Do You Want to Dance with Me, Princess? (Chapter 17)

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(y/n)'s POV
"Hoaaam!" I wake up from my sleep.
Yes! Today has finally come! The ball! I'm gonna do my best!

"Ah! Miss! You're awake by yourself without me waking you? That's amazing!" Obi suddenly come inside to my room from the window.
"Is that a compliment or a mockery?" I asked with a straight face.
"I'll go take a shower first. Don't you dare take a peek," I said.
"Don't worry, Miss. I have no interest~"
"Somehow, I can't believe you.. If you take a peek, I'll punch you straight in the face," I said.
I went inside to take a shower.
"Miss! Master called me, so I'll be going now!" Obi said.

Timeskip (on the hallway)
"Ah! Shira-chan!" I called.
"(y/n)-chan!" Shira-chan seems surprised.
"Shira-chan, can we go to the garden? Just the two of us?" I asked.
"Hm! Of course!"

At the garden...
Shirayuki sit beside me on the bench.
"Y-Yes!" Shira-chan answered surprised.
"(y/n)-chan! Don't surprise me like that!"
"Sorry, sorry! Shira-chan, will you participate at the ball today?" I asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"Well, you see," I started to play with my fingers.
"You see, Shira-chan..."
"You know, Shira-chan..."
"Well, ummm..."
This continues for 5 minutes.
"You know, (y/n)-chan.. It's 5 minutes already.. I-I'll be going now," Shira-chan started to stand up.
"Nooo! Please wait, Shira-chan!" I hold her dress tightly.
"That's why, (y/n)-chan. Come on, just say it.."
"Okay, okay! I'm wondering what think of me.. I just know that I am Obi's childhood friend.. He always take care of me till now.. If I read in romance novels, mostly childhood friends lose. So-"
"(y/n)-chan, then why don't you change that fate of childhood friends?"
"Change the fate?"
"Shira-chan... Thank you!" I hugged her suddenly so tightly.
"C-Can't breath,"
"So sorry.." I take my arms from her.
"Shira-chan.. I have one more problem.. About the ball gown,"
"Oh, I see.. First, let me ask you. Do you want Obi to like the real you?"
"The real me?"
"Yup! So, being like who you really are. If you become someone that isn't you and the person you like, like the fake you, then you need to fake yourself. You can't be who you really are..."
"It's better to be yourself and let that person himself accept you. We also need to hold a pride as a girl!" Shira-chan explained.
"Chasing is for boys, but being chased is for girls," Shira-chan said.
"Shira-chan.. You really know much about love!"
"Then, what if a person has a criminal personality? What will she do?" I asked.
"What's with the question? Well.. That girl need to change that because it's not good," Shira-chan said.
"The bad things need to change, but the good things need to stay," Shira-chan said.
"Then, I need to be myself?" I asked.
"Yup, just choose the gown that you like,"
"Okay! I'll do my best! Thank you, Shira-chan!" I went off.

Zen's POV
"Master, you call?" Obi asked.
"No, you're the one that need me,"
"Ahaha! As expected of Master!"
"Well, I have a question for you Master!"
"How to make that dense Mistress know my feelings for her?"
"If I'm in your position, then I'll do it slowly but sure. It seems she doesn't know much about love,"
"Slowly..." Obi said.
"Thanks, Master~ Then, I'll be going now!"

Timeskip (2 hours before the ball)
(y/n)'s POV
"This will do!" I exclaimed

"The shoes... and stockings.. Umm.."
"Ah! This will do!"

"Yosh! Now let's go to Shira-chan's!" I exclaimed and went out of my room.

Meanwhile at Obi's room..
Obi's POV
"Maybe this will do?"

Now, I need to pick up Mistress

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Now, I need to pick up Mistress. But I have a feeling she's at Shirayuki's room. Let's just go to Shirayuki's room, now.

"Obi!" Master said knocking on my door.
"Yes, Master~" I opened the door.
"If you're looking for (y/n), she's at-"
"Shirayuki's room, right? Yup, I know that~" I answered.
"Then, Master.. I'll be going now~"
"Wait, I'm going there too!" Master exclaimed catching up with me.

At Shirayuki's room...
Shirayuki's POV
"Shira-chan!" (y/n) came barging in without any knock.
"What? Oh! I forgot to knock! Sorry, I'll repeat again from the top!"
(y/n)-chan went out from the room then knock on the door.
"Shira-chan!" (y/n)-chan came inside.
"You're really funny, (y/n)-chan," I laughed.
"By the way, that coord really suits you! I love it!" I said.
"Really?! Yayy!" I jumped to her.

Then, we heard a knock from outside.
"Yeahh! Come in!" (y/n)-chan said.
"Miss! Let's-"

Obi's POV
"Miss! Are you okay? I can't believe that you really wore something proper for a princess!!"
"Do-Do you have a fever?!" I asked teasingly.
It's actually so cute, Miss! I can't believe this!
"Stop with this teasing!" Mistress jumpkick to me but missed.
I put my tongue out.
"Catch me if you can~" I started to run in the hallway.
"Come here, Obi!" Mistress run catching up to me.
I just remember that she run so fast!!

Zen's POV
"Ahahaha.. They really are always lively, huh?" Shirayuki said.
"Haha.. Yeah," I answered.
"Now, shall we?" I held out my hand.
"Yes," Shirayuki held my hand.

At the ball...
Obi's POV
Everyone is surrounding Mistress.. She's intimidated.
I went inside the crowds and stand at the front of Mistress.
"Excuse me, but Miss is intimidated by you all," I said.
Is it too straight forward?
"And who are you? Who do you think you are?" one of the crowds asked.
"I am Mistress's bodygua-"
"Obi is my best friend! And how dare you talk to him like that?" Mistress asked.
"I'm so sorry, Princess (y/n). Please forgive our rudeness," the crowds that surround her knelt down.
"W-Wait! Why are you all kneeling down?! Stand up, now," Mistress started to panic.
"Then, I'll be going now. Please excuse us," Mistress said.
"Let's go, Obi!" Mistress smiled.
"Yeah.." I answered with a little blush.
"Shall we dance?" I asked. I held out my hand.
Mistress seems surpised. Then she smiled.
"Yeah. I'd love to," Mistress hold my hand.
Then, we dance.
"Obi, if I step your foot please forgive me," Mistress said while dancing with me.
"Why, Miss?" I asked and then Mistress do a twirl.
"I'm not that good with 'princessy' thing, you see. Especially about participating at a ball," Mistress said.

Ahaha.. She's hungry.
"Sorry, Obi. Can we go grab something to eat? I'm hungry. Ehehe.." Mistress blushed.
"Yeah, sure~" I answered.
The food look delicious. Miss is eating those food so fast and much too.
"Ahh... I'm full!" Mistress said patting her tummy.
Then, she drink a glass of white wine.
Wait, what?! Wine?!! Can she even drink wine?!!
"O-Obi.. I feel funny.. It's.. all.. spinning.. around," Mistress collapsed but I caught her on time.
"Phew, that was close.." I pick her up bride styled.
I blushed looking at her sleeping face.
Hold the blush! Hold it! I can't blush in front of this many people!

At Mistress's room....
"O..Kay.." I lay her down on her bed and pull the blanket above her.
Then, I sit down on the windowsill.

Best friends, huh? Am I in the friend zone, now? No, no! Master said to me that I need to make a move slowly, but sure! It's okay! It'll be alright!

Goodnight, Miss...


Gosh! This is like the longest chapter I've ever wrote before! A new record! Yayy!

Well, have a nice day! (^^♪

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