(1) The Bobby Pin

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Chapter 1



Bree sped out of the rv with Leo as Adam and I just stood there, dumbfounded. Why does she always have to do that? Super speed should not decide everything! I turned to Adam as we walked out of the rv.

"She needs to pay for this." I said quickly as I motioned towards where Bree had run off to.

"Yeah, she does. I wanted to go to the beach, too." Adam whined. I turned to him and rolled my eyes. This was my chance to get away, and maybe catch up with Bree.

"I'm going to get her back here, even if it takes me all day." I said as I started to walk away.

"You go with your bad self!" Adam called to me as I started to run down the beach. I ran until I got to the plaza. I looked around and I couldn't find Bree, or Leo, anywhere. Who would have thought the smartest person in the world, wouldn't be able to find the fastest person in the world? I sure didn't. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash. I instantly knew it was Bree. I walked toward her but hid behind a nearby wall when I saw Leo coming toward her. She had stopped by a carnival game that gave away stuffed animals.

"Bree, I really don't think you will win, and neither will I. When your done I'll be over there." Leo pointed toward another game. He started to walk away. I turned back to see Bree struggling to knock down all the pins. I decided to walk over and help her.

"Do you need some help little lady?" I asked as I payed the guy another dollar. He handed me 3 balls to throw at the pins. I looked over to see Bree stunned.

"What? Just trying to help." I defended as I threw the ball to hit the pins.

"Chase, your supposed to be back at the rv! What are you doing here?" Bree asked hurriedly as I knocked down another set of pins. I smiled at her as I started to throw the next. I knocked down all three sets of pins.

"What animal would your girlfriend like?" He asked. I looked over to Bree with a smirk. She just glared back at me.

"I'll take the big bear, thank you." Bree said in a snide voice. The guy grabbed the bear and handed it to Bree. She turned back to me.

"Thanks, Chase. But I could have done it myself." Bree said as we walked farther into the fair. I walked closer to her before I said this.

"Not without using your bionics." I said with a smirk as she looked around to make sure no one heard.

"Seriously Chase, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be back there, waiting for the alarm to go off." Bree said as we walked away over to the sand. I looked back at her.

"I wanted to have fun, too. You can't just super speed your way to everything. You could have waited to hear what kind of plan I came up with." I said as we stopped and sat on the rocks.

"I know, I'm sorry Chase. I should have stayed and talked it out with you guys." Bree said. She looked over to me.

"Its okay, Bree. It wasn't that big of a deal. To be honest its more fun to wait for a mission with you than with Adam." I said looking down at the sand. I looked back to see her smiling.

"Thank you for getting me the bear. I really couldn't have done it without bionics. And you are way more fun to hang out with than Leo." Bree said as she put the bear on the ground and grabbed my hand. I looked back to her.

"Bree, I have something to tell you." I started, now was my chance.

"What is it Chase?" She asked looking concerned.

"I, well... I kind of-" But then we heard Leo coming.

"Bree, where are you?" Leo called. I stood up and motioned for her to go to Leo. He couldn't know that I had come with them.

"I'll finish later, just go." I said.

'Okay, but go back to the rv." She ordered. I nodded and smiled at her, as if she could boss me around. As she ran off to catch up with Leo, I looked down on the rock to see a bobby pin had fallen out of her hair. I put it in my pocket to give to her later. I started to walk back to the fair where I saw Leo and Bree trying to win a whale for Leo. I laughed and headed back to the rv. On my way I found someone performing in the square.

"What's going on?" I asked the guy I was standing next to.

"He's performing, haven't you seen anything like this before?" he asked. I just nodded. Although I actually hadn't seen anything like this before. Considering Adam, Bree, and I had been locked away our whole lives up until Leo came. I stood and watched along with the others passing by. I smiled trying to think of something I could do to get that kind of money.

"Chase, what are you doing here?" Bree called as her and Leo looked towards me.

"This guy is performing. People keep giving him money but he just won't leave." I said as Bree laughed at me. I saw Adam coming towards us. I should have known not to trust him with the mobile lab.

"Adam, you were supposed to watch the lab." I said. He must have had at least 20 different ice cream cones. You never know what this guy's going to do next.

"Its fine, let's just go back there now." Adam said as he made his way to the lab. Leo ran to catch up with Adam as I hung back to talk to Bree.

"So what did you want to tell me earlier?" Bree whispered. I started to get nervous. I've had a crush on Bree for a while now. I secretly found out through Davenport's super computer that we weren't actually related.

"Well you see, its hard to explain, and I have no idea where to start-"

"Chase, I know that we aren't related, I heard you talking to yourself about it the other day." Bree whispered back suddenly. Well that was unexpected.

"Did you hear anything else?" I asked kind of worriedly.

"Well, I also heard you say you like this girl..." Bree left off with a smile.

"Bree, would you happen to know if this girl likes me back or not?" I said with a smirk as she smiled and turned her head away.

"I think she might." She said. We caught up with Adam and Leo to see the lab was gone.

"Where did the lab go?" I yelled. Then, I turned to see a police officer riding a scooter through the sand. Well that's official.

"Officer, I'd like to report a robbery. Someone took our rv." I said in a calm tone.

"Oh it wasn't stolen, I had it towed. You're gonna need to cough up 200 clams to get it back." He said. I looked at him like he was crazy, was this guy for real?

"Could we make it shrimp, I'm not really a clam guy." Adan nodded as if it was the most obvious thing in thing in the world.

"How are we going to get the money, we can't tell Mr. Davenport." Bree said as the officer rolled away.

"We could perform." I suggested.


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