1 Minute and 15 Seconds (Chapter 20)

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(y/n)'s POV
"Mistress!" Obi came in from my window and called me.
"It's still morning," I answered and covered my ears with my pillow.
"Miss, it's 11 o'clock. And you have a guest," Obi said with a poker face.
"A guest?" I asked.
"Yup, but it's not an ordinary guest. He said that he's your father," Obi explained.
"What?!" I started to sit on my bed.
"T-Then, um. I-I'll go change? Or should I take a shower first? Um. Or should I just-"
"Calm down, Miss. He said that he'll wait because I told him that you're still asleep,"
"Okay. Then, I'll go take a shower and change my clothes,"

Timeskip (at the waiting room)...
Wait! He's not Daddy. Who.. He is..
"Eh?!!!" I exclaimed.
"Papi!" I exclaimed again.
(A/N: Papi means Daddy, ok? Just a change of how we call. Ok? (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧)
"Huh?" Obi seemed confused.
"Wait! He's your real father?!" Obi exclaimed.
"Yup!" I answered happily.
"How did you know? That time you were still a baby," Papi seemed confused.
"I had a prophecy dream. Ehe," I smiled.
"Then, you must be Obi, right?" Papi asked Obi.
Obi nodded.
"I heard about the trouble that my daughter caused and make you involved too. I'm sorry on my daughter's behalf. And thank you for taking care of my daughter," Papi bowed.
"N-No need to worry, um, Miss's Daddy? Your daughter has been kind to me too," Obi answered nervously.
"I see.. Very well then," Papi said.
"What brings you here, Papi?" I asked.
"I knew that you became one of the assassin clan and then became a princess at (y/k/n). I thought that you'll be safer now than being with me," Papi said.
"But, you're in danger now!" Papi exclaimed.
"Eh?" me and Obi said.
"Yes. Your brother, Haruki. He brought his army, the (c/n) that are left that want to follow him," Papi explained worried.
"He's destroying kingdoms. He has a thirst for strength. He grasp the meaning of strong wrong. He thought that being strong is being the strongest. So, he wanted to be the top. It's our fault. If at that crisis, I didn't tell him to be strong so he can protect you and your mother, he wouldn't be like this. Not only that, his eyes still look at the past. He wanted to kill you for being the reason that Aiko, your mother died," Papi explained.
I just stand still, trying to grasp everything what's happening.
"You need to run away, (y/n)!" Papi exclaimed.
"But, I can't just leave (y/k/n) and Clarines like this! I need to stop Onii-chan!" I exclaimed.
"My army is seperated to 2 groups. The first one will protect Clarines and the second one will protect (y/k/n). You can leave without any worry," Papi said.
"Are you kidding me?! The cause for all this is me and what I do is just running away?! Don't joke around!! I won't leave my friends!" I shouted.

I'm sorry, Papi.. But my friends are so precious to me.. And I don't want any people to die again.

"Princess!! A letter came from your kingdom," a soldier came running to me.
"Thank you," I said and opened the letter that was given to me.

This is an urgent matter. We recieve many reports from other kingdom about your brother. If things get complicated there, evacuate to safety with Zen. We told Zen about this too. Please stay safe, (y/n).

Mommy and Daddy.

"You two need to be safe too," I mumbled.
"Obi, tell this to Zen-chan and ask him to evacute the people, please," I said.
"Got it!" Obi answered and went out of the window.
"I'll be staying here, Papi," I answered with eyes full of will.
"No matter what," I continued.

Papi's POV
You've grown, (y/n). I'm so proud of you. If it's you, then I'm sure that you can stop your brother.

"(y/n), if it's you then you can stop your brother," I smirked.
"Just be careful. Don't die like your mother did," I hugged her tightly.
"Papi... Hm! I got it!" she hugged me back tightly.
"Thanks, Papi.." she continued.

Timeskip... (3 hours later)
(y/n)'s POV
Obi and I are now at my room checking on all reports of this incident.
"Goal: unknown, huh..." I mumbled.
"No incident has happen here today, right Obi?" I asked.
"Yes, Miss. People have been evacuated to the mountain. Half of the group of (c/n) that protect here, are guarding with some of our soldiers there tightly. The others are guarding the castle even tighter," Obi read for me a report.
"That's great. I hope nothing happen to them and to the castle..." I said.


"W-What's that?!" I exclaimed and stand from my working chair.
"Miss! Stay there!" Obi exclaimed.

Then, the door opened revealing Zen-chan panting.
"(y/n). The castle has been invaded. It's a mess. We need to go. Now!" Zen-chan exclaimed.
"But. How-How about Obi? Shira-chan? They'll evacuate too, right?" I asked.
"Shirayuki have been evacuated already. But right now, people who can fight are needed. So-"
"Then, I will just leave Obi like this?! I can fight too! Let me-"
"You will go with me. It's an order from your parents and my big brother," Zen-chan answered strictly.
"Now, let's go. Obi, please be careful," Zen-chan said and grabbed my hand and trying to drag me away.
"No! Zen! Please, let me go! Just 2 minutes is fine! Please!" I exclaimed trying to get away from Zen-chan's grasp.
"Fine, but I'll only give you 1 minute 15 seconds. We don't have much time," Zen-chan let go of my hand.
"Thank you, Zen-chan. Obi... I.."
"Mistress.. It's okay. I'll be fine. Don't worry," Obi smiled.
"No, Obi! I'm afraid. I'm afraid of losing someone! I don't want to lose you! Without you, life is boring... Since I met you, my life become very fun," my eyes started to get a little wet.
I like you, Obi! I love you! But... I-I can't tell. I have no courage.

"Miss... Me too, Miss. I've always need a light in my life. But then, you appeared. You're so bright and life become so fun.."
"I'm scared, Obi.." I said, tears starting to flow out.
Then, Obi hugged me tightly.
I-It's warm...
"You trust me, right Miss?" Obi asked me.
"Yeah.. I trust you, Obi.."
"I promise that I'll be back. So wait for me, Miss," Obi said.
"Then, you can become my tour guide," Obi continued.
"Eh?" I asked.
"I wanted to go to your kingdom, Miss. Let's go together," Obi said.
"Miss, actually I.. I.."


Oh yeah!!! Next week, we will have Obi's love confession for reader-chan! Yup, I can't wait!
This may be late, but I will still say it!
Merry Christmas, everyone! (≧▽≦)

It's almost new year, everyone!! There will be fireworks. And, and... Well...

Have a nice day, everyone! (^o^)丿

Bye, bye! (^^)/~~~

{COMPLETED} Memories and Reasons (Obi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now