Chapter Fifteen

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*Harry's POV*

The bacon sizzled in the pan and I slid a glass of water and some Advil over to Charlotte. She looked like shit, but she was still beautiful in my eyes. She took the tablets and rubbed her eyes.

"Are you going anywhere today?" she said and I hummed, putting some eggs and bacon on a plate for her.

"Yeah, we have an interview," he said and she nodded. "It starts in an hour and a half."

She shoveled the eggs into her mouth along with the bacon.

"Can people come?" she said and took another drink of water.

"You sure you want to?" I said and she smiled. "Are you still hung over?"

"Um, yeah, but the Advil helped and I wanna come," she said and I eyed her sweats and sweatshirt. Her hair was pulled up into a extremely messy bun. I smiled.

"You can come, but you might wanna get ready," I said and she looked down at her clothes. She squeaked and hopped off the stool, running upstairs. Jordan had managed to sneak into her house and get some clothes for her. Jordan and Niall were watching football loudly and Meagan and Liam were sitting on the other couch, watching. They were all tangled together, but for once they weren't sucking each other's faces off. As far as I knew, Jordan and Meagan weren't coming to the interview. No one had gotten too drunk, well, not drunk enough to be extremely hung over, but Charlotte had. It was really funny.

She returned an hour later with dark skinny jeans on and my blue plaid shirt. I raised my eyebrows and she smiled, shrugging. She had put on some makeup and tucked the shirt into her jeans, making it look like it was hers. Her hair was up in a bun, this one neater than the other, but still messy.

I pulled her into my arms and she laughed.

"You look very beautiful," I said and she smiled. "You're just missing one thing." She frowned. I unhooked my paper airplane necklace from around my neck and hooked it around hers. Her eyes widened and she took it in between her fingers carefully. "There," I said and she looked up at me.

"I'll give it back right after, I promise," she said and I shook my head, kissing her forehead. She smiled.

"Are you going to the interview Char?" Jordan said and she looked over at her. She nodded.

"Well, I wanna come," Jordan said and Niall smiled. Meagan sat up, and it seemed impossible that they could untangle themselves that fast.

"Me too," she said and Liam rolled his eyes.

"Go get ready then," he said and she got up, grabbing Jordan's hand. Louis and Zayn were still upstairs, either sleeping or getting ready.

"Hurry!" I called and they laughed, running up the stairs.

Thirty minutes later, everyone was ready, and we left. We all got in the van and arrived at the interview location, where there were thousands of fans. Security opened the doors for us and I grabbed Charloote's hand, gripping it tightly. Louis and Zayn stepped out first, where they were greeted with screams. Meagan kissed LIam's cheek before they stepped out of the van. The fans all gasped at the sight of them holding hands and Liam smiled, waving. They screamed louder, and I heard insults weaved into the screams. Meagan didn't seem to care. Jordan and Niall went out next, and the public had never seen them together, so they went silent for a moment before screaming and more insults came flying at her. I saw her wince every so often, but she kept her head up.

"Ready Babe? Now, it's gonna be really loud, and people will try to grab at you," I said and she smiled weakly.

"I'm fine," she said and gripped my hand before we hopped out of the van. Charlotte and I had been in many articles, so the fans recognized her immediately.

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