(2) The Cheer

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Chapter 2



"Bree are you really going to try out for the cheer leading squad?" I asked Bree as she walked into the room holding pom poms. She rolled her eyes and came to sit by me on the couch.

"Yes, Chase. I want to be a cheerleader, what's the big deal?" She countered. I shrugged not knowing what to say.

"You just don't seem like the cheer leading type." I replied. She frowned back at me in confusion.

"Well then what type am I?" She asked sarcastically. She stood up and made her way over to the open space in the living room where she could practice. I saw Adam coming so I began to walk to the lab.

"You seem like the bionic type that likes the smart guys." I whispered as I walked to the elevator. She smiled as she looked back at me. Adam walked in as she was practicing and announced he would also like to join the squad. Shocker, he said that the first day the went to school. And why was Bree so hung up on this anyway? All the girls on the cheer squad are jerks anyway. Bree was nothing like them. She was sweet, kind, caring-

"Chase, I need your help." Leo yelled as I entered the lab. I sighed. Someone always needed my help around here. That's the only downside to being the smartest guy in the world.

"What's up, Leo?" I asked as I walked further into the lab. He smiled as I sat down by the lab desk.

"I entered the one-on-one basketball tournament." Leo said confidently. I shuttered at the thought of Leo playing basketball. He wasn't exactly the sporty type.

"Trent's going to murder you." I said simply as I played with the cyber desk. Leo sighed.

"I need something to help me beat him so he can't murder me. You can usually come up with good ideas. You know, when you get that unattractive light bulb face that means you've got an idea." As Leo explained it, something popped into my head.

"Oh, there it is." Leo said happily as I jumped up and ran over to the bench where Davenport had the shoes.

"These, are Davenports special air sneakers. They can help you jump during the game." I explained as I threw the shoes down in front of Leo. He looked down at the shoes then back up to me.

"I don't know if you've noticed, Chase. But my feet won't exactly fit in those, shoe canoes." Leo stated simply as he motioned toward the shoes. I smiled knowing they would fit just fine soon enough.

"Just put them on." I said. Leo slipped on the shoes and within seconds they were exactly his size. He smiled as he began to jump around.

"These are awesome!" Leo said excitedly. I laughed at his face. I've never seen the kid so excited.

"Why don't we try and play some basketball?" I asked as I turned the corner to get the basketball. Leo nodded as I returned and began to dribble it. He quickly swiped the ball from me and jumped up to make a slam dunk. He cheered as he hit the ground again.

"Wow! But that wasn't even the shoes. I don't need these. I'm good without them." Leo said nonchalantly as he kicked the shoes off. I rolled my eyes as he jumped up about three inches off the ground before face planting. He rolled over quickly as I laughed quietly at him.

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