18- c'mon

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It's December now... Jamie's still in the fucking hospital. I know that Niall is back in mulingar. Leigh told me I should go out there to see him. So I am. I don't know why I agreed to take dally too. You try watching a 1 year old little boy on a plane!

Leigh refused to take him. Jesy didn't wanna talk to Liam. Zayn doesn't like dally. Perries to busy throwing up cuz she's pregnant. Harry was to lazy. Jesy didn't wanna do it herself cuz she didn't wanna see Niall or take Harper out now. And we all know Jordan would take him to fricken America or something.

So I was kinda the only choice left. Plus I didn't wanna be here for Christmas. Not alone. I'd rather be in Ireland honestly. Now I'm stuck on a plane with a little boy driving me insane.

"Daid. Daid. Daid" dally kept saying.

"Oh my god! Shut up!" I snapped at him. He stopped talking for a minute. Then he started hitting me. "Would you stop it?!" But he started shaking me. "Seriously! I'll make you go back to rumfod!"

"No!" Dally stopped. Ok that works then. "I hate mummy!"

"Not nice"


"Hates a strong word on its own dally"

He was almost silent for a good minute. "I fucking hate mummy" he mumbled. I stared at him.


so I got rid of dally for a few days. But now I'm scared. Jade promised to watch him. But they're with Niall. I honestly don't trust them. It's not so much that don't like Niall, believe me I still like him, but more that he scares me.

Now Harper won't stop crying. So I'm getting annoyed. I take her into the kitchen. "Would you shut up?!" I get her a bottle but she doesn't take it. "What's wrong with you?"

"DALLY!" Harper said. Oh shit! My mind just went blank for a second. Harper was still crying. I put the bottle in her mouth and she stopped. Thank god!

I bring her back to the couch and make her sit there and watch tv. She doesn't finish the bottle but she falls asleep with it in her mouth. So I take it from her then go to put her in bed.

As I walk out of the room I hear this little voice. "Dally?" I looked back and Harpers awake. Shit. She reaches for me so I take her and bring her back to the living room.

I sit on the couch and put Harper on the floor. She starts to play with her toys. I take out my phone and realize I missed a few calls from Niall and that jade texted me.

Jade🎀 hey, quick question, what do I do when dally stops listening?

Well... depends on what you wanna do with him. Just do I start to answer but Harper had climbed onto the couch and took my phone. She started playing with it. I too it back. Well... depends on what you wanna do with him. Just dovfrujfkodkdiejjfbfiriri KGB cob doc really? That's what happens when you let a 3 month old have your phone. I deleted everything Harper had typed.

Jesy🎤 well... depends on what you wanna do with him just don't hurt him

Jade🎀 k and Niall wants to know y u didn't answer him

Jesy🎤 I didn't think I had to, I'm still mad at him, and Harper was falling asleep

Jade🎀 k I'll stop bugging u now


"Liam!" I called. He was sitting in his room. But he came running out when I called him. "I'm going to check on Jamie"

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