4- love drunk

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I left jade to watch dally and Jamie. I could care less about Jamie though. I went into my room cuz that's where Niall had brought Harper. When I walked in, Harper was on the bed. Niall was sitting in the desk chair with his guitar. He looked up at me and smiled. I sat on the bed with Harper.

Niall put his guitar down and jumped on the bed. "You do realize ya left dally with jade right?" He said. He was focused on Harper.

"Yeah why?"

"Just making sure you knew that." Harper started playing with Nialls hair. "Hey! Quit it!"

I started laughing. "Don't turn into zayn." I said.


Jamie wasn't listening to me. He kept crawling around and basically just ignoring me. I finally just picked him up though and made him sit on the couch. "What is wrong with you?" I said. He kept trying to escape and run away.

Obviously I was more focused on Jamie than dally. Dally was just sitting there watching tv so I didn't think I had to pay all that much attention to him. Plus he isn't even my kid.

Jamie was still trying to jump out of my arms. Then he started reaching for dally. Dally saw and took him. Then I got an idea. "Dal" I said. He looked at me. "You know why he's acting weird right?"

Dally looked at Jamie. Jamie wasn't trying to get away from him. So Jamie's problem was me! Then dally looked back at me. "He's scared...." I gave dally this weird look. "He know more than you think he does. He know this isn't home for him." That kinda made a lot of sense. Jamie started laughing.

"There's more to it though."

"Uh huh.... he want his daddy. But he doesn't cry cuz he knows his daddy not here and that you all he has." Jamie started playing with dallys hair. "Hey! Stop it!" Dally was laughing. I started laughing.

"You sound like Niall"


I was laying on the bed with Harper and Jesy. Harper liked playing with my hair. it still amazed me how both girls looked so much alike. I know for a minute I forgot about dally. But then Harper got bored with my hair. She rolled over and just stared at Jesy.

"well hi." Jesy said. Harper laughed.

"Hey, you forget about me?" I said. Jesy messed up my hair. "Eh! No." I fixed my hair.

"Oh so she can but I can't... I see how this is now"


I've been out here for a few hours without mummy daddy or Harper. So it kinda got a bit boring. We were just sitting there watching tv. Whenever the show wasn't on I would look around and try to find Jamie. Then this one time I see him by his bag. He's sitting there like he wants something from it.

"Daid" i said and looked at her. She looked at me. I pointed over to Jamie. Jade got up and grabbed him. He kept fighting her on it though and trying to escape.

"Why are you acting like this?"

I was standing on the couch. Watching them. "He wants something." I said. Jamie stopped fighting jade and looked at me. "Yeah he does" jade looked at him trying to figure out what he wants. "Food"

"Or do you just want food?" Jade looked at me.

"Both?" But I know I'm right. Jamie's hungry too. It's not just me and daddy. I don't know what jade did about Jamie. I left and went to go find mummy or daddy. They were both in their room. Daddy got up and took me to the kitchen for food.


mummy I want food! Listen to dally! I'm starving and all mummy does is make me sit and watch Mickey Mouse. I get away from mummy and crawl over to the bag. I sit there staring at it. Then dally comes over with his daddy. His daddy picked me up. Then he give me to mummy.

And now I'm back on the couch. That girl was here too. I thought she left. But nope. She's still here. And now I'm sitting next to her. Her daddy comes up behind us. We staring at each other.

"Harper" her daddy said. He was holding a bottle in front of her. She looked at it and took it. Then her daddy left and came back. I was still watching her. She wasn't drinking it yet. Just kinda staring at it. "Jamie." I looked up at her daddy. He gave me my bottle. I looked back at her. She started staring at me again.

I'm starving. If your not hungry oh well I am. I started drinking. She did the same thing.


ok I'm good now mummy. You can go now. I was sitting on the couch with Jamie. He really cute. We both done eating now. Mummy was still sitting here watching us. Jamie's mummy leave to go play with dally. And I think daddy in the kitchen looking for food.

Me and Jamie staring at each other. Then he gets down from the couch. I watch him crawl over to his stuff and get one of his toys. He brings it back over to the couch. Now he's sitting on the floor playing with his toys. I look at mummy and she put me on the floor.

Jamie slides his toy over to me. Then he show me what all the buttons do.


I can't believe jade left. Now I can't reach her so I texted Jesy.

Louis🍺 hey Jes

Jesy🎤 Louis what's up?

Louis🍺 jade with u?

Jesy🎤 she's here yeah

Louis🍺 ok good she's alright?

Jesy🎤 yeah she's fine

Louis🍺 what about Jamie?

Jesy🎤 I think hes better than jade

Louis🍺 ??

Jesy🎤 he's playing with Harper.

Louis🍺 sounds cute

Jesy 🎤 it is

Louis🍺 are they coming back?

Jesy🎤 not sure but I'll find out for u

Louis🍺 k thx jes


Omg! So guys, I know it's like 14 hours late but happy new year. I'm so tired!! Good night/day

-Katie horan

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