29-tell me a lie

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yesterday was a bit rough. I'll admit I wasn't the nicest to jade. But I planed on fixing it. Harry wouldn't take her to see Jamie so I did. Jade didn't say anything the whole ride there. When we got there, she just walked inside.

"Hey jade wait a second" I grabbed her shoulder.

"What do you want Niall?" Jade turned around to me.

"Don't talk to anyone ok?"

"Shut up Niall" jade walked away and into Jamie's room. I followed her. Leigh and Liam were here too. Leigh hugged jade. Liam just stood by me.

"Leigh-anne!" I said.


Ever since Niall left all Harper has been saying is "da" it's obvious she wants Niall but I'm not sure he's even coming back. She only listened one time.

"Daddy said to be quiet" that worked. So I had to use Niall to get threw to her. Got it now.

Harper had got up and started crawling around so I was warning her. I only got up when she went into my room. She was already on the bed. At first it looked like she was going to sleep. She was under the blankets and not really moving at all. Then I noticed a light under the blanket. She had my phone.

I got in bed and laid next to Harper. When I pulled the blanket down to see just what she was doing I took my phone back. Harper tried to take it from me. I think I know what she wants.

I called Niall and put it on speaker. "Jesy what do you want?"

"It's not me" I said. Harper sat up at and took my phone.

"Well bye" Niall said.

"No!" Geez, I guess I was smart with calling Niall then? Cuz Harper wouldn't let him hang up.

"Jesy tell her I've gotta go"


"Niall I would but I don't think she's gonna listen"

"Bye Harper"

"Bu-bye... no! Da!" ok... I just sat there in silence for a good 5 minutes until Niall started to really annoyed.



"I seriously have to go! I'll call you back in a little bit... bye"


"It kills me to do this to you Perrie" Sam said. He took my phone from my back pocket. "But you gave me no choice" he threw me into a room.

"What are you doing to them?!" I asked like an idiot. Might as well shoot me for asking.

"Oh don't worry. Zayns just gonna rot like Louis. And it's none of you're concern what happens to dally"

"Yes it is!"

"I don't think so... I was sure he was Jesys kid. I'll have to run that by Jordan now won't i?" Sam left and locked me inside the room. Now I'm screwed.


Niall told me jade didn't know about Jamie yet. So I had to lie to her. It's not like I'm gonna say the boys half dead. Trust me, you never wanna tell jade someone's dead. As far as she knew, Jamie would be fine in a few days. That's actually not the case.

Liam and Niall were thinking about leaving but I won't let them. Not until jade told me something. It seemed like she was hiding something and I wanted to know. So I made her tell. "But Harry doesn't know. And if you tell Niall I told you I will kill you"

"I won't tell. Geez, you can be scary with this shit. So whyd ya do it?"

"At the time... I didn't know what I was doing. And I hate it now. He's such a jerk"

"Next time be smart and this won't happen"

"It's kinda hard to be smart when you're to drunk to know what smart means"

"Ok, now you're scaring me."

"It's not like I'll ever do it again"


Jordan was being really mean to me ever since they locked Perrie away. Now I can't do anything without getting abused. So I'm hiding under the stairs where Jordan won't find me. Sadly, Sam does.

He grabs me and pulls me out from under the stairs. "I think we have a little Harry potter here"

"That would make a lot of sense considering what Jesys done in those movies" Jordan came and took me. "Now what am I gonna do with u?"

"Perrie!!!!!!!" I started screaming for her.

"She can't help you now" Jordan covered my mouth. "So is keep quiet. Sam would put you with zayn and Louis if you weren't my kid"

"I would. And I wanna so you better pray to god your daddy protects you" Sam leaves and Jordan throws me on the couch.

"Mummy!" I said.

"You won't see her for a while" Jordan sits with me and takes out his phone. "But this is the best I can do for you" I realised it wasn't Jordan's phone. It was Perries. I watched Jordan call mummy.

"Uhm... hi" mummy said.

"Mummy! Help me!" Jordan covered my mouth again.

"Jordan what did you do?!"

"I didn't do anything jes! I swear! He just doesn't like me" I pulled Jordan's hand away from me.

"He mean! Mummy! Come get me!"

"I can't... I would but that's not the smartest idea... you'll be fine though"


"Him and Harry can both be jack asses" I was talking to Leigh since she was still here. They boys left and I honestly don't care anymore.

"Well Niall, I can see why he'd be like this but not so much Harry. The Harry I knew all those years ago would never do anything like this. What do you think happened?"

"I don't know. Anybody else would blame me though"

"I can kinda see why..." Leigh looked over at Jamie. "Between these two..." she looked back at me. I pushed her a little. "I'm just stating the obvious!"

"Don't be a bitch"

"Oh so that's how you wanna play? Little whore"

"Fuck you. Bet Liam pays his hookers well huh?"

"Always nice to see a slut fuck her friends guy now isn't it"

"Why don't you go fuck Liam"

"I'd say fuck Harry but last time you got Jamie... I wonder what Harry would say if I told him you're little secret?"

"You wouldn't!" I got up and so did Leigh. She ran out of the room and chased her. Liam and Niall were coming back I guess. Ether that or they never left. Leigh ran and hid by Liam. Niall came and grabbed me.


So jades not very nice when it comes to Leigh acting like tht. Perrie is kinda screwed and so are zayn and

dally. Jesy, Idk really


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