(18) The Party - Part 1

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Chapter 18



"Okay, we've invited everyone on the list?" Bree asked as she glanced down at the "official clipboard" Davenport had loaned us.

"Yep." I said with a nod as I attempted to tie my tie.

"Adam and Leo are putting up the decorations?" She asked as she checked off the last point.


"And Davenport wants to pretend to be surprised?" She asked with a hint of a laugh. I nodded.

"What else would you expect?" I asked as I walked over to her. She shrugged and set the clip board down on the cyber desk.

"You ready?" She asked. I sighed.

"Ready to pretend we're related and not dating? Yeah, but only if it's for a little bit." I teased. She shook her head and took a step forward and wrapped her arms around my neck. I smiled and let my hands rest on her waist.

"We can sneak off at some time during the party and actually hang out without him finding us." Bree suggested. I nodded happily.

"That sounds great." I whispered before I leaned down to her level. She closed her eyes as she relaxed into the kiss and pulled me closer.

We pulled away as the elevator doors opened. I glanced over Bree's shoulder to see Adam and Leo strolling into the lab with bright smiles on their face.

"We are finished! You guys should come see it instead of making out." Leo said simply. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Bree's hand, leading her behind Adam and Leo to the elevator. We rode in silence until we hit the main floor. The entire room was covered in streamers and Happy 40th posters. I laughed, realizing Davenport would hate that we had put his age on every corner of the room.

"Guys, I don't think he'll like that you put Happy 40th everywhere." Bree pointed out warily. Leo shrugged and walked over to the couch before flopping down.

"It's too late." Adam said simply before taking a seat on a barstool while Bree and I leaned against the counter in the kitchen.

"How long until he's here?" Adam asked. I brought hand away from Bree momentarily to check my watch.

"About an hour. The guests should be arriving in about half an hour, though." I replied. Adam nodded as Bree and I looked to see Leo practically falling asleep.

"Leo." I whispered loudly to the living room. He looked up at me with a dull face.

"What? Party planning is pretty tiring." Leo complained. Adam laughed quietly at his best friend before turning back to us.

"And how has the happy couple been?" Adam teased with a bright smile. I rolled my eyes and looked to Bree.

"We're doing fine, Adam." Bree said simply.

"When are you going to tell him?" Adam asked seriously. I sighed.

"Not tonight." I answered. Bree nodded.

"That's for sure." She added. Leo got up off the couch and walked calmly over.

"You guys need to tell him, though. Like soon. Or else your crazy ex boyfriend will tell him for you." Leo said as he took a seat next to Adam. I nodded along, already knowing the obvious was coming.

"We know. It's not like we want Owen telling everyone about us without Davenport knowing first." Bree replied.

"Well, when are you going to tell him?" Adam repeated.

"Before Monday." I said. It was Saturday today, so we just had tomorrow. We had put this off for quite some time now.

"That's good." Leo replied. I nodded and looked to my watch again. The guests should be coming any time now.

"Please tell me you didn't invite Doctor Evans." Leo said suddenly. I felt my eyebrows raise in question.

"I did. Why?" I asked warily. Leo threw his head back as he stood up.

"I don't like him, if you want the short story." Leo replied before the doorbell rang.

"You haven't even officially met Dr. Evans." I called.

"I know. But I've had to make small talk with him on the phone while Big D has me taking messages. The dude's weird." Leo said. He walked over to the door.

"You are his secretary." Bree mumbled as he opened the door to reveal a few guests. Leo smiled and lead them inside before glaring at Bree when they weren't looking. I laughed as Adam impersonated Leo's facial expression from seconds ago.

"You guys better not be talking about me behind my back." Leo said as he walked back over to us to get a plate of appetizers. I shook my head.

"Oh no, we weren't. Mr. Tiny-Mc-Littlestein." Adam said with a teasing smile. Leo shook his head and turned to face the guest. He walked over and set the plate on the table before the doorbell rang again showing about ten more guests. Leo stayed by he door as more and more people began to show.

"Have any of these people met us before?" Bree whispered as she brought Adam and I aside. I shrugged as Adam leaned back against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest.

"I don't think so. Mr. Davenport will introduce us when he gets here, though." I pointed out. She nodded and looked over to see Leo walking out to see if Davenport was here.

"Okay, everyone. Davenport is coming up the walk so... attempt to hide." Leo called. Everyone raced around the house looking for a place to not be seen as Leo opened the door for Davenport and Tasha. The three of us stayed put in the kitchen, knowing exactly what was about to happen. Davenport waltzed in wearing what couldn't only be a million dollar suit while Tasha and put on a dress she had worn before. I felt bad for her in a weird way because her husband spent more money on clothes than she did.

"Hey, Big D. Happy Birthday." Leo greeted as he hugged Davenport and Tasha. Davenport wore a fake smile as he glanced around the room. He stopped when he saw us standing in the kitchen.

"You two let Adam and Leo put up the decorations didn't you?" Davenport asked rhetorically.

"Not our best move." I replied. Everyone shot up.

"Surprise!" They shouted as they all walked towards the door and greeted Davenport. He smiled brightly as he issued thank you's to the various guests. Bree laughed as Davenport took this in stride.

"He acts like he's some kind of celebrity." Bree whispered as Adam walked over to hang with Leo. The two smiled brightly before racing off to the game room. I laughed and nodded before Tasha walked over to us.

"Thank you two for putting this whole thing together. I know Donald will thank you later as well." Tasha said as she patted my shoulder. I smiled knowingly as Bree shook her head.

"Well Adam and Leo-"

"Did everything you two told them to do?" Tasha interrupted. Bree laughed slightly and nodded.

"Yeah. That's actually exactly what they did." Bree replied. Tasha sighed and glanced around before taking us around the corner.

"And if this is any thanks, I saw the security footage and deleted it before Donald could see. I thought it would be best if you two told him about this." Tasha said as she motioned between the two of us.

"Wait, what?"


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