(14) The Secret Untold

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Chapter 14



"Guys, Big D is coming up the walk." Leo whispered harshly as we all scrambled to the couch. This had been crazy. The adults had only been gone for forty-eight hours, and so much had happened. The one thought that stood out though, Bree and I were back together. The only downside, the hiding. I hated hiding us from the world.

The door opened with a small creak, indicating we probably needed to grease the front door. The four of us smiled brightly as our "parents" stepped though the front door. I dropped Bree's hand, just realizing I had been holding into her. She smiled slightly before racing over to give them a hug.

"Did you have fun?" Bree asked as she stepped back from the two. Tasha nodded enthusiastically before motioning for me to follow Bree's actions. I smiled and walked over, hugging Tasha and Mr. Davenport before standing by Bree.

"We had an amazing time. We would have stayed longer if it wasn't for an alert from Eddie. Did anything happen? He said it was urgent." Tasha rambled. Bree's eyes widened as she quickly turned her glance to see Eddie popping up on the screen.

"Oh it's urgent. You know what these teenagers have been up to?" Eddie hissed. Mr. Davenport looked between the four of us, as if waiting for one of us to tell him before Eddie had a chance to. I felt my stomach drop to the floor with worry. Of all people, or things, Eddie had to tell them that Bree and I were seeing each other.

"What happened, Eddie?" Mr. Davenport asked.

"They broke your mug." Eddie said with a smile. Bree frowned in confusion.

"Wasnt that you? You were trying to play dodgeball-"

"That's not the point sister!" Eddie hissed. Bree held up her hands in defense before motioning for me to follow her to the lab. Adam and Leo nodded and followed us as well.

"Wait! So there's really nothing wrong?" Tasha called after us. We shook our heads.

"No. You guys came back for nothing." Leo replied happily.

"Alright. I guess we will just unpack and maybe... Go out for dinner?" Mr. Davenport suggested.

"Yes! I finally get to use my gigantic fork!" Adam cheered. I rolled my eyes and shoved him into the elevator with Bree and Leo following. Where in the world did Adam get these giant eating tools? The doors slid shut just as Mr. Davenport and Tasha began to whisper.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Bree asked worriedly. I shrugged.

"Hopefully nothing. There's no way they know... I hope." Leo said simply. We walked of into the lab and took our respective seats. Adam took the office chair, Leo sat at his mission specialist desk, and Bree and I hopped up on the cyber desk.

"Well then what are they talking about? If they're not talking about the other thing." Bree asked again. Adam smiled and spun the chair around.

"Maybe the trip?" Leo replied. Bree nodded, not seeming happy with the responses she was getting. Not that I could blame her, I would do anything to find out what was going on upstairs. That's it!

"Guys! I can hack into Eddie's security system to see what they're talking about!" I exclaimed. Bree smiled and nodded before leading me over to the controls. I used my molecular kinesics to hack into the controls. Within seconds, I had the feed playing up on the monitor.

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