(15) The Future Not Prevented

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Chapter 15



Mr. Davenport began to pace back and forth. He walked from one end of the lab, to the other. Leaving Bree and I to stand, and wonder. Wonder why in the world he could want to just speak with the two of us, not with the rest of the family. He had some reason to speak with just the two of us. And personally, I was scared to find of why.

"Why won't he say anything?" Bree whispered. I shrugged.

"I don't know." I whispered back worriedly. He probably knew. He knew about Bree and I. That was the only explanation as to why he was pacing the room and had chosen to force Adam and Leo to leave.

"Do you think he knows?" Bree asked. I shook my head, not wanting to worry her.

"I don't want to think so. But that might be the only logical reason for him to hold us down here." I said. I looked around Bree to see he was making his way back to us. I sighed and stepped forward.

"Mr. Davenport! Just tell us." I stated simply. He stopped abruptly in front of me. He took in a deep breath before taking a seat at the cyber desk. He sighed as he thought for another minute. He stared down at the floor as Bree and I watched. I was standing just three feet away from both Mr. Davenport and Bree. I felt as though I would have to protect her at some point. Not let him take out his anger on her. If he did know, I would be ready to take him on.

"Fine. I don't know how to tell you this though. You and Bree are the only two that need to know about this, because it only involves you two." He began. I turned to look to Bree. She frowned in confusion as she stepped forward to stand by me.

"What do you mean?" She asked. He sighed and let his head fall to his hands, thinking over his next words. I rolled my eyes. He sure knew how to take a dramatic pause.

"When you kids were too young to remember anything, I invented something. Something that allowed me to see the future. So, I tested it. With you kids. I wanted to know what kind of bionic heroes you were going to be." He continued. I frowned. What could be so bad about that?

"What happened?" I asked. He took in another deep breath before continuing.

"I saw something. After I had told the three of you that you weren't related, things changed. Between you and Bree." Mr. Davenport stated. I felt my heart drop to the floor as he said that. He did know things were different between us. He did know Bree and I saw each other as more than siblings. More than fake siblings anyway.

"So, it allowed you to see a specific time? And that time was when you told us we weren't related?" Bree asked, clarifying.

"Yes. I was able to skip ahead a few years to when you were each over the age of ten. That's generally when you are able to start comprehending things. I told you all about the fact that you weren't related, and at first it was fine. But then, I skipped ahead again, and things had changed. A lot." Mr. Davenport mumbled the last part.

"What had changed?" Bree asked. He sighed and looked up to us.

"When I slipped ahead, it showed me, you two. You two were together, as a couple. And I had walked in and found out about it. I was upset because I had partly raised you three as siblings. But also because you went behind my back and didn't ask me about it first. Of course, I would have said no, but that's no excuse." Mr. Davenport ranted. Bree looked to the floor, attempting to ignore our "father's" stare. I took a deep breath, trying to buy time as to whether or not Bree and I were ready to tell him, that the future he had seen so long ago and tried to prevent, was a reality now in the present.

"Was that the only reason you didn't tell us?" Bree whispered. Mr. Davenport nodded slowly.

"Yes. I thought that if I didn't tell you all, ever, or if I told you later in life, that it would prevent this. But since you kids figured it out, that might change things. Especially since I've told you of what was going to happen." Mr. Davenport explained. He looked down to the floor again as I shook my head. He couldn't possibly have thought that by not telling us, he would prevent something this big. Either way, Bree and I would have fallen for each other. Whether we knew we were related or not. Of course, the preferred way would be when we knew, but that's besides the point. Mr. Davenport didn't want us together, which was all the more reason to not tell him, ever.

"Does Tasha know?" Bree asked quietly. Mr. Davenport looked up to face us.

"Yes. When Eddie sent the alert, and we saw the footage, she overheard. We were only able to hear bits and pieces of it, and of what we heard, we knew you kids had found out." Davenport rambled. Did Eddie cut out the footage of us talking about Bree and I together?

"So you didn't heard anything else?" I asked warily. Mr. Davenport glared my way, knowing I didn't want him to know something.

"No. But since we're on the topic, what else happened, Chase." He asked snidely.

"Nothing. Just us attempting to explain to Adam what related meant." I said simply, not breaking eye contact, knowing that if I did, he would figure I was lying. He sighed and nodded before standing up.

"Okay, you two are not to share this with Adam and Leo. This could change their views of you two." Davenport instructed. Bree and I nodded.

"Okay." Bree hissed.

"And, this does not change anything between the two of you, right?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No, it doesn't." I said simply. And i meant it. This didn't change anything between the two of us. We were already together, knowing now that it was practically fate for us to et together, didn't change a thing. I looked to Bree and motioned for her to follow me out of the lab. She nodded and quickly walked with me to the elevator. We stood silent until the doors slid closed.

"What was that?" Bree whispered. I shrugged.

"I don't know. At first I was almost positive he knew about us and now, I'm not so sure. I mean, I know that he wanted to prevent us getting together, but the dude didn't exactly do a very good job at that." I rambled. Bree smiled and nodded.

"It doesn't matter though." Bree said before she moved and wrapped her arms around my neck. I laughed and let my arms rest on his hips.

"What doesn't matter?" I asked teasingly.

"Him knowing. I'm not leaving you. Even if he does find out."


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