(24) The Seashell

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Epilogue: Part 2

Chapter 24



"The beach! We're actually here!" Tasha squealed before racing out of the rv. I laughed and picked up the basket I had brought for Bree and I. We were going to have a picnic.

"Yeah, it's not like we've been here before or anything." Leo mumbled as he got out of the rv with the rest of us. I shook my head. Leo was upset he was missing out on some pig zombie marathon that he and Davenport had every year. Davenport patted Leo on the shoulder as we all trailed down to our specified meeting place with Bree.

"It's okay, Leo. I'm recording it." Davenport stated reassuringly. Leo sighed and nodded.

"It's still not the same as watching it live." Leo murmured as he sat down next to Tasha on the beach blanket she had laid out. I smiled as I walked around him and sat down on the sand. We rarely came out here, and I loved the feeling of the sand. Bree and I could come out here everyday after school next year, though. Which would be amazing if I do say so myself. I felt my eyebrows raise as I watched Adam practically jumping up and down with excitement. Leo lowered his sunglasses as he looked his best friend up and down. The four of us had grown close again since Bree and I had been officially allowed to date. Both Leo and I could tell Adam had something on his mind, which almost never happens.

"Who wants to go get ice cream?" Adam whined as he pulled Leo off the ground. I laughed and held my hand up as Adam lifted me to my feet as well.

"I'll text Bree and tell her to meet us there." I replied as I got out my phone and followed my brothers over to the plaza. Adam smiled happily before racing over to the ice cream stand. Leo laughed and ran along with me after him. We each stopped and picked out an ice cream cone before walking about the plaza. There were still the same small stands and stores lining the plaza that had the last time we had visited.

"How have you and Bree been since she's been off at college. I keep forgetting to ask you." Adam asked as we walked along. I shrugged. Adam was usually pretty considerate when it came to agree and I. It was just when Leo began his usual "funny" aspects that Adam made fun of our relationship.

"About the same. But as soon as we go off to college together, we'll be even better." I replied honestly. I couldn't wait until next year. Bree and I had even planned to room together. There was also the fact that she had been pretty glitchy, leaving her capsule and all. We had only kind of grown out of it.

"Alone time?" Leo asked slyly as he raised his eyebrows in a suggestive matter. I rolled my eyes and pushed him over to the side. He laughed and took his place back at my side. Adam smiled as he finally got the joke.

"That was funny." Adam added as he fist bumped Leo. I rolled my eyes and looked from side to side for Bree. She had to be here somewhere. She had texted back and said she was already at the beach and would meet us here in a couple of minutes. It's been three days since I've seen her last. When she stayed the night Saturday, she left pretty late on Sunday night. She only had two classes today though, so she was going to meet us for the entire afternoon.

"Hey, why don't you go surprise her?" Leo whispered as he pointed off in the distance to Bree who was waiting in line for the very game that I had helped her with before. I smiled happily before leaving my ice cream cone to Adam who took it with stride. I have no idea what his limits on food are. Bree smiled and payed the runner of the game a dollar before taking a ball and throwing it at the pins. I could tell she wanted to do it herself this time. She had some kind of unfinished business with it. She threw the next two, with no avail. She sighed and looked around, almost waiting for me. I smiled and walked over, wrapping my arms around her waist. She laughed and spun around to me.

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