(22) The Sound of Her Heart

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Chapter 22



"Happy birthday Big D!" Leo cheered as we handed him the first slice of pizza. He laughed and gladly took the plate. None of us had eaten anything at the party earlier since it only lasted about an hour. Tasha laughed and handed out plates to everyone before sticking a candle into Davenport's alive of pizza and lighting it. She smiled and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as we each waited for his wish to take place.

"I wish..." He left off before he blew out the candle. Everyone broke out into cheers and clapping as Tasha swiftly pulled the candle out of the pizza. She sighed and sat down next to Davenport on the couch. Bree and I sat on the floor on the opposite side of the coffee table while Adam and Leo sat next to Davenport and Tasha.

"What'd you wish for Big D?" Leo asked, hoping he would give away what we were all wondering.

"I will never tell." He teased as he patted Leo on the head. Leo sighed and took a bite of his pizza as Adam threw his arm around Leo and rubbed his head.

"It's okay buddy." Adam said as he pulled Leo into a tight hug.

"I really wasn't that upset about it, Adam." Leo replied blankly. Adam shrugged before throwing all of his attention into being the first one done with his pizza. Bree laughed at his determination before turning to me.

"Hey." I whispered as I took her hand. She smiled brightly and wrapped her hand tighter around mine.

"Hey." She breathed as she leaned against me. We each took a bite of our pizza as we waited for Davenport to open one of the many presents he had been brought earlier.

"Open the gifts already, Donald." Tasha teased as she jumped up to grab one off the top of the stack. Bree smiled happily as she picked up the one Bree, Adam, Leo, and I had bought him yesterday after school.

"This one's from... You four. I wonder what it could be." Davenport stared in feign surprise as he ripped the wrapping paper off the box. Bree laughed as his mouth dropped. The cover of the scrapbook we had gotten him had a mirror on the cover along with a money background. He smiled happily as he flipped through his many accomplishments in picture form. As he flipped through to the very end though, you could hear the awes coming from Tasha. There on the last page sat the one and only family picture we had ever taken. It was in the lab after we had gotten home from the beach. Davenport had Eddie take the picture only for the computer program to photoshop himself into the corner of the picture. Davenport and Tasha were standing in the center while Adam and Leo were off on Tasha's side. Bree and I stood next to Davenport, Bree still holding onto the bear I had won her that day.

"Guys, this is amazing." Davenport stated after a long pause. Leo smiled and looked to Adam. It had taken all four of us to put this thing together. Bree smiled and leaned in closer.

"Since those two overachievers aren't going to take credit for this one, Big D, this was all my idea." Leo said with certainty before leaning back on the couch. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't believe that for a second, Leo." Mr. Davenport replied, still glancing over his present. Bree smiled and hid her face in my chest as Leo glared down at her.

"Thank you guys." Mr. Davenport said as he looked up to us.

"You're welcome." Adam said with a grin.


"Good night guys." Leo called as we each went our separate ways in the hallway. I laughed and held Bree's hand, leading her further down out hallway. She laughed and stumbled along in the dark with me. My bionics gave me night vision, so she was able to trust me as we walked down the hall.

"Night." Bree called back as we stopped at her door. Mr. Davenport and Tasha laughed quietly as they opened their door at the end of the two hallways. They smiled and waved to us before walking into their room, closing the door behind them. I sighed and opened Bree's door for her, leading her quietly into the room that was now set up.

We had painted two of her walls a light purple, while the other two seemed to be the color of the ocean. He capsule sat in one corner of the room while a large couch sat against the wall on the other side of the room. Mr. Davenport had given us each a tv so that sat against the wall by the door, right across from her capsule. A small chair was diagonally placed next to the tv with a rug right behind it. Bree smiled and brought me over it sit next to her on the couch.

"The pizza was good." I started as I glanced around her to the clock. The time read midnight on the dot. She nodded and pulled me closer, seeming more tired by the minute. She quietly leaned her head against my chest before wrapping her arms around my torso. I laughed and let my arms rest, one around her shoulders and one around her waist. Trying to be as close to her as possible. She smiled into my chest as we each closed of eyes and sat in the darkness of her room. Relaxing.

"Can you believe it?" Bree whispered as she sat up a bit. She seemed unsteady with how tired she was.

"How good the pizza was?" I teased. Bree rolled her eyes and leaned back down to me.

"No, that Davenport is going to let us date." Bree whispered, clarifying what I had already assumed. I sighed as I let that sink in. We were actually allowed to date. That was real. Davenport had agreed to go and change our school records as well so everyone knew we weren't related. It would definitely be weird at first, but we barely talk with anyone anyways. It wouldn't change what we already had. Each other.

"No, I can't. In a way it feels like a dream, and in another it feels amazing." I rambled as I pulled her closer. She nodded along, agreeing with me.

"I know. That's exactly what it feels like. It doesn't seem real in a way." Bree continued. She took in a deep breath as she relaxed into me again. She was exhausted, I could tell. We had been up since seven this morning because of training. Then we had to plan the party all day. At least we still had tomorrow off.

"Bree?" I asked, I wanted her to stay up with me. But I also wanted her to get the rest she needed. Her eyes opened slowly, staying half closed as she moved her glance to look up to me.

"Yeah?" She asked as she curled in closer to me.

"Do you want me to stay? I can carry you to your capsule if-"

"I want you to stay Chase. I sleep better when I know you're right here. I haven't slept that well since we got our own rooms." Bree rambled quietly as she wrapped her arms tighter around me. I smiled and pulled her closer, loving the feeling of her next to me. I never wanted this moment to end. I was so happy that Mr. Davenport was letting us stay together. It still felt unreal, but we would get used to it.

"Good. Cause I'm not going anywhere." I replied before I let my head fall to lean against hers. She smiled happily as she fell asleep. Only leaving me with my own smile as I let the sound of her heart beating steadily lead me to sleep.


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