(21) The Over Leo Rating

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Chapter 21



"You're almost too smart for your own good, Chase." Mr. Davenport hissed as I pulled Bree closer. This was the maddest I had ever seen him. Mr. Davenport was usually overly dramatically mad, never mad-mad though. I knew we should have told him earlier. But I also knew that if we had told him earlier, it wouldn't have lessened this any more than it was now.

"There's nothing more to tell." Bree whispered as she wrapped her arms around my waist. She twisted around slightly so she was able to be right up against me. Davenport rolled his eyes at the sight.

"Do you two even like each other?" He asked sarcastically. I felt myself scoffing at his accusation. Was he serious?

"Yes. Why else would we keep this going for so long?" I asked rhetorically. He himself should already know the answer. It seemed strange that he would even ask that.

"I don't know, Chase. Like I said before, I need all the details." Mr. Davenport defended. Bree sighed and glanced up to him.

"Then here's a detail for you. I'm in love with Chase." Bree stated suddenly. I felt a smile crawl onto my face as she mentioned that. Mr. Davenport on the other hand, almost fell down with shock.

"You're in love with him?" He asked, barely above a mumble. Bree nodded surely before looking to me.

"And I'm in love with Bree." I interrupted. He closed his eyes and threw his head back before the door flew open.

"Donald! You have held these two in here against their will for the last forty five minutes! Get out here!" Tasha yelled as she stormed inside the arcade. Davenport stood back, eyes wide at his wife's sudden outburst.

"Tasha, I needed to-"

"Talk with them? You should be done by now. I talked with them for three minutes before the party and already got the gist of the relationship. It's not hard to understand that they like each other, Donald." Tasha explained simply, her voice finally reaching regular tones. Bree held onto me tightly as we waited for Davenport to say something. Adam and Leo walked warily back into the arcade after they had been ordered to stay in the living room. Leo smiled and waved to Bree and I before pulling Adam over to stand by him against the wall closest to the door. Davenport sighed as he looked from one to the other.

"How long have you two known?" Davenport asked, sounding annoyed with the situation.

"Since last Saturday." Leo replied with a superior smile. Davenport held back a laugh at his step son.

"Okay, obviously there has been something different going on here for quite sometime." Mr. Davenport started.

"Bree and Chase." Leo mumbled between fake coughs. Davenport sighed and sent a teasing glare back to him.

"Yes, Bree and Chase. But, despite this, I think we can allow these two to date, as long as they promise to keep things civil." Mr. Davenport finished with a hopeful glance towards Tasha. She nodded approvingly.

"Yes!" Adam cheered as he raced over to Bree and I. Adam happily wrapped us into a hug before lifting us into the air.

"Adam!" Bree shrieked happily as he threw us down. I jumped to catch Bree as she almost fell.

"You okay?" I whispered as she stood up straight in my arms. She laughed and nodded.

"Perfect." Bree whispered with a smile.

"Why don't we treat Big D to a pizza dinner? You know, since we ruined his party." Leo suggested. Mr. Davenport smiled enthusiastically before looking to Tasha yet again.

"We didn't ruin his party." I pointed out as we say looked back and forth to each other.

"Yeah, right. Mr. and Mrs. Lipsy." Adam teased. Tasha rolled her eyes and stepped in between the four of us.

"I'll order the pizza." She said as she walked out to the kitchen for the phone. Adam and Leo raced after her, determined to get their specific toppings.

"I want mushroom!" Adam cheered as he ran down the hall.

"No! Pepperoni!" Leo countered. I laughed and attempted to bring Bree out after them. Mr. Davenport held up his hands to stop us.

"Yeah?" Bree asked warily.

"Do you two promise to not do... That stuff?" He asked. I felt a nervous smile rest on my face as I looked down to Bree. A light blush has taken over her cheeks.

"We promise." Bree squeaked as she held my hand tighter.

"Good. Then I fully approve of you two crazy kids being in love." He replied happily before skipping down the hallway. I sighed and spun around to face Bree full on before wrapping my arms tightly around her waist. She laughed as I listed her into the air and spun us around. She smiled happily as I set her down slowly.

"I love you, Chase." Bree whispered. As she let her arms rest around my neck as I pulled her closer.

"I love you, too." I whispered before I closed the gap between us. She smiled into the kiss as she threaded her fingers through my hair.

"Hey! Keep it Leo rated you two!" Leo yelled from the hallway. Bree pulled away quickly and jumped to my side as she looked to see the entire family waiting for us out in the hallway.

"What is that?" I asked, holding back a laugh. He shrugged.

"It probably means like rated G or something." He replied casually.

"Pizza?" I asked with a laugh as I took her hand. She laughed and nodded before pulling me forward.



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