(6) The Break

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Chapter 6



"I know you two are dating." Leo stated simply. My eyes widened as I let the fact that he knew sink in.

He knew.

He knew and he was probably going to tell Mr. Davenport.
I was going to be in so much trouble.

I shook my head. I couldn't just worry about myself. I had Bree to worry about.

"Leo, just to clarify, you think Bree and I are seeing each other... Romantically?" I asked, trying to sound as if I never believed him for a second.

"Yes." Leo answered, sounding unsure of himself. I laughed lightly.

"Oh, Leo. You do realize we're related, right? That wouldn't even come up." I countered.

"Besides, why would I date Chase anyway?" Bree scoffed. I glared back at her.

"Well, I'm sorry I accused you guys of that. I guess I'll just leave then." Leo replied awkwardly before walking awkwardly out of the room. He closed the door quietly as Bree and I turned to face each other. I sighed and reached for her hand. She swiftly pulled it out of my reach.

"What?" I whispered. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Did you just see that as a close call? That, has been happening more and more lately! Everyone is wondering why we've been wanting to spend time alone, or why we suddenly sit by each other at the table, or why we insist on doing our chores together... The list goes on and on. Everyone. Knows. Chase. We can't keep doing this." Bree whispered harshly. I frowned as I let my mind fall to a life without Bree again. I shuttered as I saw my lunch times filled with Adam, Leo, Marcus, and I. Not Bree and I. Bree would be off with some other guy. That's how it was before. That's how it would be again.

"Are we breaking up?" I asked in disbelief. She took a deep breath.

"There really nothing else we can do. Sneaking around is not working, and telling everyone, will not go over well. I like you a lot, Chase, but I think we need a break." Bree finished before she walked out of the room. I felt myself fall against the back wall as I thought over her last words.

We can't keep doing this.

But this couldn't be the end. I liked Bree too much to let that happen. Yes, the Leo thing was close. More than close. But I thought she liked me too much to end it over that. I could feel my eyes beginning to water as I realized what had just happened.

I lost her. She was gone. And there was nothing I could do about it.

"Dinner's ready!" Tasha yelled from downstairs. I moved my hand over my eyes, trying to rid myself of the tears that had yet to fall. No one could know. I moved to my window and leaned my hands against the edge. There was a small knock at my door before Adam opened it.

"Chase, are you ready for dinner?" Adam asked as he walked into my room. I shook my head as I looked out the window and down to the backyard.

"Not hungry." I hissed. Adam stood back. He must have thought Spike had taken me over.

"Okay. I'm just gonna go." Adam mumbled as he raced out. I rolled my eyes and walked over to close my door. Just as I reached for the handle, Bree walked out into the hallway. I looked away and shut the door. I couldn't deal with this. Normal breakups, had to be ten times easier than this one. They don't live with their ex's. They don't have to deal with the aftermath of it in private, with no one to tell it to. I was completely alone on this one.

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