(20) The Interrogation

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Chapter 20



"Mr. Davenport we can-"

"Explain? I'm sure you can." Davenport interrupted. I sighed and let my arm slip from Bree's waist as the five of us stood in silence. The rift between us had increased within the last couple of months. What used to be unbreakable had recently been awkward. Probably because of Bree and I. Things had changed, everyone could see that.

"I want everyone out. Adam, Leo? Tell them that the party is over." Mr. Davenport ordered. Leo sighed in relief as he grabbed onto Adam's shirt sleeve, dragging him forward.

"Can we ask mom to do it? She has more of a way with words." Leo asked seriously. I felt a smile fall to my face at Leo's request, it had thrown Davenport completely off his game. He sighed and nodded as he brought one hand up to rub his temple.

"I don't care how you get rid of them, just do it. And then I want you three to wait in the living room for us. We'll be out shortly." Mr. Davenport explained as Adam and Leo left the room. Leo quietly shut the door behind them. Bree rolled her eyes and leaned her elbows against the soda bar, not moving an inch towards our "father". Not that I blamed her, he was the one that kept the fact that we weren't related for so long. We practically had to find that out for ourselves. And now he was mad at us for dating. Yeah, that added up.

"Okay, I don't care where you two start, but I would prefer the beginning. Tell me exactly how this, came to happen." He stated, trying to stay calm despite the moments when his voice wavered from low to high. I nodded and looked to Bree. Wondering if I should start for us.

"When I found out we weren't related, I also found out I had feelings for Bree. I didn't tell her for a while because I was scared of her reaction, but then we planned the trip to the beach." I began. Mr. Davenport's eyes widened as he listened.

"You mean to tell me that when you two were supposed to be watching for the launch time of the rocket, you two were actually off confessing your love for each other?" Mr. Davenport clarified. I sighed and nodded, slowly growing more and more annoyed with his antics. He was blowing this way out of proportion.Tasha took this almost too easily.

"Maybe?" Bree answered, her voice growing higher in octaves at the end.

"Oh, sure. Continue." Mr. Davenport replied.

"Bree left with Leo to go to the beach before we were able to talk about it, so I followed. I caught up with her and eventually, we found out we each liked each other." I said.

"We dated for a while before our lies started to catch up with us. Leo was the first official one to call us on it, and that's when we broke up." Bree continued for me. I nodded, glad that that time was over. Although, the situation we were in right now didn't seem to great, either.

"I started dating Owen to distract from Chase before Ethan started to go after everyone who liked me." Bree explained.

"Then I started to get into trouble, which half the time I was trying to help Bree, for the record." I added. Mr. Davenport rolled his eyes.

"Please. Are you seriously trying to convince me that all those times you got into trouble, you were doing it to help Bree?" He asked in disbelief. I nodded slowly.

"Pretty much, excluding the first time I got in trouble. That was just because the teacher couldn't handle my intelligence." I explained with a smirk. Bree bit her lip to hold back a laugh as Davenport continued his glare towards us.

"So when did you two get back together?" Mr. Davenport asked warily.

"When we got jobs at tech town. It was right after our first day. That was also when Adam and Leo found out. They followed us to the mall." Bree replied. I let my hand find hers below the soda bar. She smiled slightly as she wrapped her hand around mine.

"So this has technically been going on since the beach?" Mr. Davenport asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, pretty much." I mumbled. Davenport nodded and began to pace around the arcade. Bree rolled her eyes and looked to me.

"Do you think Adam and Leo got rid of the party?" She whispered teasingly. I laughed quietly and nodded.

"Yeah, they probably did. They tend to drive people away." I replied. Bree held back a laugh as Davenport stopped just in front of us.

"What are you two talking about?" He asked snidely. Bree's eyebrows rose as she took a step towards him.

"Why do you ask so many questions?" Bree asked as she crossed her arms over her chest. Davenport frowned.

"I asked you first." He replied immaturely. I sighed and took over.

"We were talking about the party. We were joking around about Adam and Leo having to get did of everyone. Okay?" I snapped. Davenport held up his hands in defense and took a step back.

"Look, I'm sorry I have to do this. But I need to get all of the details about this first. You guys have obviously told everyone but Tasha and I about this." Mr. Davenport ranted. Bree cringed slightly at the mention of our step mother. Mr. Davenport's face fell slowly.

"Tasha knows?" He asked in disbelief. Bree and I nodded slowly.

"Maybe?" Bree answered. He threw his hands up in anger as he began to pace in circle about the center of the room.

"So I'm the only one that didn't know?" He yelled as he stopped to look to us.

"No, you're not the only one. Tasha just found out about an hour ago." Bree mumbled. Davenport sighed and he brought his hand up to his temple once more.

"I guess that's better than having her know this whole time. How did she find out?" He asked.

"The security cameras." Bree whispered, barely loud enough for him to hear. I frowned in sympathy before grabbing her hand again, trying to tell her I was here.

"So this has been going on here? Not outside of the house? This has been happening just under my nose this whole time!" He asked, growing more angry by the second.

"It hasn't exactly been going on here. We had one moment a few days ago-"

"When, exactly?" Davenport interrupted.

"Last week. Last Saturday before dinner, if you want the specifics." Bree hissed snidely before stepping forward. She took slow and steady steps until she stood right in front of him. She held her hands at her sides, trying to stay calm as he stared her down, wondering if there was anything else we may have been hiding.

"Is that it?" He asked after a long silence. I nodded and walked over to take my stance by Bree. I wrapped my arm around her side before answering.

"That's it. But from the looks of it, you think there's more." I answered with a sly smile. Mr. Davenport laughed lightly.

"You're almost too smart for your own good, Chase."


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