(11) The New Job

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Chapter 11



"Come on, Bree!" Caitlyn yelled as she ran ahead of me. I rolled my eyes and ran after her. We had been walking around the mall for five minutes. How long did it take to get to tech town?

"I'm coming!" I yelled as I ran to catch up. She raced into the said business just as I caught up. She smiled as we walked into Tech Town. There were people everywhere, looking from technology to technology. I couldn't have hated it more. Don't get me wrong, I love my phone and laptop, but I'm not all that into this tech stuff. That's what Chase was for.

Forget about Chase!

For some reason he's turning into the bad boy who gets in trouble two to three times a day. He got in school suspension for beating up Marcus yesterday. He hasn't turned into Spike since the talent show, and now he was always on edge. I should have never acted on my feelings for him. We should have kept it as a sibling relationship. Caitlyn lead me to the supposed manager that stood at the center of the store. Why did he have one leg up on the counter?

"Hi Scott. This is Bree. I knew that we needed another employee, so I got Bree." Caitlyn greeted. Scott looked me up and down skeptically.

"Fine. But I have to interview you first. Name?" He started as he pulled out a tablet to take notes. I smiled politely.

"Bree Davenport."



"Why do you want to be apart of the Tech Town Crew?" He asked warily. He looked up from the tablet.

"Because... Caitlyn wanted me to?" I answered. He nodded and clicked a few buttons before he looked up.

"Well as surprised as I am to say this, you're hired." The manager said. I smiled slightly as he handed me my name tag.

"Wait! This says Ming." I called as Scott walked away. He laughed and nodded before I turned to see Caitlyn smiling creepily.

"What?" I asked. Caitlyn smiled and walked behind the counter.

"Well, now that you're the newbie, you get to do all the dirty work. Have fun cleaning the bathroom." Caitlyn replied as she rolled the mop to me. I frowned as she walked off to the check out counter. Oh well, hopefully this job would get the attention off of me for a little bit. I hated having everyone catching onto the fact that Chase and I were involved. I shook my head and rolled the mop into the girls bathroom. No one was in there so it was easy to clean. I picked the mop up out of the bucket and slapped it down onto the ground. Water began pooling around the mop before I slid it back and forth across the floor. I breathed out as I continued working. This might give me time to think.

Okay, what do I need to think about?


He was the root of all my problems. That, and Ethan. Ethan was freaking insane. Who in their right mind took a paintball gun to school? He should have been expelled! Even Chase was put in suspension for fighting. Ethan got no punishment... As far as I knew. He might have gotten into trouble.


Owen was another problem. He was bound, set, and determined to catch Chase and I in the act. But in all fairness, he and the rest of the world still think Chase and I are related. If he caught us though, nothing would be the same. Mr. Davenport would kill us. Adam and Leo would probably ignore us for weeks. And the entire school, would pretty much disown us, more than they have already. I didn't even want to consider that. I wanted to be with Chase more than anything. But I couldn't. Maybe it would be better if I got back together with Owen... Or Ethan. If I got back together with Ethan that might make him happy. Eventually he would have to leave me alone.

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