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(Jayce POV)

I woke to find Michael looking down at me smiling, "Good morning beautiful." I smiled back.

"Good morning." I cuddled into my love more as I realized this was going to be the rest of my life. My smile widened at that and I was over run happiness, I can't wait for this to be the rest of my life.

After hauling ourselves out of bed we found our way downstairs hand in hand. As we entered the kitchen for breakfast, I smiled seeing everyone down already with Ashton cooking breakfast. "Two more for breakfast cook." Michael joked as we walking to the island where I sat down next to Lyds and Gia with Michael behind me, hands resting on my shoulders.

"They have awakened." Lyds jokes facing me

"Yes, our all-powerful alpha and luna have awakened from their slumber to slay the beast." Luke jokes walking into the room. Giving Lyds a kiss on the check before hauling himself onto the counter next to her. Everyone laughed at his remark.

 "Yes so get me my food you peasant," I said shoving Gia aside. "Yeah not happening honey" Gia laughed shoving me back. Everyone laughed at us as Ashton set down pancakes for us all and we all piled in for what was a delicious breakfast.

As we ate I looked around the table and smiled. I had the best friends. I had the most amazing mate. I couldn't be happier. Everything is perfect, absolutely perfect and I am determined to keep it that way no one could destroy what we have. We are strong alone but stronger together. And I am proud of these people who sit before me and I know I would fight with them by my side in any battle, I would fight for them against any opponent and I will never let anyone take them from me. They are my pack, my family, and I couldn't ask for more.

(Michael's POV)

I looked around the table we all sat at. So much had changed in what seem like such a small amount of time. A new pack joining our alliance turned out to be bigger than anticipated. I found my mate, Luke found his mate, Ashton found his mate and all thanks to my amazing Luna we were able to figure out a way for them to be together. I looked at her as she laughed with Lyds. I smiled at her, I love her smile, in fact, there's nothing about her that I don't love, I would take a bullet for her. (A/N A Bullet For My Valentine) I will do everything in my power to protect her from all harm and I will fight until death for her, I love her with all my heart even if it kills me.

Everything in my life is perfect and I will not let this change ever.


Hey guys! sorry for the short chapter but more is coming soon!

Thanks for reading!




My Alpha Mate // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now