Smile! and Keeping Promises (Chapter 16)

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Obi's POV
"Well, you see, 'Old Man', I'm here to have a chat with you," Mistress smiled sinisterly.
"O-Old Man? Even though I look this old I'm still 24 you know!" exclaimed the old man.
"Really?! I'm sorry 24 year-Old Man! You really look like an Old Man, ahahaha!" Mistress laughed.
"Actually, I don't really want to have a chat.. More like a threat," Mistress said with a killing intent.
I gulped.
I can feel the air surrounding us tensing.
"Well, you see, your clan wanted to take me but you involve my friends.. I can't forgive that! They tried their best to protect me! So, I won't let their effort go waste!" Mistress exclaimed.
"Then, what do you want to do? A threat, you say? More like a confession of what you think," Old Man smirked.
"The threat..." Mistress mumbled, her head down.
Mistress lifts her head up again with a different aura. So intimidating. Eyes full of killing intent. Then, she start to move to Old Man's side, so fast I can't see clearly. Mistress point her unsheated katana to Old Man's throat.
"Stop this fight or I won't hesitate to kill you," Mistress smirked sinisterly.
"I never thought a princess could do that or maybe-"
"A princess like me is ready to kill someone! I won't hesitate!" Mistress exclaimed and move her katana closer to his throat.
Blood dripping a little from his throat.
Mistress smirked.
"Miss!!" I exclaimed and stopped her. I hugged her tightly and she instantly let go of her katana. I pat her head gently..
"Miss, I promise to you that I'll stop you if you lose control.. That's why I'm here.. To keep my promise," I said.
"Obi... Hm. Thanks Obi.." Mistress said feeling tired already.
"I'm here with you, Miss. So don't worry," I assured her.
"Yeah, thanks Obi!" Miss said.
I let go of my arms surrounding her and stand up, then pats her hair making her hair messy.
"O-Obi? Umm... My hairrrrr..." Mistress said.
"Hehe~" I laughed.
Mistress stands up.
Suddenly, Old Man laughs while clapping his hands.
"Ahaha! Ahahaha!"
"Old Man, are you getting crazy?" Mistress asked lifting one of her eyebrow.
"No, Princess! It's just that! Hahh.. That killing intent! I like it! So love it! I've always wanted to see a (c/n) doing that! Seriously! Well, that's the only reason I tried to take you away," Old Man said.
"Miss, calm-"
"No! Miss, don't broke down! Calm down, Miss!" I exclaimed.
"Hahhhh! Fine! Old Man! As an exchange, I don't want any fight happening between your clan with the Assassins Clan, you hear me?! And you also need to take care of the injured!" Mistress ordered.
"Yes, Captain!" Old Man's clan said.
"Now, hurry up and prepare to leave!" Mistress ordered again.
"Yes, Sire!"
"Actually am I a Captain or a Sire?" Miss said.
Then, all of us prepare to leave. I think it ended to a happy ending?

Timeskip at the Assassins Clan hideout..
"(y/n)! Obi!" Master called us.
"Zen-chan! Everyone! We're back!" Mistress exclaimed.

After we take care of the injured, we held a funeral for Gramps... Mistress cried a lot..
"Gramps.. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being so weak. Gramps, I'm sorry! Huahhhhh!" Mistress cried.
"Miss.." I went to Mistress's side.
"Miss, you're not in the wrong here... I'm sure that Gramps doesn't want to see you like this.. So, smile Miss! The way you usually do! I'm sure that what Gramps wants," I said.
"Obi.. Hm! Alright! I'll smile!" Mistress said and smiled.
"Gramps, I hope you're happy there.. May you rest in peace.." Mistress prayed.
"Oi! (y/n)-chan! Obi!" Hiro called us.
"Hiro! Are your injuries fine? You're injured badly right?" Mistress asked worried.
Urgh! I'm feeling jealous!
"Don't worry! That's nothing. By the way, you're going to be the next master right?" Hiro asked to Miss.
"Huh? Why me? I can't, I need to go back to Clarines, I'm sorry," Mistress apologized.
"Eh?! You're going to leave?" Hiro looks shocked.
"Hm! Oh! Hiro, you can be the master! You're suited to be that! I'm sure you'll be a good master!" Mistress said.
"Me? But-"
"No but-s. This is an order from me. Then, I'll be going now Hiro," Mistress said.
"NOW?!" Hiro and I exclaimed.
"Of course, why not? Zen-chan and the others have left already. We can't give trouble to the clan any longer.." Mistress said.
"At least stay for the night," Hiro plead.
"No, thank you," Mistress said.
"Let's start the ceremony now. Call everyone, please Hiro," Mistress said.

Timeskip at the ceremony..
"Everyone! I'm sorry for the trouble I caused to all of you.. I'm really sorry.. And thank you for doing your best to 'shoo-shoo' the enemies," Mistress said in a speech.
" 'shoo-shoo'.. Mistress is running out of vocabularies.. Ahaha!" I laughed quietly.
"And now! We will have a new master! Hiro!" Mistress exclaimed.
Hiro went to Mistress.
"I hereby make you the new master! Hiro, congratulations! Please take good care of everyone!" Mistress smiled.
Everyone shouted in joy for the new master.
Then, we went back to the castle.

On the way...
"Yes, Miss," I answered.
"You see, Obi.. A ball will be held tomorrow so umm... Y-You'll come to the ball right?" Mistress asked blushing.
"Of course, Miss!" I answered.

(y/n)'s POV
I can't wait for tomorrow!


Yaho, everyone! It's me again! I'm so sorry for this so boring chapter. I'm truly sorry! ( ・ั﹏・ั)

I want to say thank you for all of you that keep reading this fanfic! Thank you, everyone! (≧▽≦)

Well, have a nice day everyone! (>ω<)

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