(13) The Peanut Butter Sandwich

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Chapter 13



"We can explain." Bree and I defended in synch. Adam and Leo rolled their eyes and continued to look the two of us up and down. This was ridiculous.

"Oh really? Because I'm pretty sure we understand just fine." Leo scoffed. Bree sighed and leaned into me. I could tell she was just as frustrated with this whole situation as I was. Why did Adam and Leo have to catch us?

"Bree, why would you let Chase do that to you? I always knew you were a little creepy small person!" Adam accused. Bree closed her eyes as she attempted to calm herself.

"I kissed Chase, because I like him!" Bree argued. Leo smiled and began to laugh along with Adam.

"What? Is it that hard to believe that Bree would like me?" I asked, feeling a bit hurt.

"No, it's not that. It's the fact that a girl likes you in general. But let's not forget the fact that you're hooking up with your sister." Leo added. I shook my head.

"Let's just go home. I don't feel like yelling this for the whole mall to hear." I said. We walked in silence back to the car. I still can't believe Adam can drive. It kind of amazes me how he was able to he his license.

Bree gripped my hand a little harder to get my attention. I nodded and got into the back seat with her. Leo sat in the passengers side with his arms crossed while Adam started the car.

"I can't believe you two." Leo mumbled as Adam began to drive. I sighed and brought Bree in closer to me. She sighed and rested her head against my shoulder. I knew she was upset. How could she not be. Our two idiot "brothers" had just caught onto the fact that we were dating... Again. We had broken up for a period of time. They didn't know the truth yet, so they thought it was completely wrong. They didn't have the rest of the story. They didn't know that we were related. They didn't know how hard it had been for me to hide my feelings from Bree. And lastly, they didn't know what a struggle it had been for the both of us when we had broken up for that short while. They thought I had taken advantage of Bree, and for some reason she didnt slap me. Bree is smarter than that. And for the record, I'm not that kind of person.

"Leo, you don't get it." Bree groaned. Leo shook his head quickly.

"Oh no. I get this perfectly. You two, for some strange reason, decided that you should kiss. I don't know how long this has been happening, but it happened. So, why was it such a good idea?" Leo ranted. He spun around to face us while Adam simply glared at us in the rearview mirror.

"We thought it was 'a great idea' because we're dating. We have been, off and on, since we went to the beach." Bree rambled. Adam pulled into the driveway and parked before we all got out and made our way inside. Bree and I sat down on the couch as Adam slammed the door.

"I don't actually approve of this. I'm the oldest, and I say so." Adam said. I rolled my eyes and sat back.

"There's more, if you guys would give us a chance to explain." I added. Adam crossed his arms over his chest as Leo took a seat on the other end of the couch.

"Okay, explain." Leo replied. Bree sighed and stood up, slowly beginning to pace the room.

"We're not related, Adam, Chase, and I. Chase found out and I overheard. That's when we started to have feelings for each other. We told each other while we were at the beach. That's actually where Chase got the bobby pin." Bree said, smiling at the memory.

As she ran off to catch up with Leo, I looked down on the rock to see a bobby pin had fallen out of her hair. I put it in my pocket to give to her later. I started to walk back to the fair, where I saw Leo and Bree trying to win a whale for Leo. I laughed and headed back to the rv.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"So what did you want to tell me earlier?" Bree whispered. I started to get nervous. I've had a crush on Bree for a while now. I secretly found out through Davenport's super computer that we weren't actually related.

"Well you see, its hard to explain, and I have no idea where to start-"

"Chase, I know that we aren't related, I heard you talking to yourself about it the other day." Bree whispered back suddenly. Well that was unexpected.

"Did you hear anything else?" I asked kind of worriedly.

"Well, I also heard you say you like this girl..." Bree left off with a smile.

"Bree, would you happen to know if this girl likes me back or not?" I said with a smirk as she smiled and turned her head away.

"I think she might." She said.

"So, you guys really can date, because you're not related?" Leo asked. I nodded and stood up to stand by Bree. She was practically chewing her hair at this point. I wished there was some way to make her feel better about this.

"Yes, that's what we've been trying to tell you guys." I reassured. Leo nodded.

"And why hasn't Big D told us that you guys aren't related? He's the adult here! He is causing four teens so much drama right now!" Leo asked. I shrugged. No one could get inside the twisted brain of Donald Davenport.

"It probably has something to do with his pride. He thinks if he tells us that we won't rep sect him anymore or something." Bree suggested. I nodded. That was a pretty good theory. Mr. Davenport never liked to show that he was wrong. Or that his children weren't actually his. That seemed like a pretty good theory.

"That's probably it." Adam agreed with an unsure look on his face.

"You have no idea what we're talking about, do you?" I asked with a smirk. Adam scoffed and stood up, tying to show confidence. Only, to nod in agreement of my statement.

"So, you guys don't want us to tell Big D about your whole, dating fiasco, simply because he doesn't know, that we know, you three aren't related?" Leo asked.

"That would be much appreciated, Leo." I responded. Leo smiled happily before heading to the kitchen and pulling out a peanut butter sandwich. Adam frowned in confusion, probably assuming that the sandwich had appeared out of no where. He is baffled by a tissue box.

"Where did you get that?" Adam asked in amazement before racing over to the kitchen. Bree laughed and led me over to sit at the barstools. We each took a seat as Leo attempted to explain the complex situation that is a peanut butter sandwich. Bree turned to me.

"Do you think our secret's safe with those two?" Bree whispered. I shrugged and looked back over at the two knuckle heads.

"Adam! My mom made it! It didn't come from space!" Leo yelled. Adam rolled his eyes and opened the refrigerator repeatedly, expecting the magic trick to work yet again.

"Fine! You don't have to yell, Mr. Tiny Mclittlestein." Adam countered with a bright smile. I laughed and turned back to Bree.

"I think we'll be just fine."


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