(3) The Guitar

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Chapter 3



"Hey, do you guys know when the next class starts?" Someone called from behind us. I turned to see a new face. That's weird. Mission Creek High hasn't gotten any new kids since we started. I laughed as Adam turned and faced the kid with a confused look.

"It starts in ten minutes." I answered. He nodded.

"Thanks. Hi, I'm Marcus." He said as he held his hand out to us. I smiled and shook his hand before I let Adam shake his hand.

"I'm Chase and this is Adam." I introduced us as we all took a seat at the center bench in the hallway. He had a guitar hanging off his back. I've alway wanted to play guitar.

"I hate being the new kid. No one ever talks with me." He groaned as we continued to talk. Marcus turned out to be pretty nice.

"Yeah, we used to be the new kids that no one talked to. Now we're just the vaguely familiar kids that no one talks to." I explained. I looked over to see Leo making his way towards us.

"Hey Leo." Adam said as he and Marcus finished talking. Leo waved.

"Hey, I'm Marcus." Marcus said as he fist bumped Leo. Leo returned the gesture warily.

"I know. We have gym together... And chemistry. We're lab partners." Leo said simply, obviously upset by the fact that Marcus didn't remember this. Marcus looked over to me, noticing I had my eye on the guitar. He smiled and pulled it over his shoulder.

"You want to try?" He asked. I nodded eagerly. I slipped on the guitar and pulled up the information on my chip. Instantly knowing all needed information about this instrument. I played for a good thirty seconds only to look around and see the entire student body watching me. I jumped up and gave the guitar back to Marcus.

"What do you know? Beginners luck." I said simply. Marcus smiled brightly before the bell rang. We all picked up our things and headed to class. As I was walking down the hallway, I was pulled into the prop room.

"Who's- oh, hey." I said happily as Bree flicked on the lights. We had only ever been able to see each other at school now, but even then it was undercover.

"Hey." Bree said as she walked towards me and wrapped me in a hug. I smiled down at her and kissed her on the forehead.

"Are we just like, ditching class or something?" I whispered as the late bell rang. Bree laughed and nodded.

"Of course. After that guitar solo you did earlier, ditching will boost that bad boy cred even further." Bree finished sarcastically. I shook my head and led her over to the bench in the corner.

"How did you even learn to play like that anyways? I've never even seen you with a guitar." Bree asked.

"Bionics are a wonderful thing." I said. Bree laughed and held my hand in hers.

"Who was the kid you were talking to. I didn't get a chance to come over and see." Bree asked as she looked over to me.

"That was Marcus. He's knew. We were just talking with him and apparently he's Leo's lab partner." I explained. Bree's eyebrows knitted together.

"What do you mean apparently?" She wondered aloud.

"Marcus didn't know." I said, leading onto the fact that Leo was upset about it. Bree laughed as she let her mind fall to out little brother.

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