(8) The Realization

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Chapter 8



"I did have a boyfriend in between you and Ethan. By, I can't tell you about him." I explained. Owen laughed and moved in closer.

"Would this guy, be Chase? Your brother Chase?" Owen asked. My heart stopped. I couldn't even take in a breath. Even when Leo suspected something, it didn't take this much of a toll on me. I felt the tears welling in my eyes as I took my chance to run. I started walking but quickly changed my pace to a slow run. Owen ran after me and caught me by the arm.

"Bree." He started. I stopped and closed my eyes. I hated this. I just wanted to be with Chase. I didn't want Owen to he here. I wanted Chase. I didn't want Ethan to constantly be after me, either. I only wanted to open my eyes, and see Chase tying to comfort me. I hated the feeling of Owen's fingers running themselves up and down my forearm.


"Don't even try and deny it. I see the way you two look at each other. It was good of you to stop before it got to serious, though. You do realize how wrong that is, right? Dating your brother." Owen rambled. I felt my chest grow heavier with every word he said. It was wrong. Even though we weren't related. To the world, we were still related. But I knew for a fact, that even if Chase and I were related, I would have still fell for him. I couldn't deny it.

"Owen, you're wrong." I hissed before I ripped my arm out of his grasp and stormed out of the art room. He was wrong. They were all wrong, or would be wrong. I couldn't stand there and say that Chase and I weren't ever together. But I also wasn't lying by saying he was wrong. Chase and i weren't brother and sister. But no one would ever know that. It may be wrong to them, but it felt right to Chase and I. That was all that mattered.

Principle Perry stood in the center of the hallway, watching as the few stragglers made their way to class. I rolled my eyes and walked out, not caring if she saw or not. I had to get home. I didn't need this anymore. I needed to know if my crazy ex boyfriend actually hurt Chase worse than I had thought. I knew that I wouldn't be able to sit in class for the next two hours and forget about it. Forget about all that has happened today.

"Missy! Get yourself back inside!" Principle Perry yelled as I pushed through the front door. I raced around the corner as she chased me out. I hid behind the wall just as Perry walked out onto the stairs. She looked from side to side as she scanned the front area of the school. I pressed myself against the wall as I waited for her to close the doors. Perry finally retreated back inside the school so I was able to sneak off campus. I used my super speed to get back to the house. Chase was getting into his capsule when I raced into his room. I could feel the tears slipping down my face as I turned to look at him. He glanced over worriedly at me.

"Bree?" He asked. I nodded. I just had to tell him.

"Chase, there's something wrong." I whispered. I walked a bit closer as he stepped away from his capsule.

"What's wrong?" Chase asked worriedly. He walked forward and wrapped his arms around me. I fell into his chest and took a deep breath as I tried to calm myself down. I shook my head and leaned up so whisper in his ear.

"Owen knows." I whispered. He stiffened as soon as I began to speak.

"What?" He whispered worriedly. I nodded and backed away a bit. He took a shaky breath as he thought it over. I could practically see the wheels turning in that bionic brain of his.

"How?" He asked.

"I slipped up. He asked who my boyfriend was and I started to say your name. Sadly, Adam was wrong about him being stupid." I ranted. Chase laughed lightly.

"Nah, he still seems a pretty stupid to me." Chase said with a smirk. I found myself laughing. How had I gone from a popular kid, to a nerd, then to an artist within three months?

"Chase..." I whined. He laughed and brought me closer again.

"Yeah?" Chase whispered. I smiled and wrapped my arms tighter around his neck.

"Hey, Chase? Do you know where my- Oh hey Bree." Davenport said as he walked into the room. I pushed Chase away as I heard the door open. Now, we were standing a reasonable three feet away from each other.

"Hi, Mr. Davenport." I greeted with a small wave. He frowned as he took in the fact that I was actually here.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. I shrugged.

"You do realize that it was my ex boyfriend that hit Chase with the paintball, right? I wanted to make sure my brother was okay." I replied with a smile. Davenport nodded and looked back to Chase.

"Where did you set up the reset button?" He asked, getting straight to the point.

"Under your cyber desk on the left side." Chase explained. I smiled.

"Good." Mr. Davenport replied as he slowly made his way out of the room in deep thought. He left the door open behind him as he walked back down to the lab. I sighed and turned back to Chase.

"Are you okay?" I asked. He nodded.

"I'll be okay. But we better just go back to being good friends and or siblings. If Owen was able to figure it out, and he's only been here for a short while, that's not good. I don't want topic either of us I that position again." Chase whispered. I nodded and walked to the door before stopping.

"I'm still going to break up with Owen tomorrow." I said before I walked out. I couldn't stay with him. We really had nothing in common. That, and Ethan was still on a rampage. How was I going to stop that? How was I going to break up with Owen as well? We had just started dating two days ago. He was going to be crushed. That, and he would yet again, accuse me of seeing Chase. The worst part about all of this though, was he was right. About all of it. I had seen Chase, as more than just my brother. I still wanted to see Chase. And that was the biggest problem of all. I couldn't stand that fact that we couldn't be together. It all came down one small, tiny fact, Chase and I... Could never be together.


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