(4) The Mission

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Chapter 4



"Hey Marcus." I called as the four of us walked out into the hallway to see our friend. Bree smiled brightly as she saw Marcus wave and walk closer. Wait, I hope Bree doesn't like Marcus. That would be horrible.

"Hey guys." Marcus greeted. I smiled and fist bumped him before turning to see Leo glaring at our new friend. What was up with those two?

"Do you guys want to hang out after school? My dad's going away on business and I don't really want to spend the afternoon with my grandmother." Marcus asked hopefully. I nodded.

"Ha! You said your grandma was dead." Leo stated not so politely. Marcus frowned sadly as he heard Leo's words.

"The other grandma! But thanks for reminding me." Marcus yelled. I sighed, why did Leo have to ruin everything?

"You can come over Marcus. We just have to check with Mr. Davenport." I explained. Marcus frowned.

"You call your dad Mr. Davenport?" Marcus asked warily. My eyes widened as I realized what I had just done.

"No, I mean, I wanted you to know who I was talking about." I stumbled. Marcus smiled, seeming to buy my explanation. I sighed as he nodded and walked off to his next class. I looked over to see two guys throwing a football around the hall, only for it to go flying at Bree.

"Bree watch out!" I yelled. I moved my hand up to point to it before it went flying in the direction my hand was pointed.

"Chase..." Bree left off as the bell rang. We stood alone in the hallway, not caring that we were missing class.

"I think I just moved that ball with my mind." I mumbled as my siblings looked to me.

"We better to home." Leo suggested as we all made our way out the door. Leo and Adam walked up ahead of Bree and I as we began the walk home. Bree stopped me before we could catch up with Adam and Leo.

"Chase, what was that?" Bree whispered worriedly. I shrugged and motioned her follow me behind the guys.

"I don't know. But hopefully Mr. Davenport's computer will have the answer. Don't worry." I said, reassuring her that everything would be okay. I didn't want Bree worrying about me. She nodded warily and wrapped her hand around mine. Given how far away Leo and Adam were from us, they would never see this. I smiled down at her as we turned the corner to the house.

"Come on." Bree whispered as she dropped my hand and walked in the front door where Leo was standing, waiting for us.

"What took you guys so long?" Leo wondered as we walked over to the elevator. I shrugged.

"Nothing. You guys were just walking extremely fast." I said sarcastically,brushing off the subject. Leo laughed.

"Bree's the fastest person in the world-"

"Shut it." Bree hissed. I smiled as she shook her head. This was getting pretty hard. We had only been officially seeing each other for about three or four weeks now. I'm actually surprised Leo and Davenport haven't figured it out yet.

"I'll handle this." I mumbled as I walked over to Mr. Davenport's cyber desk. I pulled up our files only to see mine had changed. That's weird.

"Guys, this isn't a glitch. I've unlocked a hidden ability called molecular kinesis." I exclaimed with a smile. This was great!

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