(17) The Birthday Distraction Plan

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Chapter 17



"We aren't related, smart ass." I hissed. Owen looked as though he had been shot as he took another step back. He looked between Bree, Adam, and I as he let the information sink in.

"How?" Owen muttered. Bree rolled her eyes and took a step forward.

"We were adopted. Mr. Davenport never told us." Bree cut in. I nodded and grabbed her hand, bringing her close.

"So why haven't you told everyone yet? Why is it still some big secret? Because I know for a fact, I'm not the only one that has seen what's been going on between you two." Owen asked. I sighed.

"We found this out on our own. Mr. Davenport just barely found out yesterday that we knew. Plus, he doesn't want us to date. He practically spelled that out for us." I explained as I looked to Bree. We had told Adam and Leo about our conversation with Davenport just before he walked in with Tasha earlier. Owen shook his head and started to make his way back to his car.

"Owen?" Bree called as he stopped at the crosswalk. He shook his head with a laugh.

"Don't think I'm not going to tell people. It's either you tell your 'dad', and everyone else, or I will." Owen yelled as he raced across the street and back into his car. Bree stopped breathing as he said that. I sighed, feeling as though the weight of the world, plus some, was just resting on our shoulders. This was it, Bree and I actually had to tell people about us. We couldn't hide it any more, and I wasn't sure if Mr. Davenport would be ready for that. I turned to her and let my hands rest on either of her shoulders, trying to being her out of her own thoughts.

"Bree." I tried. She nodded slowly and switched her glance to me. Adam and Leo walked over and stood on either side of us.

"Yeah?" She squeaked. I smiled as she finally spoke.

"Are you okay?" Adam asked. Leo rolled his eyes and motioned for us to continue.

"It's going to be okay." I started. She nodded, looking annoyed.

"No, it's not. Mr. Davenport is going to blow this out of proportion, and disown us or something. You and I will be finished. Either that, or he will order that we break up. It's still going to end badly." Bree ranted as the tears began to slide down her cheeks. I frowned in sympathy before I walked over and wrapped Bree into a hug. I couldn't lose her. I wasn't anywhere near ready to lose her, and I never would be. I knew that we were meant to be forever. I knew that there would never be a time when we wouldn't want to be together. It didn't matter what Mr. Davenport thought. He should have seen this coming. This wasn't something he could prevent.

"Bree, it doesn't matter what he does. We'll do something to fix it. I don't care if he-"

"Chase, don't." Bree whined. Adam sighed and walked over before wrapping his arms around the two of us with Leo following.

"We're behind you guys on this." Adam whispered. I laughed as he shot Bree a goofy grin to make her smile. She shook her head with a laugh.

"Thank you, Adam." Bree replied.

"Hey! Don't leave me out of the 'Bree and Chase dating bandwagon'! I'm totally for you two happy kids staying together no matter what Big D says." Leo rambled. I smiled slyly.

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