8- does he know

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I waited till later, when dally and Harper were both sleeping, to tell Niall. He freaked out. The fist thing he said "you're fucking insane" he was getting all mad at me.

"It's your fault though" I said.

"Shut up! This is all on you! Don't try and pin this on me!!"

"How the hell is this my fault?! It's not possible if you didn't cause it!"

"Shut the fucking hell up Jessica! This is all you're fault don't try and blame me!"

I give up. It's not worth it to keep fighting. Nialls just to much of an ass. He's gotta win. He's always gotta be right. I'd lose ether way. So i didn't say anything to him again. I just went to sleep. Let him be pissed off at me in the morning.


it was early in the morning when I left. I had to go all the way to rumford. When i was in the car, i started texting Niall.

Louis🍺 jades still with you guys right?

Niall🇮🇹 no she went to Harry

Louis🍺 ok

Niall🇮🇹 y

Louis🍺 no reason

Niall🇮🇹 look I can't really talk ok

Louis🍺 alright


I went to sleep last night in the middle of a fight with Jesy. I knew it would still be there when we woke up. And it was. Me and Jesy didn't say anything to each other. Not for a while. I got up with Harper when she started crying. But she wouldn't stop crying. Then dally woke up.

"Daddy!" Dally said. Oh no. Harper was still crying. "Where mummy?" I looked at him.

"Not sure..." I picked Harper up off the floor. "But help me would ya?" When I looked back he was gone. Then I see him run out of the kitchen. He has a bottle and gives it to Harper. she takes it and stops crying.

"where mummy?" He asked.

"Try her room" I said. And dally left.


Jamie woke me up at 3AM again. I still made Harry sleep on the couch. Knowing Jesy got up before me, I checked my phone.

Jesy🎤 hey... how's it goin? Got into a fight with niall last night...

I couldn't answer that fast cuz I was asleep then Jamie kept taking my phone. He started chewing on it once. But I took it back and answered her.

Fine... I guess... Jamie took my phone and started eating it again. I took it back.

Jade🎀 fine... I guess... what about?

Jesy didn't answer for a while. I guess she was up with dally or Harper. Maybe still fighting Niall.

Jesy🎤 he got all mad at me when I said I might be pregnant again

Jade🎀 oh

Jamie took my phone and sent it before I could finish the message.

Jade🎀 sorry Jamie took my phone... so he doesn't like it?

Jesy🎤 lol... no not at all it's driving me insane. He's blaming me when really it's all his fault.

:( well if it makes u feel any better... I'm stuck with 2 boys Jamie took my phone again but I grabbed it before he put it in his mouth.

Jade🎀 :( well if it makes u feel any better... I'm stuck with 2 boys. The big one likes to screw around with every girl he sees and the little one likes to eat my phone

Jesy🎤 lol dally won't stop bugging me now... ugh! I feel like throwing up now


I kept eating Mummy phone. I was hungry and mummy wouldn't feed me. I take her phone again. "Jamie!" She took it from me. I give up and start crying. "What do you want?! And do not say dada!"

Dada! He'd feed me! I keep crying.

"You want food?" Mummy says and I stop crying. Mummy takes me into the kitchen and gets me a bottle. I drink it.

Mummy decides she gonna take me outside.


Jade and Jamie are outside. I go out to see what they were doing later. They were out in the front yard. Both laying on a blanket sleeping. I walk over and wake up jade.

"What Harry?" She said half asleep.

"Hey, you wanna come inside?" I said shaking her.

"Eh... go away." She started complaining.

"It's getting cold. I'm gonna take Jamie in"

"What ever" jade was still laying there with her eyes closed. I picked Jamie up and brought him inside. Putting him in my bed. Then I went back out to get jade up. But she was out. Wouldn't wake up.

I picked jade up like a little kid. She kinda held onto me. Still sleeping though. I brought her inside and put her in bed with Jamie. Thank god she was small and really light.


"Mummy" I said. She was sitting on her bed. She looked at me with this sad look in her eyes. "You ok?" She laughed a little under her breath and gave me a slight smile.

"Yeah..." mummy said. But I knew she wasn't. I went and sat with her.

"What's wrong?" I sat on her lap. Mummy looked like she was gonna cry.

"Nothing... don't worry about it" she started playing with my hair.

"No. Why mummy?" I said. She looked at me weird and stopped playing with my hair. "Why are you sad?"

"I told you, I'm not sad. Now forget about it"

"No. You're sad. Why?" I said. Mummy sighed. "What daddy do now?"

"How'd you know it was him?"

"It's always daddy... what did he do?"

"You're to little to understand"

"Fine... mummy I'm hungry."

"Just like Niall" mummy laughed.


I on the couch with daddy drinking. He doesn't notice me again. When i start crying cuz I done he doesn't even notice. Then mummy comes and picks me up. I stop crying. She takes the bottle from me.

"Niall!" Mummy said. Daddy turns around.

"Oh so you're talking to me now?"

"Screw you" mummy took me away from daddy. She went into the kitchen and put the bottle in the sink. Then took me to her room.

Mummy? Are you ok? What did daddy do now?

Dally came in. "Mummy why won't you tell me?"

❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️💚❤️ 🇮🇹🇬🇧🇮🇹🇬🇧🇮🇹🇬🇧🇮🇹🇬🇧🇮🇹🇬🇧🇮🇹🇬🇧🇮🇹💚❤️🇬🇧🇮🇹💚❤️🇬🇧🇮🇹💚❤️🇬🇧🇮🇹💚


Aw! Dally wants to know what's wrong with his mum! That's so cute! Uh oh Louis doing something bad.

Ok I'm losing my mind. I'm turning into my friend! Lol a few quotes from my friend "I need more soda" "too much soda" "uh oh I was drinking soda" and my favourite quote... she might hate me for it but oh well... "I hit my head again"

-Katie Horan 💔💎

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