(23) The Perfect Picture

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Epilogue Part 1 - Three Years Later

Chapter 23



"Chase!" Bree cheered as she raced over to hug me. She had been away at college for so long now, I had only seen her on a computer screen. I laughed and wrapped my arms around her as she threw herself against me. Davenport plucked the diploma from my hands as I let her hug me longer. I had missed this.

"Now four out of four of you have graduated." Davenport pointed out as he inspected my diploma. Tasha smiled and let her hands rest on his shoulder as she looked it over as well. Bree sighed as she let me go, still standing by my side with her arms draped over my shoulders as well. I smiled and kept my arms around her waist. Adam laughed at the sight before walking over and pushing Bree out of the way, pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

"Adam!" I hissed as the air escaped me by the second. He laughed and set me down. Leo laughed and patted me on the back as Bree came back to my side.

"Great job, Chase. Now let's not forget that I too, have graduated." Leo replied as he held up his diploma. I rolled my eyes and pulled Bree closer.

"I missed you." Bree whispered.

"I missed you, too." I whispered before Davenport motioned for us to follow. I laughed and grabbed Bree's hand, leading her over to the stage as Tasha pulled out her camera for more pictures.

"Get together you guys." Tasha ordered teasingly, as though we hadn't been hugging for the last five minutes. Adam stood behind Bree and I as Leo leaned down in front of us. Tasha snapped the picture before Davenport pulled Adam and Leo off to the side to their own picture, wanting a picture of Bree and I, just as we had at her graduation. She laughed and looked to me before wrapped her arms around my neck. I shook my head and lifted her up bridal style as she leaned her head against mine. We each smiled happily as Tasha took the picture. Bree laughed and jumped down before taking my hat off and placing it on her own head. She smiled happily before placing her lips to mine. I could feel the entire student body watching us as Tasha clicked happy pictures. No one had ever gotten used to the idea of Bree and I as a couple. We had been dating for almost three years, and they still gave us weird looks. I couldn't care less though, I was heading off to college with Bree soon enough. We wouldn't need to worry about Mission Creek any longer.

"Okay, break it up." Leo said as he pushed us apart. Bree rolled her eyes before taking the hat off and walking over to my side once more. I laughed and took her hand as we walked away from the field. Davenport lead the way to the two cars since I had driven myself up earlier than they had. Bree smiled and raced over to the passengers side of my car. Davenport had given it to me for my senior year since Adam had finally graduated and apparently didn't feel like driving Leo and I to school.

"I'm riding with Chase." Bree announced as she waited impatiently for me to open the door. I laughed and clicked the button before she threw herself into the car and shut the door behind her. Leo held up his hands in defense before walking past my car.

"And I'm not riding with Chase." Leo called back before getting in back of Davenport's car with Adam. Tasha waved as she and Davenport got into their car and drove off. I laughed and got into my own car to see Bree smiling.

"That was the weirdest time of my life." Bree stated simply as she sat back in her seat. I laughed and turned to her as I threw my cap and gown behind me.

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