34- strong

149 1 1


I really have to stop fucking people. This is way to much. Jesy was in pain for hours. Something was wrong this time but I still didn't know what. There had to be something wrong. It wasn't like that last time. I just hope that it's nothing to bad. We don't need anyone else dying. I was thinking to myself a lot but I never said any of it. I didn't wanna scare the shit out of Jesy. I mean, she was still asleep. I guess its normal to fall asleep after this considering she did all 3 times. I was never told anything about the baby. So I'm clueless. Just wait, when Jesy wakes up.

"Niall?" Jesy said sounding half asleep. That was better than the last time she said my name. I looked up at her. "Something's wrong...."

"I don't know jes, they haven't told me shit" I got up and walked next to her. "I wish I knew though"

"What happened?"

"The just left with the baby not saying another word to me or anyone"

"What the hell?!"

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'm sure, with what ever did happen, that everything's gonna be ok"

"Sure, Niall, keep telling yourself that"

"What if I promised everything would be fine?"

"Other than words, what else would be at stake if that were to be a broken promise?"

"Seriously?! Do you wanna fight more?! Because I can do that! I can leave now! I can fucking take my children and leave. You could never hear from me again!"

"Niall stop. Please. Just for once. Don't do this. Just one fucking time" Jesy was annoyed. Honestly, so was I.

"You know what jes? I'm gonna go home. I don't wanna make this harder on you" I started to walk towards the door. Before i got there, Jesy had gotten up and went after me. She grabbed my arm.


I finally got the hang of things. It took a day but I can keep these two under control. "DAID!" Dally called from the other room. I was in the kitchen with Harper.

"Yes dally?" I walked out of the kitchen.

"Where's mummy?"

"Didn't I answer that already?"

"Uhm???? Why isn't mummy back yet?"

"Huh, you wouldn't remember but she was gone longer for Harper."


"Because... it's a very hard thing to do. And I don't think you'll be able to understand." What else am I gonna say? You want me to explain how Niall fucked Jesy and how all of this plays out? So you think a 2 year old can handle it? Ok.

"But why?"

"I told you. It's hard"

"did you do it?"

Ok now I feel like this is heading in a direction I don't wanna go in. "That's not important. But come here" I said. Dally gets up off the couch and comes to me. "Can you do something for me?"


I'm not supposed to get out of bed for a while. But Nialls gonna leave. What else do I do? I get up and go after him. Even though I know he's gonna go crazy cuz I got up. I grab his arm but he pulls away. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Niall said. He was trying to sound calm and careless but I can hear the anger in his voice. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He hadn't turned around yet. I started to get scare. When it was silent, I head voices in the hall. I jumped back in bed before I got caught. One of the doctors came in.

"If you're gonna say anything you might wanna chain him down" I said.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to say honestly..."

"Oh just a simple answer..." Niall started. I already knew where this was going. "As to. What the fuck you did with my kid!" And here we go. At least he's not beating the shit out of me. Let's just say they had to have security guards come in and stop him from murdering someone. When everyone was gone and it was just me and Niall, we were staring at each other. I started laughing a little.

"How the hell do you find it in you to laugh?!" Niall said.

"You're telling me Niall James Horan can't laugh?"

"Not now. It's not the place for childish shit Jesy"

"Since when are you mature?" I was still laughing.

"Since you clearly can't be"

"Niall, there are reasons behind my laughing... and why are you not laughing?"

"Because it's not funny. Nothing about this is funny. You're lucky though. That last guy could've said someone's dead"

"Well thanks you just made me feel a whole lot better Niall" yes the sarcasm really saying shut the fuck up you little basterd.


Zayn kinda made me stay in Doncaster. But one day Jordan shows up at our hotel room. "I'm not helping you and neither is zayn" I said trying to shut the door. Jordan stopped it.

"You, zayn, took Louis. And we want him back" Jordan said. Zayn heard him.

"He's in a hospital Jordan!" Zayn called. "Only I can sign him out though!"

"Then come sign him out!"

"Good bye Jordan!"

"Yeah bye Jordan" I pushed him back a little the hair the door. "What the hell was that about?" I walked over and sat with zayn.

Jesy🎤 hey :(

Perrie🌸 what did Niall do now?

Jesy🎤 he keeps saying "someone else died" :( he knows it irritates me too

Perrie🌸 wtf? Why would he say that?

Jesy🎤 because neither of us has been told anything...

Perrie🌸 aww poor Jesy :/

Jesy🎤 hey! Fine, I'll talk to jade then. Bye Perrie

Perrie🌸 no no! I'm sorry! Nialls being a jack ass. Is that better?

Jesy🎤 😌😒😔


Jesy🎤 it won't work,


Ok I tried the best I could. Now I really need a few things before I keep writing. I'm adding one on to this too.

Name: first/middle (boy/girl)

Hair color:

Eye color:


One thing that went wrong: (if u can think of anything)

And that's it cuz I can't update again without it. Thx bye bye love


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