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(Jayce POV)

We all sat on the couch's after Ash left and just talked. It was nice and I love these moments. I sat cuddled up next to Michael with his arms wrapped securely around me. I looked up smiling at him to see him smiling at me already, I snuggled closer into his side as his arms tightened around me."I love you" Michael whispered in my ear making my smile wider.

"I love you too," I said back softly. I laid my head on his shoulder as everyone continued with conversation around me. I started to think back to the first time I met Cara.


"Common guys your so slow" Ash groaned as we walked slowly behind his hand in hand.

"Chill man everything's gonna is fine," I said trying to reassure Ash.

"Can you just walk faster."

"Someone's impatient" Michael chuckled as we continued walking picking up the pace slightly and swinging our entwined hands.

"Like you can talk Clifford I remember before Jayce started living in our place you were always moping about not being with her and rushing out to see her." Ash teased as I giggle at the two boys.

"Alright you two we're here now." I said as we came to the door of the coffee shop we were meeting Cara at, who had been seeing Ash for 2 weeks now. Today Ash is going to invite her to our place if Michael and well I guess me as well deem her acceptable. Ash is pretty nervous because of Michael's stance on the matter being she has to be this trusted person and all. As we walked in Michael held the door open for me and we caught up with Ashton at a table sitting next to a beautiful petite blonde girl. "Hi" she says quietly.

"Hi " I say back with a smile which she returned, got a good vibe from her.

"Guys this is Cara, Cara this is some of my best friends Michael and his girl Jayce."

"Hello" she greeted more confident

"Hello" I said with a smile and a small giggle as I sat down across from Cara and next to Michael, who instantly wrapped his arm around my shoulder."Awww you two are so cute" Cara said with a smile and I knew that she was a good person I could feel it. She is the perfect match for Ash and I know we can trust her 'Me too' I heard Michael in my head. I looked up and smiled up at him "Thank you" I said replying to Cara. I nodded at Michael so he got the message I accepted Cara and he nodded slightly back. I turned to ash who was looking at us expectantly not knowing what our silent conversation was about and I nodded to him, a massive grin spreading across his face as he knew exactly what the simple gesture meant.


Here's the next chapter a little earlier than expected but i feel like updating.

Thanks guys so much for all the reads we really appreciate it and we will be doing a double update on 1K so as soon as we hit 1k 2 update's will be coming up and we are trying are hardest to have an updating schedule which is every Friday but we are terrible people so.....

Also we only have one week left of school before our 8 week holidays so we are going to either be super active or really terrible authors so keep an eye out.

please comment and tell us what you think




My Alpha Mate // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now