(16) The Truth

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Chapter 16



"He's gonna find out."

"No, he won't."

"Yes he will."

"No, he won't."

"Guys!" Bree shouted as she stood up. I glared over to Adam who had been taunting Bree and I for the past twenty minutes. This could have gone on longer in all honesty, but Bree had to cut in... Not that I'm blaming her. Adam could be pretty annoying.

"Yeah, I'm with Bree on this one. You two need to shut up." Leo said as he walked into the lab.

"Thank you, Leo." Bree replied happily before she returned to her seat next to me.

"But shouldn't you guys, oh I don't know, be keeping these conversations outside of the house? Davenport's going to be listening to the security camera footage more than ever. He probably does think this is his own personal reality show." Leo ranted. I sighed. He was right. Davenport would be more into our lives than he ever has before. This was going to be bad if he ever overheard any of this.

"Okay, then it's agreed. We won't talk about this at home, or any kind of public place." I decided. Bree and Leo nodded as Adam's eyes widened.

"Then where will we talk about it? I can't keep this inside of me forever! I need to speak to you Chasey-"

"Adam! We can just... Go on the roof or something. Settle down." I interrupted. He nodded slowly before settling back into his seat. He concentrated his stare on one part of the cyber desk as the three of us concluded he would probably be fine. Bree shook her head, looking annoyed at the two's dramatics about this.

"Can you two not blow this out of proportion? We are just, dating. I know it's weird, but you're going to have to get used to it. It's not changing." Bree added. I smiled as she looked over to me.

"Fine. We can try. But I can't ever say that I'm totally okay with it, because I'm not." Leo said with a smile. Adam looked up as we heard the elevator doors open. We all turned to see Mr. Davenport and Tasha walking over to us.

"Hey guys. What have you been up to?" Davenport asked warily. I frowned in confusion. This was getting weird.

"We're just hanging out. Like we normally do." Bree said with a hint of a song like voice. I nodded nonchalantly, trying to persuade them to believe us.

"Yeah, we were just talking." I said, brushing off the subject. Tasha's eyebrows rose int he way they did when she suspected us of something.

"What, were you talking about?" She asked simply. Adam sighed and stood up.

"Your birthday, Mr. Davenport. We were talking about your birthday. Now, if you would like more details, don't. Otherwise, it would ruin the surprise." Adam ordered firmly before grabbing onto the back of my shirt and motioning for the others to follow as he lead us to the door. We walked out into the garage before Adam opened the door for us to walk outside. Apparently, we were leaving. I held the opener in my hand as we stood outside of the garage and closed it as Leo finally stepped over. He smiled apologetically before we began to walk down the sidewalk, not knowing where we would be walking to.

"That was close." Bree whispered as we reached the end of the driveway. I nodded.

"Too close. Are you two sure you can't just, hide your feelings until we're all out of high school and hopefully allowed to live elsewhere?" Leo suggested teasingly. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Bree's hand, holding our hands up as we walked.

"Bree and I, are not breaking up again. We just got back together and it caused way to much trouble the last time." I argued. Adam sighed and nodded as he and Leo walked up ahead of us. We passed by a few kids who were playing kickball in the street. They each glanced up at us before going back to their game. I sighed and brought my arm up to rest on Bree's shoulders. For the moment, not caring who saw us. She smiled and wrapped her arm around my waist.

"P. D. A." Leo called over his shoulder. I laughed and shook my head.

"Oh come on. We're out of the house." I called back. He smiled teasingly as he looked back to us. His eyebrows rose to a suggestive tone.

"Leo." Bree warned. He rolled his eyes and turned back to look ahead of us. Up ahead, you could see Mission Creek High coming into view. I sighed as I realized where we would probably end up hanging out.

"We're going to school, aren't we?" I called as Adam looked both ways at the cross walk. At least he was being safe.

"Well, no one is going to be there." Leo added. I nodded, agreeing with him.

"Principle Perry's here." Leo said worriedly as he stopped in the middle of the street. I rolled my eyes and pushed him over to the other side as a car started coming our way. Bree stopped as we hit the sidewalk and spun around to see the car stopping. Her breathing increased as we saw the door opening.

"Who is-"

"Let's go." Bree ordered before shoving Leo ahead and walking quickly down the sidewalk.

"Bree." Someone called sternly as Bree began to quicken her pace. I grabbed her arm as I saw her bionic side slowly clicking on. I didn't want her speeding down the sidewalk.

"Come on." Bree said worriedly.

"Bree, stop!" He called again. I sighed and turned to see Owen running after us. I felt my hope drop as he caught us.

"Go away." Bree mumbled as she cowered beside me. I wrapped my arm around her again, trying to comfort her. Owen gave us a disgusted look as Leo and Adam walked over to stand by our side. Four against one, I liked our odds.

"Bree, you are seeing your brother. Why would you deny it?" Owen hissed with a hint of sarcasm.

"Owen, stop." Bree said with a glare. He smiled snidely as I brought Bree closer. I could see the tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Why? So you can get back to your date with your brother? Your probably seeing Adam and Leo, too, aren't-"

"Owen! Leave her alone." I growled. Bree looked to me worriedly, each of us hoping Spike wouldn't rear his ugly head. Owen took a step back as I took one forward.

"Chase, I didn't mean-"

"No. You meant that. Your still so angry that she never liked you, that you had to tease her. You do realize that Ethan is still harassing her as well. If you really liked her, if you really cared about her, you would be her friend. You wouldn't be treating her like this." I hissed. Owen sighed and looked to the ground.

"Do you realize how wrong this is? You are brother and sister. You shouldn't even be considering this." Owen countered with a smirk. I smiled politely.

"We aren't related, smart ass."


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