. Moans, screams, grunts, and curses were coming from the room.

"L-Liam," Meagan groaned. I gasped and he held up a finger to his lips.

"Meagan, you're so fucking tight," Liam moaned and Meagan let out a high pitched scream. I blinked and Niall smirked, trying the handle. Locked.

Every sound you could possibly imagine was coming from behind that door. I jumped when I heard a slap and Niall bit back his laughter.

"This is too good," he whispered and I rolled my eyes.

"Let's just leave, give them some privacy," I said and he smiled.

"Fine, but Liam will never hear the end of this," he whispered and grabbed my hand, pulling me down the stairs and back out the door.

*Meagan's POV*

Liam pulled me back into his chest and I sighed, happily.

"So does this mean I'm your girlfriend?" I asked and he hummed, kissing my neck. He was tired, I could tell. But so was I. This was the best I've ever had.

"Yeah," he yawned and settled back into the pillows. His eyes fluttered shut. I smiled and curled into his side. "Only if you wanna be though," he whispered and opened one eye to look down at me. i hummed, pretending to think about it.

"Um, yeah," I said and he smiled lazily, kissing my nose. His hair was a mess, but I'm sure mine was too. He pulled me farther into his side and kissed my forehead.

"That's good, because I like you a lot," he mumbled and I smiled, butterflies raging in my stomach.

"That's good, because I like you a lot too," I said and his eyes shut again. I hummed and laid my head on his chest, slowly tracing his defined abs. Soon his breathing evened out and I felt my own eyes starting to droop. I closed them and was out in seconds.



But I really don't care.

So! This might be my last chapter for a while! I have school, and I'm just plain tired.

So that is why this is so short.

I actually MIGHT delete this story, even though I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't.

I've been working on this concept in my head for another story and it's really well developed and it has secret meanings and stuff so I don't know what's happening!

Anyway, my brother is in the hospital, so please pray for him. His lung decided to blow a hole in itself and just stop working, so yeah.

I don't really believe in God, but whatever gets him better you know.

So! That's that for tonight!

Goodnight guys!

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