(19) The Party - Part 2

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Chapter 19



"Wait, what?" Bree asked in disbelief. Tasha smiled.

"I could see that something was going on even before I saw the footage. Then, you four have been so secretive lately." Tasha explained. I looked to see Bree smiling shyly.

"Thank you, Tasha." Bree whispered as we looked over to see Mr. Davenport coming our way.

"No need to thank." Tasha whispered.

"The party's over there, you guys. Come celebrate how awesome I am!" Davenport cheered as he walked back with Tasha laughing along.

"Or to celebrate how old he is?" I whispered to Bree as we walked back to the party. Bree laughed and reached for my hand.

"Wait." Bree scolded herself.

"It's okay." I whispered reassuringly.

"No, its not. We should have told him by now." Bree whispered as she leaned back against the wall by the dining room table. I shook my head, having to catch myself from bringing her into a hug.

"It will be better if we tell him after the party. He'll be so happy it will barely faze him." I said. She nodded and looked over to see Adam and Leo hanging out in the game room down the hall.

"How about we to hang with them?" Bree asked. I nodded and walked down the hall with her. We walked in to see Adam and Leo had started up the bumper cars and had every arcade game running. They were thankfully the only two in the room. Bree smiled slyly and closed the door, hoping none of the adults would want to join us. She ran over to me and grabbed my hand before pulling me over to one of the only two double seated bumper cars. I laughed as she took the drivers side. Adam and Leo got into the singles and started up the cars before ramming into each other countless times. Bree frowned in concentration as she tried to figure out what they were trying to get accomplished.

"What are they doing?" Bree asked. I shrugged and turned on the car.

"I'm not completely sure, but we're about to join them." I said as I motioned for Bree to hit the gas. She smiled and nodded before turning the car towards the two brothers. Adam looked over worriedly as Leo smiled evilly.

"You have fallen into our trap!" Leo called. Bree's eyebrows rose in wonder.

"What trap?" I called back. Bree laughed as Leo's face fell.

"I don't know. It sounded good." Leo mumbled before Adam bumped into his side. I laughed as the bump threw Leo off to the side and practically out of his seat. He sat back up and glared Adam's way.

"Dude! I thought we were just practicing to gang up on them!" Leo hissed lowly. Adam shrugged worriedly as he glanced over to us.

"I forgot?" Adam replied warily. Leo rolled his eyes and looked to us.

"You two could stay in the game longer if you were in separate cars." Leo stated simply, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"So?" Bree countered with a bright smile. I laughed and let my hand rest on hers.

"Okay, I was trying to be nice. But once the game starts, it won't be so nice-" Leo was cut off by Adam slamming into the side of his bumper car again.

"Dude!" Leo hissed as he sat back up. Adam laughed and spun the wheel around until it sent him towards us.

"You're out, Leo!" Adam called as the chase began. Bree stepped on the gas and rode around the rink until we were on the other end. I looked behind us to see Adam racing after us with a look of determination in his eyes.

"Go!" I yelled as Bree started up the car again. We turned and rode to the side of the arena where Leo had just parked his car. He was now seated on the sidelines, watching, looking extremely upset. I laughed and waved as Bree sped past him. Adam gave him a high five as he rode by after us. I wasn't sure if this game was ever going to end.

"Bree." I whispered. She smiled and glanced at me for a second.

"Yeah?" She asked as she slid past Adam for about the fifteenth time.

"If we bump into Adam at the same time he bumps into us, we'll both win." I explained. She nodded and turned the car around to face Adam head on. She smiled and sent the car forward into his. Adam's eyes grew wide as he stopped the car, letting us run into him.

"Yes!" We cheered as we high fived. Adam shook his head and drove the car over to the parking around along with us.

"Good game." I said as I held my hand of to Adam and Leo. Adam shook his head.

"Don't you know anything Chase?" Leo asked sarcastically.

"What?" Bree asked as she came to my side.

"We are sore losers. We don't shake hands." Leo responded sarcastically. I laughed and took Bree's hand, leading her over to the arcade games where Davenport had a soda bar set up in the corner.

"Should we go check on the party?" Adam asked as the three of them took a seat. I walked around the counter and pulled out four glasses and the soda gun as Bree shrugged.

"I can go see. Chase, do you want to-"

"Oh no. You two are already getting credit for everything. We are all going." Leo interrupted before hopping off the chair and motioning for us to follow. I laughed and trailed after my three best friends. Leo calmly opened the door and looked out into the hallway.

"The coast is clear." He whispered. I nodded and walked out after them to see the guests had started a conga line. My eyes widened in shock as Adam held his hand over Leo's eyes, acting as though he was too young to see this.

"Adam!" Leo whispered harshly before shoving his hand out of the way. I laughed and pulled them back into the game room.

"Okay, we didn't need to see that." I said. Bree nodded knowingly as she walked over to the race car game sitting next to the soda bar. She let her legs hang off the side while she rested her head in her hands, looking up at the three of us.

"What are we going to do?" Adam asked.

"I don't know. This party could be going for hours." I replied.

"Wait, what did you guys talk with my mom about?" Leo asked suddenly. I smiled nervously as Bree's head shot up. She sat up straight as Adam and Leo looked between the two of us.

"Well?" Adam prodded.

"She knows." Bree said as she stood up and walked over to stand by me. I nodded and wrapped my arm around her waist.

"She knows?" Leo repeated, reassuring what he already knew. I nodded as Bree smiled slightly.

"Yep. She knows Bree and I are dating." I repeated. Adam sat back in wonder before we heard the door slammed shut.

"What?" Davenport asked as he stomped forward. My eyes widened as he stopped just in front of Bree and I.

"Mr. Davenport! Happy Birthday!" Adam cheered as our "father" walked further into the game room. I smiled nervously as I dropped my arm from Bree's waist.

"Thank you, Adam. But I was actually wondering what you four had been talking about when I walked in." Mr. Davenport stated simply.

"Well you see-"

"No! Why didn't you two tell me? I came in here to see if you four wanted any cake, but then I hear that you two have been dating behind my back!"


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