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I slowly opened my eyes as I slipped back into consciousness. I groaned still groggy from whatever drug I breathed in earlier. I look around me as my eyes begin to focus and were terrified at what I saw around me. Not only was I here but two other females from the pack who I recognized to be both omegas. They had both woken up before me and look scared, they saw that I was awake and mind linked me.

'Luna are you ok?'

'yes I'm fine' I replied now noticing they were strapped to metal tables and as I tried to move I quickly noticed I was strapped down as well.

What is happening......


After two days of not feeling any kind of connection to Jayce, I suddenly feel something. She's awake!! But she scared and confused. This information only worried me more about her. I have to get to her soon, she wouldn't be scared unless something bad is happening. I mind linked the guys telling them to come to me. "Whats up Mike" Ash asked walking into the room with the others.

I told them I now had my connection with Jayce back and how she was. They knew my determination to find her had only grown. "Can you mind link? That will give us some info on how far away she is?" Calum asked. I tried. Nothing. She's too far but I can feel her not as strongly but enough to get main feelings and senses of danger and pain. I have enough to know if she's semi ok.

"We'll go out we know that she as to be farther than 50km if you don't have any kind of mind link." Cal says standing up, Ashton standing with him.

"Thanks guys" I say mustering a small smile. Oddly it didn't feel right. These guys are my best friends before Jayce they were my prime source of laughter and happiness and now that she's gone I can't even smile with the people who have always made me smile.

'What's there to smile about without her' Daniele said quite depressed.

I know he's right. She's my light in the darkness and I'm trapped in the dark with no way of finding my light, and my biggest fear is that I will never get my light back.


So here's this weeks chapter! it's kinda short but we hope u like it. Thanks for reading please leave a comment or like I would love to hear all your opinions on the story so far and if u have any tips to help me improve my writing please comment too. leave a vote if u liked the story. next update should be Friday like usual. back to school on Friday so that should be interesting.

Thanks for everything guys!





My Alpha Mate // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now