(5) The Secret

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Chapter 5



I rolled my eyes and turned to see Bree laughing. Adam had been showing us his new dance moves for the up and comic dance. Needless to say, they were about as bad as mine were at our first dance.

"Adam. I'm not sure if the ladies will be enjoying those... Interesting moves." Leo stated simply as he waltzed into the lab. I laughed and nodded along as Bree hid her smile. Adam stood there, completely confused by Leo's recent accusations.

"Leo! The ladies will love this!" Adam said seriously. I shook my head and turned to see Tasha editing the elevator.

"Guys! Donald has a surprise upstairs." Tasha said. She motioned for us to follow her into the elevator.

"What's happening?" I asked, trying to make conversation. Tasha smiled.

"You'll see." She answered happily. Leo smiled as he realized what was going on.

"Oh! It's that thing." Leo said. The doors slid open to reveal Mr. Davenport standing in the living room. We all made our way over and sat down on the couch.

"Okay guys. I have a surprise for you. I know that the lab has been a little crowded lately since Tasha and Leo moved in, and, I know you all need your own space so... I'm giving you your own rooms!" Davenport cheered. I smiled brightly and turned to look over at Bree. She smiled back.

"This is amazing Mr. Davenport. Thank you." I replied. Leo laughed and stood up, motioning for us to follow. I shook my head as he led the way to the stairs.

"Adam, you're down this hall with me. Bree and Chase, follow mom." Leo left off as he and Adam raced down the hallway. I rolled my eyes before walking down the next hall to Bree and I's future rooms. Tasha led us to the first room on the right.

"Bree, this is your room. You both get to paint and decorate it how ever you want. Your tube thingys will be moved upstairs too." Tasha stumbled as she was at a loss for words in terms of the scientific things.

"This is going to he awesome! Will you help me decorate, Chase?" Bree asked as we stepped into the empty room. I nodded happily. Tasha smiled.

"Well, you two have fun. Chase, your room is just across the hall. I call you guys when dinner is ready." Tasha said as she excused herself. I smiled and shut the door behind her. I turned to see Bree had a bright smile on her face.

"We get our own rooms!" Bree squealed as she ran over and wrapped her arms around my neck. I smiled and placed my hands on her waist as I brought her into a hug. We stood there for a couple of minutes, enjoying our new privacy before the door opened abruptly. Bree jumped away from me as we looked to see Davenport standing in the doorway awkwardly.

"What's going on in here?" Mr. Davenport asked as he crossed his arms over his chest. I smiled nervously and let my hands fall loosely to my sides as Bree walked calmly over to Mr. Davenport.

"Nothing, we're both extremely happy that you're giving us out own rooms. Thank you." Bree said genuinely. I sighed in relief as Mr. Davenport laughed happily.

"It's no problem. I am a billionaire." He replied as he began to walk back down the hall. I laughed as Bree quietly shut the door again. She shook her head and looked up to me.

"How are we going to keep hiding this? I'm pretty sure half the house has almost caught us more than once." Bree whispered. I nodded. This was getting harder and harder by the minute.

"I don't know. I mean, I knew eventually we were going to have to tell everyone, but I would hate for them to find out when Mr. Davenport hasn't even officially told us we aren't related. Adam, Leo, and Tasha are going to freak if they find out before that." I thought aloud. Bree shook her head.

"All of them are going to freak out anyway. We're not supposed to like each other. Mr. Davenport raised us as siblings... Only for us to have to sneak around as a couple sixteen years later." Bree mumbled. I sighed and wrapped my hand around Bree's.

"We'll get through this. I know that we can. I like you a lot Bree, and I'm not willing to lose you over something as stupid as Davenport's approval." I reassured. She nodded and turned to look around the room.

"How do you feel about the walls being turquoise and purple?" Bree asked happily. I laughed.

"I think it suits you perfectly." I replied. She laughed and motioned for me to follow her into the hallway. I had almost forgotten we hadn't even seen my room yet. As Bree swung the door open, we found Leo leaning against it with Adam standing off to the side. Leo shrieked as he fell to the floor at our feet. My eyes widened as I realized what had just happened. I looked at Bree to see she had come to the same conclusion, we had just been caught. Leo rolled over and looked up at the three of us.

"Aha! I knew there was something going on! I had no idea it was this big, but I knew something was fishy!" Leo yelled in triumph. Adam held out his hand to Leo before Leo was able to stand up. He took it happily and jumped up. Bree walked over to my side and waited for the interrogation.

"You're going to help Bree with her room and not help us? Come on man! We're brothers!" Leo yelled angrily. I felt my eyebrows knit together in confusion. What?

"Oh, well, it's just... Bree was going to help me too?" I stated unsurely. Bree nodded enthusiastically before turning to our "brothers".

"Yeah, Chase was going to help me. In turn, I was going to help him. But, if you guys are upset, we can help you too. It's just, Chase and I already had a plan for both of ours, but we can still help you and Adam." Bree stumbled. She turned to me for confirmation before looking back to see bright smiles on their faces.

"Thanks, Bree!" Adam yelled happily before running over and lifting Bree into her arms. She laughed happily as Adam set her down.

"Okay guys. I'm going to help Chase for a little bit, but we will come down the hall in about half an hour, okay?" Bree ordered. Leo and Adam nodded before turning and walking out of the room. I sighed and took Bree's hand in my own before leading her into my room. She shut the door as we entered the empty room. We looked to each other with smiles before Bree walked closer.

"I don't think we'll get any more privacy up here than we did in the lab." Bree whispered as she moved her arms to wrap around my neck. I rested my hands on her waist and pulled her into me.

"Maybe." I whispered with a laugh before I moved in closer. She smiled as she rested her lips against mine.

"Hey guys? Do you know-" Leo greeted as he opened the door. Bree pushed me away and let her hands fall to her sides as she turned to face Leo. He smiled slyly before shutting the door behind him.

"What now Leo?" Bree hissed. He laughed evilly before walking over and grabbing her hand. He held it between his hands and rubbed the back of her hand creepily. I shook my head. What us he doing?


"Shhh! I'm trying to build up to a dramatic moment!" Leo whispered sternly. I held my hands up in defense and walked over to them. Leo smiled.

"I know things. Things that could hurt the both of you. Things that can, and will-"

"Get on with it." I groaned. Leo smiled slyly.

"I know your little secret." Leo whispered. Bree looked over to me, the worry evident on her face.

"What secret?" Bree asked barely above a whisper.

"I know you two are dating."


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