(7) The Bad Boy Covered in Paint

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Chapter 7



"Owen! Really? Owen? Owen of all people! The artist? The one that can sweep her off her feet just because the guy can draw!" I ranted as I stomped around the lab. Adam rolled his eyes. I had almost forgotten he had followed me down here. I smiled nervously.

"Sorry." I mumbled. Adam sighed and walked over by me.

"Why are you so upset about this?" He wondered. I shrugged. I couldn't let him know.

"No reason. It's just... He might get to close. He might find out about our bionics." I lied. Adam nodded.

"Well, he won't. He pretty stupid, anyway." Adam scoffed. I laughed lightly. Adam wasn't exactly qualified to put someone in the stupid category.

"Thanks, Adam." I replied. He smiled and patted me on the shoulder.

"Come on. Lets get to school." Adam said. I nodded and threw my back pack over my shoulder. This was going to suck. I actually had to go to class today. Bree and I were still partners in lit, too. Maybe she would at lucky and get partnered up with Owen. He just so happened to switch into our class.

"Bye guys! Have fun at school." Davenport called as the four of us walked out the front door. I smiled and walked along until I noticed a car parked in our driveway.

"Who's car is that?" I asked. Bree smiled brightly and raced over to the car.

"Hey." Owen said as he stepped out of the car. Adam rolled his eyes and motioned for Leo and I to follow him to his car. Adam had gotten his license about three months ago. I have no idea how, but I'm not going to question it.

"Hey." Bree smiled as she got into the car. They pulled away and were off to school within seconds. I shook my head and took my seat in the passengers side. This was crazy. Bree and I had only broken up two days ago. She already had another boyfriend.

"Do you guys want to go to the mall after school?" Leo asked as Adam pulled into the parking lot. I nodded and looked to Adam.

"That sounds great." I replied. Adam smiled and lead us over to the door.

"I'll see you guys at lunch." I called. The bell rang as I walked up the stairs. I sighed and walked through the door to my science class. Marcus walked in right as I had set down my backpack. He had switched out of Leo's science class for some reason and now he was in mine.

"Hey, Marcus." I greeted. Marcus waved and took his seat next to me.

"What's up buddy? Did you hear about Bree and Owen? They're the new 'it couple' of the junior class." Marcus explained. I closed my eyes for a second. I had to stay calm. What would Bree be doing dating a sophomore like me anyway?

"Yeah, they started going out yesterday. Bree's pretty happy about it. Anyway, do you want to head to the mall with us after school?" I asked, trying to change the subject. Marcus frowned at my avoidance but nodded shortly after.

"That sounds fun. Should I meet you guys at Adam's car after school?" Marcus wondered. I nodded.

"Yeah, we'll just head over after the bell rings." I replied. Our teacher walked up to the front of the class room and began to write our assignment on the board. Marcus and I both got out our notebooks and copied as fast as we could. As I scanned back over my notes, I realized I didn't need any of this. I had bionics. I quit writing and looked around the room at the rest of the class. The teacher stopped and turned to look at me.

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