33- ...children

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It's June. Jades been here a few days. I'm still at jesys. Kinda scared to leave now considering how close everything is. But it has to be a good thing I'm still here. Jesy shoots up in bed waking me. "Niall" she says sounding a bit scared.

"You ok?" I asked.


"The baby?" I sit up. Jesy nods. "Let's go" we both get up.

Harper and dally where still sleeping by the time we left. Jade was up. But that was kinda a good thing too. That made it so much easier to leave. Jade agreed right away to stay and watch them when they woke up. She knew we wouldn't be back for a few days. Jesy anyway. I'm not staying the whole time though. Probably most of the time. Just not all if it. The good thing is we both did this twice already so we knew what we were doing. And I knew exactly where to go and what to say when I got there.


I needed a break from my life. The only thing I'm stuck with is this baby. But I think I can manage. Since I didn't wanna be totally alone and Jesy being that close to the end we both thought it was a good idea if I stayed with them. The minute Niall talked to me this morning, I already knew what was going on.

They both walked out at the same time. That meant something. The fact that Jesy looked a bit sick was a big hint. Then Nialls first words when he came up to me. "Can you watch the annoying bums for a few days?" That's what we called them. Me and Niall anyway. Never around Jesy either. She hates it.

"Niall, I'm not even gonna question it. Just go before she flips" I said. Knowing Jesy, if Niall takes to long she's gonna end up driving herself to the damn hospital. That's not a good idea for many reasons. Mostly because she can't drive wether she's pregnant or not.

"Thanks jade" he said before leaving. I honestly didn't think the annoying bums would be so bad. That is until they woke up.

💨4 hours later💨

Why the hell did I get stuck with these two?! Dally keeps trying to beat his sister. You have no clue how many times I've locked him in his room and he's found a way out. I just can't. Why the fuck did I get stuck with them?! Oh right, Jesy had to go have her baby. Fucking idiotic Irish kid! I blame Niall! Oh shit, he did it to me too. Ok thank god Harper isn't as bad as dally.

"Sit and stay." God I feel like I'm taking to a dog that doesn't understand English. Dally jumps off the couch and runs to Harper he tried to pick her up but I grabbed him before he could. "Seriously?! What's wrong with you kid?!" I put him back on the couch. He tried to get up again but i pushed him back down. "Do I need to sit on you?" Dally shook his head. "Then go to your room and stay there." He got up and ran to his room. Harper was staring at me. "What?"


Holly shit. If I wanted to sugarcoat it: it hurts really bad. But there's no little kid here, yet. Fuck hell! God! It hurts so fucking bad! There's only one bright side to this. That it will all be over and done with. Shit!

"Poor jade" Niall said. He was just staring at his phone. He put it in his pocket and walked over to me. "Says harpers asking for me and dally won't listen" he grads my hand.

"Nothing new there" I said trying to ignore the pain. But I really can't. It hurt more this time than it ever did.

"That bad huh?"


"It's gonna all be over soon love"

"Stop it"

"So you don't want me to help? Cuz I'm sure jade could use me" Niall let go of my hand and started walking away.

"No! Don't leave!" I sat up against the more Hells worth of pain it caused. I wasn't even supposed to. But it would freak him out and make him think I can't be trusted alone. I mean, there are doctors and stuff but Niall never trusts them. He says they don't make as big an impact as someone who loves you. Not that Niall loves me ether. Cuz he wouldn't have done this to me.

"Ok ok!" Niall came running back over. Told you it would scare him. He made me lay back down. "You know you can't do that"

"Yeah... why?" I tried to sit up again but he held me down.

"Stop it.... please... don't do this"

"...fine..." I gave in. It wasn't worth it. It hurts to much anyway. "Ah! God this hurts!"

"Shouldn't have sat up?"

"Ah!... shut it!... fuck..."


Harpers sitting on the couch with me. She starts to fall asleep when dally runs out of his room. He jumps on the couch waking up his sister. She starts crying. God, why do you think I'm happy I'll have 1 kid now? I get Harper to stop crying and she starts to fall back to sleep.

"Daid?" Dally said. I looked at him. "Where's mummy?" How do I answer that? And am I obligated to? I'll answer, cuz he should know.

"Well, your mum told you about the new baby right?" I said. Dally nods. "Well, that's where she went" how else do you explain that to a 2 year old?

"Daddy too?"

"Yes." I looked down at Harper. She was asleep. I looked back up at dally. "You wanna help me?" I got up. Dally followed me. I put Harper in my bed.

"What I do?"

"I need you to tell me one thing..." I took dally back out to the living room..


Ok I need a few things before I keep writing.

Name: first/middle (boy/girl)

Hair color:

Eye color:


And that's it cuz I can't update again without it. Thx bye bye love


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