(10) The Facts

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Chapter 10



"I'm still blaming you for this." Bree stated simply as she slummed back in her seat. I smiled slightly as she snuck a glance at me.

"And I'm still not fighting you on that." I replied. She smiled slightly before she returned to her perpetual state of anger. I could tell she was fighting tooth and nail to stay mad at me.

"Chase, why do you keep getting in trouble?" Bree asked out of the blue. I shrugged.

"I didn't mean to either time. I think the teacher has it out for me." I said honestly. She smiled brightly this time.

"The teacher has it out for you?" Bree asked, laughing lightly. I nodded.

"Yes! I said I didn't need notes because I already knew the information, he got mad and sent me down here. I got out my phone to warn you about the creep next to me, who by the way was using his phone for a longer period of time than I was, and the teacher then proceeded to send me to the office. When I told him I was explaining my office sending to my sister, he then sent both of us to the office. And, here we sit." I finished with a smirk. She shook her head.

"Alright, you win. He hates you." Bree gave up. I laughed and nodded.

"Bree and Chase Davenport? What is up with you two?" Perry asked as she motioned for us to join her in her office. I followed Bree in and shut the door behind us as Perry sat back in her chair.

"Well, I was texting Bree to make sure we were walking home after school when the teacher got mad and sent me to the office." I stared. Perry nodded then turned to Bree.

"I saw Chase in the hallway and asked what he was doing. Then while he was in the middle of explaining this to me, his teacher sent the both of us to the office." Bree finished. Perry nodded and looked over to our files that were sitting on the table.

"I'm not writing either of you up. Go back to class." Perry said simply. Bree smiled brightly and ran from the office.

"Thank you." I said. She glared back at me.

"Don't push it, squat mug!" She yelled back. I held my hands up in defense and walked out of the office. I sighed, deciding against going back to class for the next twenty minutes.

"Chase!" Ethan yelled as I stopped in the hallway. He stomped over to me.

"Do you know where your sister is?" He whispered. I shook my head.

"You do know she broke up with Owen so you don't have to keep going after revenge?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah, I do. But now there's this little sophomore twerp who's after her." Ethan said. I nodded.

"You should probably go beat this kid up." I said. He nodded enthusiastically.

"You know who it is?" Ethan asked. I nodded with a smile.

"Yep. Marcus Greenberg. Science classroom, second floor." I replied. He smiled and patted me on the back before he ran upstairs. I kind of feel bad about that... Actually, I really didnt. Marcus deserve all he's going to get. He messed with Bree and I. No one should even think about dating her.


Bree's POV

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