(12) The Jealous Type

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Chapter 12



I glared at the ground as I watched Bree play with the necklace Marcus had given her. Why hadn't I ever thought of something like that? Oh, right. Because if I did, that would leave her to explain. We couldn't tell anyone we were dating, when we were. I angrily picked up my toast and took a bite. This breakfast was pretty good. Tasha and Mr. Davenport had left about twenty minutes ago for their redo trip to Australia. Bree finally dropped her hands to her lap as she glanced around at the three of us. We were completely silent. Adam and Leo could probably feel the tension between the two of us. Leo looked back and forth between Bree and I as he ate while Adam shoved as much food into his mouth as possible.

"So." Leo started. I sighed and looked up to them. Bree had specifically asked to switch spots with Leo, so now, I was sitting next to Leo, and across from Adam while Bree sat next to Adam.

"What?" I mumbled. Adam's head shot up as he heard me speak.

"Okay, what is going on here? For the past week, none of us have been able to speak at the table, unless Big D and Mom are here." Leo ranted as he stood up and put his plate in the sink. He stomped back and watched as Bree and I looked down at the floor. Neither Bree, nor I, were ready to tell these two blabber mouths about what happened between us.

"Well?" Adam added as Bree and I avoided answering. I closed my eyes as I waited for a way out of this. Any way. I would even go to the mall for this. That's it! Bree has work!

"Bree, don't you have work?" I suggested. Bree's eyes widened.

"Yes! I do. Will you come with me to the mall, Chase?" Bree asked as she stood. I nodded and followed her out. As we shut the door, she used her super speed to take us to the mall within seconds. She took a deep breath as we entered the mall.

"I'm sorry." She whispered as we began to make our way to her new job.

"It's not your fault." I whispered back. This was my fault. I was to blame for all of this.

"No, it's my fault. I broke up with you. If I hadn't, none of this would have happened." Bree continued.

"Bree, if I wouldn't have told you I liked you-"

"But I overheard you first. It is my fault, and this time Chase, you can't be right about this." Bree argued, her voice slowly raising. I sighed and took her hand, leading her over to a secluded space.

"Bree, if you want the blame, then go crazy. But just know, that I'm sorry. I never meant for our relationship to turn out this way. For some reason, I thought that it could actually work, and maybe it can. But for now, it probably can't." I finished. Bree nodded shyly before walking past me, and across the way to tech town. I breathed slowly as I watched her enter the store. I shouldn't have snapped. I guess I'll go talk with her later. I glanced around the mall, only to see a lone pretzel stand. I smiled as I witnessed my true reason for being here. Pretzels were bad for you, and these supposed vendors, were about to find out why.

"Excuse me." I called as I walked over to the vendor. He smiled and looked up at me from the items. There was another customer standing next to me, eating the very thing that set her life, onto a dangerous path.

"Can I get you a pretzel, sir?" He asked. He began preparing a wrapper for me as I held up my hand to stop him.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you something about this establishment." I stared politely. He nodded and set the wrapper down. The customer next to me leaned in as she waited for me to continue.

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