(9) The Early Wake Up Call

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Chapter 9



"Bree! Get up!" Leo yelled as he knocked repeatedly on the glass of my capsule the next morning. I sighed and leaned back against the capsule. I had no intentions of leaving this capsule. Leo laughed slightly before knocking again. I opened my eyes abruptly to see the kid smirking. I felt my teeth grinding against each other as I clenched my fists, ready to smack the kid.

"Leo!" I yelled as I threw the door open. He laughed and began to run down the hall. Stupid kid, he was dealing with the fastest person in the world. I stepped out of my capsule and raced out the door, only to run smack into Adam's arms.

"Adam!" I yelled and he wrapped me into a hug. I could see Leo standing in the corner of the hallway, snickering away at his plan gone right. I glared back at him as Adam attempted to squeeze the life of of me. Adam held me around my arms, so I did what any normal person would do, I kicked him in the shins.

"Let. Me. Go!" I yelled as I kicked him. He laughed and granted my wish. I smiled up at my supposed older brother and raced down the hall towards Leo. He screamed and ran as fast as he could. I tackled him to the ground at the top of the stairs.

"Leo!" I yelled as I pinned him to the ground. Someone laughed behind me.

"Bree. Let the poor kid go." Chase said simply as he placed his hands around my waist and lifted me up. He brought me back so I fell into his chest with his arms still around me.

"Thank you, Chase. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready for school. You, my frizzy haired friend, should do the same." Leo said before he walked down the hallway and into his room. I glared back at the empty space that Leo previously occupied. Why did that kid think he could talk to me that way? And my hair was not frizzy. Adam nodded to us as he went to his own room.

"What happened?" Davenport asked as he and Tasha raced up the stairs, still in their pjs.

"Leo was being annoying." I stated as I pushed off of Chase. Tasha laughed quietly before walking back down the stairs. Davenport on the other hand, staying to interrogate.

"What did he do? This time." Davenport said. I shrugged.

"He came in to wake me up, but even after I woke up he still continued to knock on my capsule. Then, when I ran after him, he had Adam hold me against my will." I explained with a huff. Chase chuckled before he walked back down the hall to get ready.

"Why was Chase out here then?" Davenport questioned after Chase shut his door.

"He came to get me off of Leo. I tackled him." I replied. Davenport laughed as he mentally pictured my fight with Leo.

"Alright. Just get ready. I think Tasha's making breakfast." Davenport said before he walked away. I smiled and walked back to my room. I still had forty-five minutes left to get ready. I used my super speed to get dressed and do my hair before I raced downstairs to get breakfast. Tasha was just setting the food down on the table as I raced into my seat. She smiled and passed me a plate of eggs and toast.

"Thanks, Tasha." I said. She laughed and walked back to her room to get dressed.

"Hey, Bree." Adam greeted as he took the seat across from me. I smiled and waved slightly since I had food in my mouth.

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